
Are potatoes the "fuse" of heart attack? Reminder: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, try to eat as little as possible

author:Talk about the doctor's health

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Aunt Gao is a housewife who lives a very regular life on weekdays, and she is also very attentive to health problems.

Years ago, doctors diagnosed her with high blood pressure, and since then, she has been taking blood pressure medication at regular intervals every day. Despite her illness, her life is still in order, with her morning walks and moderate diet keeping her condition under control.

Are potatoes the "fuse" of heart attack? Reminder: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, try to eat as little as possible

Recently, with the change of seasons, potatoes are available fresh at the local market at attractive prices. Aunt Gao has always liked to eat potatoes, believing that they are not only delicious, but also provide plenty of energy.

In view of this, she arrived at the market on a sunny morning with her shopping basket. The potatoes in the market were big and round, and they looked very fresh, and Aunt Gao thought that such a good product should not be missed, so she bought more than a dozen catties and planned to store them at home and eat them slowly.

Are potatoes the "fuse" of heart attack? Reminder: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, try to eat as little as possible

At noon that day, Aunt Gao decided to cook a dish she was best at, beef stew with potatoes. She carefully picks a few large potatoes, peels them, cuts them into thick slices, and puts them in the pan with the beef that has been prepared in advance.

In the pot, the aroma of potatoes and beef gradually merges and spreads. Aunt Gao's busy figure in the kitchen and the heat rising in the pot constitute a warm picture of family life.

Are potatoes the "fuse" of heart attack? Reminder: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, try to eat as little as possible

During the stewing process, Aunt Gao still does not forget her daily routine, and every once in a while she will check the heat in the pot to make sure that everything is under her control. When lunch is ready, she brings the steaming potato beef to the table and sits down to enjoy the meal herself.

After eating, Aunt Gao walked to the living room as usual and sat comfortably on the sofa, intending to rest for a while. However, not long after, she felt some stuffiness in her chest and a slight discomfort in her breathing. At first, she thought it might be that she had eaten too much and felt a little uncomfortable.

Are potatoes the "fuse" of heart attack? Reminder: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, try to eat as little as possible

Aunt Gao, who was uneasy, hurriedly took out a blood pressure monitor from the drawer and began to measure her blood pressure. To her shock, the numbers on the display were much higher than she had been normal for years. Filled with uneasiness, she realized that she could no longer hesitate and that she had to seek medical attention immediately.

Aunt Gao hurriedly put on her coat, picked up the medicine she was carrying, and hurried to a nearby hospital. On the way to the hospital, she was worried and a little self-blaming, constantly thinking about whether she hadn't noticed something, or if there was something wrong with her diet recently.

Are potatoes the "fuse" of heart attack? Reminder: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, try to eat as little as possible

After arriving at the hospital, Aunt Gao's hurried footsteps echoed in the corridor of the hospital, and her face was a little anxious. When she arrived at the emergency room, she was quickly guided to the examination room by the medical staff. Dr. Yu, an experienced cardiologist, immediately started an emergency check-up after seeing Auntie Gao's condition.

Are potatoes the "fuse" of heart attack? Reminder: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, try to eat as little as possible

Dr. Yu inquired about Aunt Gao's symptoms in detail and listened carefully to her description. Auntie Gao told Dr. Yu that she was experiencing chest tightness accompanied by difficulty breathing, which began shortly after lunch.

Dr. Yu immediately arranged an electrocardiogram and blood pressure monitoring. Fortunately, the electrocardiogram showed that Aunt Gao showed no signs of myocardial infarction, but her blood pressure was abnormally high, far beyond her usual control level.

Are potatoes the "fuse" of heart attack? Reminder: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, try to eat as little as possible

After confirming Aunt Gao's condition, Dr. Yu immediately took steps to help her lower her blood pressure. He quickly injected Aunt Gao with antihypertensive medication and closely monitored her response and blood pressure changes.

