
Digging your heart: Talking to your child about the consequences of "suicide" you can't imagine

A while ago, many people turned to "suicide" related articles, which made me vaguely worried, before I saw a paper about the correlation between social media use and suicidal ideation.

Talk about people: Talk less about suicide, because talking about suicide can also "kill".

I have seen a data before: at present, there are more than 300 million young netizens in the mainland, and 13.2% of underage mobile game users play mobile games on weekdays for more than 2 hours per day. Children are digital natives, and this generation of dolls grew up lying on "digital media", which is an irreversible trend of the times. Of course, technology is full of convenience and knowledge, but once children change from using tools to relying on mobile phones, or even indulging in them, it will inevitably affect physical and mental health.

How to let children, better Internet access, away from the network "whirlpool"?

Networks can kill people

Some time ago, a news stung my heart: because only 200 yuan was given to the delivery man, the Shanghai girl was killed by the Internet storm! The reason is: On April 3, a girl in Hongkou, Shanghai, wanted to bring some food to her hearing-impaired father, but no rider took the order.

Courier brother's response:

The story goes on here, we feel that the world is very warm, customers are very grateful, takeaway brother also feels that helping others is very happy, but netizens feel that this is not the end: "Double Eleven Express, bought more than 100, but gave others a tip of 200 yuan." "I'm a college student, 200 pieces, I feel less." "Fortunately, Dingdong rewarded 2,000 yuan, and stinginess is stinginess." "People are really shrewd, they have done so many things, they only give 200, and they want me to give 500." "It fully demonstrates the stinginess of Shanghainese." "And the screenshot of the takeaway brother is an iPhone phone, which proves that she is not bad money, actually only give 200, if it is me, no money will not use nearly 10,000 mobile phones." Although these, girls have explained, netizens still refuse to accept, and finally girls, can not withstand the Internet violence and suicide.

A heart-warming and kind story, but in the end, it ended in tragedy, and no one could have imagined that it would become like this. Liu Xuezhou, a previously closely watched "boy looking for relatives", bid farewell to this world in Sanya after leaving a suicide note entitled "Born to be Light, Return time is also pure".

One of his last words made me cry: "There is some evidence and recordings in the mobile phone photo album, and I hope that the police uncle can also draw a perfect end to my life at the end." He also entrusted his aunt, 50% of the money in his account came from enthusiastic netizens, hoping to donate to the "Shijiazhuang Orphanage" to buy some beautiful clothes and delicious food for those children. Internet violence killing is invisible, whether it is a public figure or a small person who is originally low-key but suddenly seen, being discussed, evaluated, and accused of being the price of influence. But if the network keyboard is just used to hurt people, then being born as a human being is really sorry.

The Internet can save people

More than a year ago, there was a fan who repeatedly wrote to me in private messages that I was depressed and that my family relationship was on the rocks. I was a little worried, and opening ta's Weibo was all self-defeating and wanting to leave. As a non-consulting relationship, I dare not do too much intervention on the Internet, I praise TA for taking pictures to look good, the delicate and sensitive emotions, telling stories is more appropriate, TA began to gradually write text, take photos... Now when I look at it again, it is already a beautiful flower, plant and photography. In the internet age, behind every ID is a person, love and kindness everyone craves, but others feel really helpless from the internet, escape, depression, attack ...

How to deal with psychological problems?

Long-term exposure to negative news, coupled with a lack of exercise at home, makes our bodies and minds prone to stress responses. The U.S.-China Institute of Psychotherapy, based on the U.S. Veterans System's "Take5: Five Minutes to a Calm, Healthier You." "Spend 5 Minutes: Settling The Mind and Body," translates and adapts the "StressFul Physical and Mental Settlement Method" for people in need—exercises that can be used not only after major stressful events, but also to cope with everyday stress.

Learn the stressful mind-body settling method together:

1. Breathe: Slow down and focus on breathing.

2. Make a phone call: Make a call to a relative, friend, or supportive resource in your community that you trust.

3. Landing Techniques: If you find yourself extremely worried or anxious, bring your attention back to the present moment.

4. Change: If you sit all day, stand up, stretch your body, walk around, walk around, splash a little cold water on your face, or simply wash your face with cold water and breathe in fresh air.

5. Five-Finger Gratitude: Take a moment to write down five things that make you grateful.

6. Replenish energy: If you feel emotional, confused, tired, or have a quick temper, you may be hungry or thirsty. Time out.

As a reminder, if you see it online------

1. Someone talks about suicide

2. Someone comments on or forwards information about suicide

3. Someone pays attention to suicide information

There is a high probability that they may have seriously thought about it and even tried suicidal behavior. What are you going to do at this time?

1. Don't speak ill of each other

2. Help them see their beauty, even if it's just a compliment

3. Seek professional help

【Psychological Assistance Hotline】

Peking University 24-hour psychological assistance hotline: 010-62760521

Beijing Normal University Psychological Support Hotline: 4001888976 6:00-24:00 every day

Wuhan Mental Health Center: 027-8584466

Hubei Psychological Counseling Association: 15342296955 9:00-21:00 every day

Beijing Federation of Social Psychology "W Psychological Assistance Volunteer Action" 24-hour psychological assistance hotline: 800-810-1117 landline: 010-82951332

Blue Sky Psychological Service Volunteer (short-term psychological video consultation) Tel: 027-88569324 Smurf: 18163557690 Blue Sister: 18163553723

Write at the end

If you feel that the people around you are really in trouble and can't extricate themselves, please help Ta to seek professional intervention and help in time, everyone may be with the "black dog" at any time, the black hole of life is everywhere, but being cared for, being concerned, and being cared for must be the best way to stay away from helpless! No one is an island, if irritability, anxiety and despair are a cage, there will always be someone who loves you, and there will always be someone who cares about the world.

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