
1 bowl of fruit tea cures the child's accumulated food, and the hospital never mentions it, because it is cheap and easy to use!

author:Top sail HJG
1 bowl of fruit tea cures the child's accumulated food, and the hospital never mentions it, because it is cheap and easy to use!

In recent times, mycoplasma pneumonia and influenza have been the culprits of illness in many children. In a conversation with a mother who brought her child to the doctor, I felt the helplessness and anxiety of many parents when their child was sick. My mother told me that her child had recently been infected with mycoplasma, coughing incessantly, and developing a fever at night, which made her very worried.

1 bowl of fruit tea cures the child's accumulated food, and the hospital never mentions it, because it is cheap and easy to use!

In my communication with this mother, I mentioned that regulating the spleen and stomach is essential to solve the child's problems. However, she said that now she only thinks about curing the child's illness as soon as possible, and has no heart to regulate the spleen and stomach and eliminate food accumulation. I understand this sentiment, but in the process of treating a child's illness, we cannot ignore its root cause.

1 bowl of fruit tea cures the child's accumulated food, and the hospital never mentions it, because it is cheap and easy to use!

The cause of illness in many children is actually related to food accumulation and spleen and stomach problems. Eating too much can lead to symptoms such as cough, fever and constipation, which can become serious if left unattended for a long time. Therefore, regulating the spleen and stomach and eliminating food accumulation is very important to improve children's immunity and reduce illness.

1 bowl of fruit tea cures the child's accumulated food, and the hospital never mentions it, because it is cheap and easy to use!

I remember seeing a 5-year-old boy who weighed much less than other children of the same age, who often had colds, fevers, and constant coughs. After diagnosis, I determined that he was suffering from internal heat accumulation caused by a weak spleen and stomach. After a period of conditioning, the child's condition gradually improved, and his weight increased a lot.

1 bowl of fruit tea cures the child's accumulated food, and the hospital never mentions it, because it is cheap and easy to use!

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