Under the careful care of the doctor, Aunt Gao's blood pressure has slowly returned to normal, and her face looks much better. So, Dr. Yu began to carefully inquire about Aunt Gao's recent life and eating habits to see if there was anything that needed to be adjusted.

Are potatoes the "fuse" of heart attack? Reminder: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, try to eat as little as possible

Aunt Gao confessed that she did eat a lot of potatoes recently, because the price of potatoes in the market was very cheap, and she was greedy for a while and bought a lot of them home. After listening to Aunt Gao's description, Dr. Yu patiently explained to her the connection between potatoes and blood pressure to help her better understand the impact of daily diet on health.

He points out that potatoes themselves are a healthy food rich in potassium and vitamin C, but for people with high blood pressure, consuming too many potatoes may indirectly affect blood pressure by increasing blood sugar levels due to their relatively high carbohydrates and calories.

Are potatoes the "fuse" of heart attack? Reminder: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, try to eat as little as possible

Dr. Yu explained in detail that especially when potatoes are cooked in a deep-fried or heavy-flavored way, this habit can lead to an increase in blood pressure and even trigger cardiovascular problems in severe cases. He stressed that although Aunt Gao is usually well controlled, the sudden intake of high carbohydrate foods does have a negative impact on her blood pressure.

Are potatoes the "fuse" of heart attack? Reminder: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, try to eat as little as possible

Then, Dr. Yu also pointed out to Aunt Gao that in addition to potatoes, there are four foods that should be avoided or limited in the daily diet. The first is processed meats, such as bacon and ham, which are high in salt and various preservatives, and eating too much can easily raise blood pressure.

Are potatoes the "fuse" of heart attack? Reminder: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, try to eat as little as possible

The second is sugary drinks and various desserts, eating too much sugar can not only make people fat, but also increase the burden on the heart. The third is high-fat dairy products, such as whole milk and cheese, and Aunt Gao should choose low-fat or fat-free alternatives to reduce saturated fat intake.

Finally, the fourth type to avoid are high-sodium fast and convenience foods, which often contain much more salt than the recommended daily intake and are extremely detrimental to maintaining stable blood pressure levels.

Are potatoes the "fuse" of heart attack? Reminder: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, try to eat as little as possible

Dr. Yu explained in detail how these foods affect cardiovascular health, and explained in simple and easy-to-understand language that a reasonable diet is one of the key factors in controlling high blood pressure.

He also emphasized the importance of a balanced diet, suggesting that Aunt Gao can eat more fiber-rich vegetables and whole grains, as well as moderate protein sources such as lean meats and legumes, which can help maintain stable blood pressure.

Are potatoes the "fuse" of heart attack? Reminder: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, try to eat as little as possible

In this educational conversation, Dr. Yu also showed Aunt Gao some simple blood pressure record sheets and food diaries, teaching her how to record food intake and blood pressure changes every day in order to better grasp her health.

He emphasised that in this way, Auntie Gao can see more clearly the specific effects of different foods on her blood pressure, so that she can make healthier dietary choices.

Are potatoes the "fuse" of heart attack? Reminder: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, try to eat as little as possible

In Auntie Gao's case, Dr. Yu also recommended several books on cardiovascular healthy diets and suggested that she could try to do some simple aerobic exercises at home, such as brisk walking or yoga, which can help strengthen heart function and lower blood pressure.

Are potatoes the "fuse" of heart attack? Reminder: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, try to eat as little as possible

In addition, Dr. Yu also arranged a follow-up plan, suggesting that Aunt Gao come to the hospital again in a week for a blood pressure check-up and observe whether her blood pressure has improved after adjusting her diet. He also suggested that Aunt Gao have an automatic blood pressure monitor at home, so that she can check her blood pressure at any time and better grasp her health.

