
Truly powerful people will use the power of the subconscious to change their destiny and reverse their lives

In the era when science was not developed, people would believe that everyone had their own destiny. Even in modern times, when something goes wrong, there are still people who hope to be fortune tellers, hoping to get some information related to their fate, even if it is only a verbal comfort.

But not everyone is convinced of their fate, and many people hold the belief that my fate is up to me, and only hope to create a better future with their own hands.

But not everyone has the ability to change their lives against the sky, and those who are really powerful are often able to use the power of the subconscious to change their destiny.

Truly powerful people will use the power of the subconscious to change their destiny and reverse their lives

Psychologist Jung once said that a person's subconscious mind will control his life, but we call such a life fate.

The subconscious mind is actually a concept in psychology, referring to a mental activity that we do not recognize or have not discovered for a while. Freud believed that the unconscious, the subconscious, and the conscious are three completely different states.

The subconscious mind is part of the conscious mind and occupies the vast majority of the conscious mind. From this point of view, Freud's theory and Jung's theory are similar.

Although our lives may seem colorful and we do many different activities every day, our own conscious behavior actually accounts for only 5% of the total.

Truly powerful people will use the power of the subconscious to change their destiny and reverse their lives

That is to say, for most of the rest of the time, we are manipulated by our own subconscious, making some behaviors similar to instinctive reactions. Therefore, the subconscious mind is closely related to our lives, and it can be said that the more powerful people are, the more they will use their consciousness to change their destiny, and they can control their subconscious in turn.

In fact, the reason why the subconscious mind is called the subconscious mind is because it is not easy to be detected by people in the process of changing its action. As a result, the subconscious mind's manipulation of our behavioral decisions is difficult to detect, and we don't even realize that the subconscious mind has influenced the decisions we make.

For example, when a couple of lovers in life quarrel, it is difficult for both parties to objectively discuss the matter itself. Because the two are subconsciously different, they also focus on different points when discussing this issue. Boys are more inclined to be reasonable and analyze the pros and cons of this matter, but girls think that boys are too cold and do not care about their own ideas.

Truly powerful people will use the power of the subconscious to change their destiny and reverse their lives

That is to say, the subconscious of boys will tend to make them solve problems faster and let their hearts be comforted, while girls prefer to use this matter to make boys pay attention to themselves. Under the control of the subconscious, many couples constantly have new conflicts and eventually choose to live separately.

So how exactly do we control our subconscious so that they can help us change the trajectory of our lives?

Hypnotist Milton Erikson once used hypnosis to awaken the human subconscious. If we can find out what kind of subconscious influence these behaviors are in when making judgments, we can use the subconscious mind to correct our behavior.

Truly powerful people will use the power of the subconscious to change their destiny and reverse their lives

Psychologist Wu Zhihong once told a rather classic case, he said that a man came to do psychological counseling, saying that he was trapped by a love triangle. The man fell in love with two women at the same time, one was a beautiful lover and the other was a wife with a somewhat ordinary appearance.

The beautiful lover is also the man's first love goddess, but in the end he chose his ordinary-looking wife to marry.

Although he felt that it was a rather wrong decision, he could not understand why he had made such a choice. In the process of psychological counseling, teacher Wu Zhihong discovered potential problems in men.

It turned out that his first love was too perfect in his heart, and when he was with his first love, he always felt that he was very inferior.

He thinks that his wife looks ordinary, so when he is with his wife, he will behave more freely, and the original sense of inferiority will disappear in an instant.

Truly powerful people will use the power of the subconscious to change their destiny and reverse their lives

It can be seen from here that this man was influenced by the inferiority subconscious when choosing his own marriage partner, choosing a wife that would not make him feel inferior. Although the subconscious mind believes that such a choice is more correct, the man himself thinks that the wife is not suitable for him, and such a decision is also a wrong decision.

This story tells us that if a person thinks he has made a decision against him, he is most likely already under the influence of the subconscious.

Many people shout slogans every day, want to become richer, or want to successfully start a business and find their own life.

The reason why they have this idea is because they subconsciously think of themselves as poor, so they will constantly want to break through the existing class restrictions. Once they subconsciously acquiesce to their identity as poor, they will unconsciously live in the way of the poor, which makes their daily life miserable and tiring.

Truly powerful people will use the power of the subconscious to change their destiny and reverse their lives

Although they often shout slogans in the hope that they can become rich, their subconscious does not believe that they will become rich one day. In fact, the subconscious mind is more like an iceberg floating under the ocean in the polar region for our thinking. Our conscious behavioral decisions are only a small fraction of the icebergs that emerge from the sea.

The subconscious mind is submerged under the sea and is usually difficult to detect. If we can't control our subconscious, we'll be stuck in the dilemma of choice.

Only those who are willing to constantly overcome difficulties and break through themselves can use the subconscious mind to change their destiny, because they firmly believe in the truth that man will win the heavens and will not be easily affected by the subconscious.

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