
Tangerine peel apple boiled water, strengthen the spleen, dispel cold and replenish qi and blood, recommend a healthy tangerine peel astragalus apple tea

author:Seven Mile River release

Apples are a widely loved fruit that is rich in nutrients and is easily digested and absorbed by the body. Boiling apple water dissolves the nutrients in it, helps to lower cholesterol and promotes intestinal peristalsis.

Tangerine peel has a spicy taste, can open qi, can carry out phlegm, its temperature is flat, good at communication, can stop vomiting, cough, spleen and stomach. It is the "all-rounder" in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, which can be used with a variety of medicinal ingredients, whether it is a drug that is good at tonic or excretion, or a drug that ascends and descends, it can complement each other with tangerine peel and exert a wonderful effect.

Tangerine peel apple boiled water, strengthen the spleen, dispel cold and replenish qi and blood, recommend a healthy tangerine peel astragalus apple tea

In winter, everyone is busy with tonics, everyone likes to eat hot pot, hot pot has more fat, more fish and meat, and the digestion of the stomach and intestines will need to be better than before.

Whether it is an adult or a child, it is necessary to pay more attention to their own digestive problems and avoid food accumulation, so it is necessary to cook a pot of tangerine peel apple tea for the family after meals every day.

In addition, in order to avoid stimulating the digestion of the stomach, spleen and stomach, it is boiled into health tea to nourish the skin and replenish qi, and strengthen the spleen.


Tangerine peel astragalus apple tea strategy

1. Preparation


1 apple, 3 slices of ginger, 4 red dates, 3 grams of tangerine peel, 5 grams of astragalus

2. Practice


(1) Peel and core the apples and cut them into cubes

(2) Red dates, pitted and washed

(3) Shred the ginger, rinse the tangerine peel and astragalus

(4) Put all the ingredients into the health pot, add an appropriate amount of water, boil and turn to low heat and continue to cook for about 5 minutes.

Tips: Remove the core of the apple, do not peel it, the skin is richer in nutrients. Drinking it in winter can improve the function of the spleen and stomach and make the complexion ruddy.

Tangerine peel apple boiled water, strengthen the spleen, dispel cold and replenish qi and blood, recommend a healthy tangerine peel astragalus apple tea


Tips for boiling apple tea

1. Fruit selection


When boiling apple water, be sure to choose apples that ripen naturally and the flesh should not be too hard.

2. Utensils selection


Choosing the right utensils is also crucial when it comes to boiling apple water. It is recommended to choose ceramic kitchenware and avoid iron or aluminum pots, which can make the taste more delicious.

3. How often to cook


You don't need to drink it every day, just cook it two or three times a week. Due to the fresh and sweet taste, even people who don't like to drink water will be willing to drink more.

4. What is the best time to drink


It is a good choice to drink it in the middle of the day and in the afternoon, but do not drink it before going to bed to avoid increasing the burden on the body. You can only eat a maximum of one apple per day, and the intake of jujube should be controlled within 5.

Source: Xianqitang

Tangerine peel apple boiled water, strengthen the spleen, dispel cold and replenish qi and blood, recommend a healthy tangerine peel astragalus apple tea

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