
Super rice chicken juice mashed ㊙️ potato salad, once learned

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Super rice chicken juice mashed ㊙️ potato salad, once learned

❤️ Mashed potatoes have the effect of weight loss, mainly because potatoes contain protein, because potatoes contain a lot of fiber, cellulose plays a good role in absorption and digestion in the intestinal effect, so that gastrointestinal peristalsis speed is accelerated, can be substituted for grease and waste toxins and other excretion, is a very good weight loss food. ❤️ A simple but extraordinary bottle of Tai Le fresh chicken juice, using the essence of steamed chicken soup, whether it is boiled for a long time or fresh, mixed with stuffing or mixing sauce, it is a versatile bottle to make a table meal, simple and convenient. ❤️ The use of Tai Tai Le fresh chicken juice is very simple, suitable for frying, stir-frying, stewing, stewing, steaming, boiling various dishes and seasoning in soups, which can be quickly dissolved in soups and juices. Squeeze in an appropriate amount when cooking. Compared with the chicken essence of the previous generation, the biggest feature of chicken juice is the real material, natural flavor, it adheres to the traditional cooking concept, "material and taste homology" that is, the use of chicken meat to make chicken flavor products. ❤️ Mashed potatoes meet Mrs. Happy Fresh Chicken Juice, it is simply the gospel ✌️ of lazy people losing weight, full stomach and fast hands, don't you try it yet?

By no sweet unhappy millet


Potatoes 350g

Mrs. Le Fresh Chicken Sauce 5g

Corn kernels 20g

Carrots 20g

Peas 10g

1 egg

Salt 1g

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Super rice chicken juice mashed ㊙️ potato salad, once learned

1, prepare the materials, today's focus is on the use of Mrs. Le fresh chicken juice. Corn, carrots, peas have to sell finished products also called frozen vegetables.

Super rice chicken juice mashed ㊙️ potato salad, once learned

2, we focus on this Tai Le fresh chicken juice: Tai Tai Le fresh chicken juice is very simple, suitable for frying, frying, stewing, stewing, steaming, cooking a variety of dishes and soup seasoning, can be quickly dissolved in soup, juice. Squeeze in an appropriate amount when cooking. Compared with the chicken essence of the previous generation, the biggest feature of chicken juice is the real material, natural flavor, it adheres to the traditional cooking concept, "material and taste homology" that is, the use of chicken meat to make chicken flavor products.

Super rice chicken juice mashed ㊙️ potato salad, once learned

3: Potato slices are plated, the thinner the easier it is to cook.

Super rice chicken juice mashed ㊙️ potato salad, once learned

4, steaming on the pot, of course, you can also use the microwave oven, oven, in short, make it cooked but the microwave oven and oven out of the taste is dry Ha.

Super rice chicken juice mashed ㊙️ potato salad, once learned

5. At the same time, put the vegetables and eggs into the steam.

Super rice chicken juice mashed ㊙️ potato salad, once learned

6: Steam for about 10 minutes on high heat, and potatoes can be inserted through with chopsticks.

Super rice chicken juice mashed ㊙️ potato salad, once learned

7: Add salt while hot

Super rice chicken juice mashed ㊙️ potato salad, once learned

8. Press into mud

Super rice chicken juice mashed ㊙️ potato salad, once learned

9: Add steamed vegetables and stir well

Super rice chicken juice mashed ㊙️ potato salad, once learned

10: Add half a boiled egg and stir well. Of course you can also add a whole set half for the sake of plating

Super rice chicken juice mashed ㊙️ potato salad, once learned

11: Plate and drizzle with Tai Le fresh chicken juice.

Super rice chicken juice mashed ㊙️ potato salad, once learned

12, start a plate of full stomach, weight loss can also eat full ✌️


⚠️ If you cook potatoes in the microwave or oven, remember ➕20g of milk ⚠️ If your taste is light, 1g of salt in the mashed potatoes can be added without adding, because the taste of Tai Le fresh chicken juice is definitely satisfying for you

<h2>Nutritional benefits of potatoes</h2>

Potatoes taste sweet, flat, slightly cool, into the spleen, stomach, large intestine meridian; there is and stomach regulation, healthy spleen and dampness, detoxification and anti-inflammatory, wide intestinal laxative, hypoglycemic and lipid-lowering, invigorating blood and swelling, qi and strengthening the body, beauty, anti-aging effect.

1. Supplemental nutrition, can be used as a staple food Potatoes are rich in vitamins and trace elements such as calcium and potassium, and are easy to digest and absorb, rich in nutrients. Can supply a large amount of heat energy to the human body, people only rely on potatoes and whole milk is enough to maintain life and health, in Europe and the United States, especially in North America, potatoes have long become the second staple food.

2. And nourish the stomach, healthy spleen and wet potatoes contain a lot of starch and protein, B vitamins, vitamin C, etc., can promote the digestive function of the spleen and stomach.

3. Wide bowel laxative Potatoes contain a large amount of dietary fiber, which can widen the intestine and laxative, help the body excrete metabolic toxins in time, prevent constipation, and prevent the occurrence of intestinal diseases.

4. Reduced hydration The potassium contained in potatoes can replace the sodium in the body, and at the same time, the sodium can be excreted from the body, which is conducive to the rehabilitation of patients with hypertension and nephritis edema.

5. Hypoglycemic and lipid-lowering, beauty and beauty Potatoes can supply the human body with a large amount of mucus protein with special protective effects. It can promote the lubrication of the digestive tract, respiratory tract, joint cavity and serous cavity, prevent fat deposition in the cardiovascular and systemic systems, maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, and help prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis. Potatoes are also an alkaline vegetable, which is conducive to the acid-base balance in the body, neutralizes the acid substances produced after metabolism in the body, so as to have a certain beauty and anti-aging effect, and people who often eat potatoes are healthy and grow old slowly.

6. Weight loss: potatoes are rich in dietary fiber food, relatively rare at the same time contain a lot of vitamins, minerals of food, per 148 grams of potatoes to produce calories is only 100 calories, the real starch content is less than 2%, only contains 0.1% of fat, can effectively control the intake of total fat in people's daily diet.

7. Beauty and skin care: potatoes have a good effect of caring for the skin and maintaining the appearance. Fresh potato juice is applied directly to the face, and the whitening effect is very significant. Human skin is easy to be sunburned and tanned in the hot summer days, and potato juice has a significant effect on removing stains and has no side effects. Potatoes also have a significant beautifying effect on the skin around the eyes. Slice the cooked potatoes and attach them to the eyes to reduce puffiness in the lower eye bags. Cutting potatoes into slices and applying them to the face has a good effect on beauty and skin care and reducing wrinkles. Young people have a strong secretion of skin oil, often plagued by pimples and acne, and applying fresh potato juice with cotton to the affected area can solve this problem.

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