
Women's reading clubs are shaping, ignoring and awakening

The biggest change brought to Chinese women by the Fourth World Conference on Women, held in Beijing 27 years ago, was to raise women's self-awareness. No one cannot but be heartened by What China has achieved today in the field of gender equality: China's working women are among the best in the world, legislative parental leave, full-time housewives are paid compensation for domestic work after divorce... But that's not enough.

For women who have been trafficked, domestic violence and candid photography still exist. The recently exploded "Hundred Grass Program" has made a group of women jump up the gymnastics with Liu Qihong in front of the collection screen, and there is a great queue to seize the C position of super orangutan star coach training. But what exactly do they work out for? Previously, the Rosetta Stone Salon held a book club on the theme of "Shaping the View of Body", and jointly held a book club with the new moon companion to list books and jointly held a "women's rights and interests protection" theme book club. Reading shapes the lives of readers, but also connects the wider world, on the occasion of World Book Day, let us enter their reading experience.

Book club planner 丨 Liu Shengnan Cui Shuo

Women's reading clubs are shaping, ignoring and awakening

Noisy crows

The first chapter of the book tells the story of a girl with a higher weight who learns to reconcile with her body and the eyes around her in the process of losing weight. And there was also physical discrimination around me that she faced. In junior high school, when the physical examination, we will subconsciously put our hands on the weight and height column, cover up our embarrassment to our own body, no one cares about the proportion of your height and weight, only care about whether you are 90 or 100. At this moment, the girl in the book is in trouble because of the ridicule of others, and no one knows how much harm can be done with a single sentence.

Last semester, a girl from the next class, she was tall, her weight did not seem to be light, when they went to physical education class together, because it was too hot and did not wear a school uniform, the teacher scolded, but the teacher turned a blind eye to another thin girl who did not wear a school uniform, she wanted to say something, but did not say. Her grades do not seem to be very good, some classmates subconsciously associate their weight with their studies, and they all respect her, and she is a person in free activities. As the book says, "If a woman is obese, she is often perceived as lacking control over her body, which means she has weak willpower." "She's so lonely."

I would also give up changing into skirts and shorts in the summer because my legs were not good-looking and a bit thick. In order to turn white, he put on an autumn school uniform jacket under the scorching sun. The content of the book is not far away from us.

How can the world be so prejudiced, how can the world let the screaming crow control the aesthetics and say out loud, "It should be like this." But it's not our fault, people who aren't fat don't have self-discipline, people who aren't fat don't look good when they wear clothes, and people who aren't fat aren't beautiful. We are us, whether fat or thin, healthy and healthy, and that is enough. Beauty and ugliness are defined, fat and thin are also, these, let the crows define it, let countless eyes enjoy it, flowers compete to open, do a roadside wildflower, but also bloom brilliant and lovely.

End with the words in the book: No one deserves to waste my body, and at any time, don't forget to identify with and love yourself now.

Wen 丨 Liu Wanqiao

Fitness under the gaze of the body

After reading the second chapter, I realized that women all over the world had been trapped in their imperfect bodies. Although there are differences in the understanding of "fitness" between China and the West, girls have been kidnapped by stereotyped aesthetics and are still bound by the gaze of society. This more open and inclusive social environment abroad has created a relaxed atmosphere in the local gym, but is the fitness purpose of female practitioners still influenced by the so-called aesthetic?

Combined with my perception of the gym, the gym attracts me both to me and "dissuads" me. I was afraid of being in a space with people in tight uniforms and all kinds of people, and I hated the way they looked at a body that didn't conform to popular aesthetics. Therefore, for the girls who walk into the gym, I sincerely admire their courage, because whatever the purpose of their fitness, they exercise and are the beneficiaries of "life is in sports".

Multiculturalism permeates our lives, and perhaps the fitness model of foreign women will be accepted by more people, allowing us to put away our gaze on ourselves and others' bodies.

There is no smooth journey to achieve career goals or life ideals, and there are many uncertainties that will shake the heart of a child full of enthusiasm. I hope that we can all stick to our original intentions in our own pursuits.

Wen 丨 Li Ruixuan

Women's reading clubs are shaping, ignoring and awakening

A seed

When I didn't know much about feminism, I heard a friend say that Feminism from Scratch is an introductory feminist book. After reading it, I found that this is indeed a very "entry-level" book. The book does not have a long discussion of profound and abstract theoretical systems, but in the form of dialogue, it shows the reader the various unhappiness that women can always encounter in life, and through this daily life, it is a preliminary introduction to feminism.

The above is also a great advantage of this book, which allows readers, especially male readers who have not experienced the situation of women, to put themselves in the shoes of the problem. The book records many things that bother the author, Nagako Taba, such as the transmission of "violence" between generations, the division of labor in the family, and so on. The former I have no personal experience, and can only be understood through the author's narration; the latter is when I was reading, I began to think of many situations in my family, and I unconsciously got more inspiration from it.