Are potatoes the "fuse" of heart attack? Reminder: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, try to eat as little as possible

Although Aunt Gao was a little panicked by this sudden health crisis, she felt much more relieved by the doctor's detailed explanation and advice. She realizes the importance of diet for health, especially at her age, and should pay more attention to food choices and lifestyle adjustments.

Are potatoes the "fuse" of heart attack? Reminder: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, try to eat as little as possible

When she left the hospital, it was getting late, and Aunt Gao walked out of the door of the hospital, secretly determined that from tomorrow, she would adjust her eating habits in strict accordance with the doctor's advice and control her blood pressure as much as possible to avoid a similar crisis again.

Are potatoes the "fuse" of heart attack? Reminder: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, try to eat as little as possible

When Aunt Gao returned home, she couldn't help but sigh when she saw that the mountains of potatoes were still placed in a corner of the kitchen. When she returned from the hospital, Dr. Yu's explanation of diet and health was still ringing in her ears, and she knew that she had to deal with the potatoes.

Are potatoes the "fuse" of heart attack? Reminder: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, try to eat as little as possible

She thought about it for a moment and decided not to eat these high-carb ingredients in large quantities as much as she used to. Just as she was frowning and pondering a solution, Aunt Zhang came to visit the door. Aunt Zhang of the neighborhood committee often organizes various activities.

Seeing Aunt Gao's troubles, Aunt Zhang made a suggestion: "Aunt Gao, look at these potatoes, if you feel that you can't eat them all, you might as well donate them to the orphanage, where the children need such nutritious food." ”

Are potatoes the "fuse" of heart attack? Reminder: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, try to eat as little as possible

When Aunt Gao heard this, she thought it was a very good idea, she could not only solve the immediate problems, but also help the children in need, so why not? So, she decided to donate all the potatoes. The next day, Aunt Gao, together with Aunt Zhang, sent the potatoes to a nearby orphanage.

Are potatoes the "fuse" of heart attack? Reminder: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, try to eat as little as possible

After donating potatoes, Aunt Gao felt much better. She double-checked her eating habits and decided to go to the market to buy more leafy greens and some low-sugar and low-salt foods to fit in with her new healthy eating plan.

At the market, she picks up vitamins and minerals-rich vegetables such as broccoli, spinach and carrots, as well as lean meats and fish to prepare a balanced meal with these healthy ingredients.

Are potatoes the "fuse" of heart attack? Reminder: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, try to eat as little as possible

In the process of shopping, Aunt Gao met Aunt Zhang. She enthusiastically told Aunt Zhang about her experience in the hospital and Dr. Yu's advice on healthy eating. Aunt Gao's words impressed Aunt Zhang, and she began to realize that she inadvertently neglected her healthy diet on weekdays.

Are potatoes the "fuse" of heart attack? Reminder: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, try to eat as little as possible

Aunt Zhang was deeply inspired after hearing this, and decided to follow in Aunt Gao's footsteps and improve her eating habits together. They talked about how to cut back on fried and high-salt foods and increase the amount of vegetables and whole grains. The two aunts shopped for ingredients and exchanged healthy recipes, and this common goal deepened their friendship.

Are potatoes the "fuse" of heart attack? Reminder: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, try to eat as little as possible

When Aunt Gao returned home, she sorted out the ingredients she had bought, and her heart was full of anticipation for her future diet plan. She decided to make a detailed diet plan for herself starting tomorrow, recording changes in food intake and blood pressure every day.

Not only will this help you maintain a healthy lifestyle, but you can also serve as a good role model to influence those around you, especially friends like Aunt Zhang.

Are potatoes the "fuse" of heart attack? Reminder: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, try to eat as little as possible

Aunt Gao not only solved the problems at hand, but also re-examined her lifestyle, she knows that health is not only about taking medicine and treatment, but also about daily habits and dietary choices. And this change has also made her life more hopeful and energetic.

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Are potatoes the "fuse" of heart attack? Reminder: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, try to eat as little as possible

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