
Upstream help | family has bear children can't control? "Chinese medicine teaches you to beat children correctly" is popular on the Internet, is it reliable?

Recently, Ms. Zhu, a citizen, reported to the upstream news hotline 966966/ upstream news APP that she saw an interesting popular science in the WeChat group - "Chinese medicine teaches you to beat children correctly", which mentioned that children have three acupuncture points on the palms and buttocks, if they are played correctly, they can discipline the children while maintaining health, is such a thing reliable?

Online "baby teaching" has become popular, is it reliable?

Through the link sent by ms. Zhu, an upstream reporter, saw the post: "There are bear children at home, fight? Or not to fight? Chinese medicine teaches you to beat your child correctly", which tells the recommended practice of beating the palm of the hand: the abstinence ruler draws the knuckle to at least the area of the house acupoint to help the child nourish the yin and vent the fire. Use the ruler to beat the palm of the hand 10-20 times, do not be too heavy, and play a disciplinary role. Buttocks: Acupuncture ring jumping acupuncture can strengthen the spleen, reduce the gallbladder, dissolve phlegm turbidity, and can stimulate the acupuncture point about 10 times by pinching. It is accompanied by a picture caption.

Upstream help | family has bear children can't control? "Chinese medicine teaches you to beat children correctly" is popular on the Internet, is it reliable?

The post triggered many parents' discussions, most of whom said that if it works, it is really a very useful method, but it has also attracted a lot of ridicule from netizens: "It seems that when I was a child, my mother always pinched my ass, which is also very scientific." "When I was a child, I didn't like to study, and my mother always pinched my ass, but I didn't know if I could pinch it accurately." "After reading it, I pinched my son's ass." "I learned, I'll experiment with the leather monkeys at home tomorrow." "It's too hard for this class of parents!" ......

Ms. Zhu said that her child has just turned 4 years old, has reached the age of mischief, persuasion education often does not work, need to use chopsticks as a "weapon" to scare and frighten, the child will obediently obey. "I really thought that if one day I had to teach my child a lesson because I made a mistake, would this method work?" Ms. Zhu said she hoped upstream news could find experts to explain it.

"Strike when it's time to strike" "works"?

Chen Yu, who lives in Banan District, has a son, who is 6 years old this year, which is the age of mischief. Speaking of her son, Chen Yu shouted "headache", she told reporters that her son is energetic, usually at home like a "demolition" husky, often make a mess at home, toys, books thrown on the ground.

"But I'm not going to beat him up for these things, after all, it's the nature of a little boy to be playful and active." Chen Yu said that although educating children should not be based on fighting, sometimes when they touch on the issue of principle and say that they do not listen, they have to "shoot when they should shoot."

When it comes to beating children, Chen Yu has two impressions. Once, the son was playing in the neighborhood and caught a small bug and put it on the head of the neighbor's little girl, which scared the little girl into crying; another time, at a relative's birthday party, the son and other children were playing and talking dirty. After the relatives left, Chen Yu taught his son not to scold people casually, and instead of listening, he said dirty words.

"I think as a boy, bullying girls is definitely not right, and there is also a clear mistake, do not obey discipline, should also be taught a lesson!" 」 Chen Yu told reporters that she was angry at the time, picked up the hanger on the sofa and slapped the child's ass twice. But what I didn't expect was that maybe he was too light, or his son's ass flesh was not painful, and he didn't react. So he asked his son to put his palm out and hit his palm a few times, which made him cry.

"I don't usually think much about how to hit the child and which part of the child to hit, but no matter what, I feel that it is best not to hit the child's face, head and stomach." Chen Yu analyzed that because punching the face hurts self-esteem a bit, the head and stomach are likely to be injured.

Is there a scientific basis for the online post Experts say so

Liu Guangrui, a representative inheritor of acupuncture of the national intangible cultural heritage project, said in an interview that the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine involved in "how to correctly beat children" on the Internet conforms to some of the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, which is desirable but not completely desirable, and requires parents to judge and distinguish according to specific circumstances.

Liu Guangrui introduced that it talks about the acupuncture points on the two palms, the Laogong acupoint and the Shaofu acupoint, which are in line with some of the basic principles of Traditional Chinese medicine. In terms of the situation, regardless of the severity, only talking about the method, the punishment in the private school in China since ancient times is to beat the palm of the hand first and then spank the butt, why is the palm of the hand first, because the palm is connected with the blood of the heart, there are also said "ten fingers connected to the heart", if the palm is beaten, there will be a feeling of "pain like the heart". For children, from "small panic" to "big memory", so that the fight will be remembered.

Another acupuncture point, ring jumping acupuncture point in the buttocks, stimulation of this acupuncture point is indeed good for many people with sciatica, but whether it is "pinching" or "hitting", the punishment of the buttocks is mainly in the epidermis or muscles, and generally speaking, it does not involve acupuncture points. To put it simply, there is more flesh in the ass, and spanking will only hurt its fur, not bones and bones, and will not hurt the internal organs.

Liu Guangrui said that before the age of 3, it is necessary to pay attention to the family style culture before the education of children, let children respect the elderly from primary school, need parents to pass on words and deeds, establish the concept of loving the family and protecting the family, and let the children know how to be kind and loving. For children can not be too pampered and laissez-faire, but punishment also requires parents to be rational, remember not to hit the head.

Do not advocate "beating" this kind of violence to educate children

So to educate children, should they rely on "fighting"? In this regard, the upstream news reporter consulted He Xiaoyan, a national second-level psychological counselor. He Xiaoyan said that the use of violence against children is certainly not advocated.

If you do something wrong because your child is mischievous. In this case, it is more effective to let the child bear the natural consequences of what he or she does than to beat it up. For example, Chen Yu's son made the little girl cry, the little girl's parents will criticize and educate him, and at this time, the parents do not have to intervene too much, guide on the side, let the child know the consequences, and let the child apologize, so that the child will have a longer memory.

In addition, parents should also look at the essence of things through this matter and ask why their children are doing this. Is it because I am naughty, or because I don't know how to interact with other people. If it is because of the second situation, parents should tell their children in time how to get along with others.

In addition to the violence of "beating", parents should pay more attention to "language violence", and many parents will also carry out language violence while fighting, which will bring more adverse effects to their children.

He Xiaoyan told reporters that according to some cases she observed, the long-term use of "beating" to educate children may occur in the following situations: First, after the child grows to a certain age, he will have no feeling of "fighting", and even there will be bad situations such as fighting with his parents, running away from home, and being bored with school; second, children with a sunny and cheerful personality may have a serious rebellious psychology and become rebellious teenagers after growing up to adolescence in a violent environment. Children with a gentle personality may have psychological diseases such as depression, which is not conducive to the healthy and happy growth of children.

Upstream journalist Fu Dixi Fan Shengqing

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