I have two main lessons from this book. The first is to learn how to develop feminism by understanding the history of the feminist movement (Chapters 12). "Personal is political" should be a very important idea in this book. The alienation of women is not just individual behavior, it is accumulated over a long period of time through patriarchal culture, and eventually domesticated and reflected in each individual. So the gender inequality we see in our lives, although expressed through one event after another, is a structural problem in the entire culture. This is a phenomenon of seeing "political" from "personal". In the feminist struggle, one needs to do both. It is necessary to constantly promote and confront individuals under the patriarchal culture to weaken the individual foundation required by the tradition of gender inequality in mass culture; at the same time, it is necessary to directly transform the culture (mainly to the media) and publicly express women's dissatisfaction and demands, such as resisting certain advertisements or calling for the removal of pornographic publications in Japanese convenience stores.

The second point is to observe, criticize and think about ourselves on gender issues. As mentioned earlier, "the personal is the political", if carefully observed, we may even see the imprint of mass culture in ourselves. Not only men, but also women have misogyny of women" Through the analysis of one's own psychology and behavior, we may be able to better understand how the structural problems of culture affect and domesticate individuals. What I see in myself is a neglect of gender issues in life. When I read it, I often found that the family and social problems that bothered the author a lot, although I had some understanding, did not attract my attention.

After reading the whole book, I did not form a systematic understanding of feminism, but more like i experienced a clash of ideas, which allowed me to see issues that I had not paid attention to before, and I had a better understanding of the situation of women. The book is more like an introduction, putting many questions in front of the reader and causing attention and thought.

Next, I plan to continue reading Misogyny by Ms. Chizuru Ueno, which will be a systematic enough feminist theoretical work. However, as Ueno wrote in the preface to Misogyny, every country and culture has its own misogyny, and she studies japanese misogyny. As for the research of other countries, it still needs to be cultivated by future generations. I look forward to the day when we can have our own theoretical system, be able to solve our own problems, and usher in true gender equality.

Wen 丨 Zhang Haozhe

Women's reading clubs are shaping, ignoring and awakening

Sexual assault and domestic violence in the room

"It's just a novel that you don't dare to read, but this is my life, but you advised me to live."

——Lin Yihan

I read most of the book in the evening self-study time at school. When my classmates saw me reading this book between classes, they would always sigh and lament the depression of the book, saying that they did not dare to read it, and they were afraid of not being able to walk out; my teacher also told me that this book was more depressed, do not fall into too long. But I still insisted on reading the book.

Two issues revealed in the book sparked my thoughts: child sexual abuse and domestic violence.

The story in the book only deals with the sexual assault of girls, but in reality, the problem of boys being sexually assaulted is not non-existent. The widely played film "If I Had Known Boys Would Be Sexually Assaulted" exposed this problem, but more people thought it was funny and did not pay attention to the social problems.

Child sexual abuse can cause great harm to children's physiology and psychology. Domestic violence is very common, like Xu Yiwen was repeatedly affected by the eyes of everyone perfect husband Qian Yiwei after drunken violence, bruised bruises can be seen everywhere, she had to wear sunglasses to cover up the red and swollen eyes, even in the sweltering summer to wear high-necked long-sleeved clothes to cover up the scars; after Yiwen became pregnant, Qian Yiwei's violence did not stop, and finally miscarried under his kicking. Domestic violence takes a toll on the victim's body and also leaves an indelible scar on his or her psyche.

In addition to this, I also noticed the problems of sex education and the social environment. In the mainland, sex education is particularly lacking, and parents do not have a correct understanding of sex and regard sex as a flood beast that will devour children. In the book, Siqi's mother believes that sex education is unnecessary, and she believes that sex education is for people who need sex. Such a view is still very common today. Teenagers learn the wrong sexual knowledge and don't know how to protect themselves and respect others.

Yi Wen said to Yi Ting: "You can write everything down, but, write, not for redemption, not sublimation, not purification." Although you are only eighteen years old, although you have a choice, but if you are always angry, it is not that you are not kind enough, not kind enough, not empathetic, anyone has some reason, even people who rape others have psychological and sociological reasons, only to be raped in the world does not need a reason. You have a choice —like the verbs that people often say—you can let go, step out, and come out, but you can also keep in mind that it's not that you're intolerant, and that no one in the world should be treated that way. ”

We should remain angry at the world, angry at violence, and angry at injustice. We should work together to shatter hypocritical dreams with fists of whatever form, to reveal a flesh-and-blood blurred reality, and to rebuild a true paradise.

Wen 丨 Sun Yirui

Women's reading clubs are shaping, ignoring and awakening

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