
Meng Bao Q Man 丨 family has bear children, use "magic" to defeat magic

Author | Burberry Parenting Comic

Meng Bao Q Man 丨 family has bear children, use "magic" to defeat magic
Meng Bao Q Man 丨 family has bear children, use "magic" to defeat magic
Meng Bao Q Man 丨 family has bear children, use "magic" to defeat magic
Meng Bao Q Man 丨 family has bear children, use "magic" to defeat magic
Meng Bao Q Man 丨 family has bear children, use "magic" to defeat magic
Meng Bao Q Man 丨 family has bear children, use "magic" to defeat magic
Meng Bao Q Man 丨 family has bear children, use "magic" to defeat magic

Final Fragments:

Yang Jie, the author of "Let the Child Be Satisfied and Convinced", said that the most essential thing in education is the response, and I agree very much. There is no excellent educational method that applies to all children, but a good educational method must be that parents respond positively to their children all the time, and the flow of feelings between parents and children is hidden in those gentle and patient responses. Listen well to your child and talk well yourself.

Children are highly sensitive creatures, sometimes you think you are suppressing emotions, but your micro-expressions, your words, may be exposed, you are not a good communicator for the time being.

If you can't respond to the child well, blame the child with self-care, and label the child with various negative labels, these will only destroy the parent-child relationship silently! That's why, as soon as you open your mouth, your child thinks that all you say is unnecessary.

If the child does not respond to you well, please reflect on whether you usually respond to the child correctly, if the child always responds to you patiently and gently, please thank him in time.

Meng Bao Q Man 丨 family has bear children, use "magic" to defeat magic





Meng Bao Q Man 丨 family has bear children, use "magic" to defeat magic

Mommy is ok!

Each of you is watching,

I thought I liked it

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