
What food to eat during pregnancy, fetal treasure brain development fast? The three stages of nutrition to keep up, the baby is smarter

Hello everyone, I am a tomato mother who practices lifelong learning!

"What to eat during pregnancy to make the fetal brain develop faster", I believe this problem is what most pregnant mothers want to know.

I think when I was pregnant with a big treasure, the whole family took care of me as a national treasure, paying special attention to diet, afraid that the child's body and brain development would lag behind. So my mother almost made pigeon soup and crucian carp meat for me, so that when I reached the third trimester, I wanted to vomit when I saw these foods, but there was no way, the expectations of my family, and I held the mentality of being responsible for the child in my belly, so that I ate it hard.

What food to eat during pregnancy, fetal treasure brain development fast? The three stages of nutrition to keep up, the baby is smarter

Unexpectedly, my weight gained thirty or forty pounds, but when I did B overtime in the third trimester, the doctor told us that "the weight of the fetus is low, and nutrition should be strengthened." ”

Hearing this, my first reaction was "impossible"! I drink soup and eat meat, how can the child's nutrition not keep up? Later, after communicating with doctors and other mothers, I realized that if I want to promote the development of the fetus, it is useless to make up for it. This may make the mother overnourished, that is, the meat is fully grown on the mother, not only the fetus can not absorb these nutrients, but also can make the mother's blood sugar these indicators abnormal.

If pregnant mothers want to promote fetal brain development, they must "targeted" grasp the "critical period of brain development" of the fetus and give different dietary programs.

What food to eat during pregnancy, fetal treasure brain development fast? The three stages of nutrition to keep up, the baby is smarter

Later, after many exchanges and consultations, I summarized the nutritional list that should be supplemented at different stages of fetal brain development. It happened to be used when I was pregnant with the second baby, so I had a good weight control when I was pregnant with the second child, and the weight of the child was not light, and it was very smart and cute after birth, it was really very easy to use, and now I will share this list with you.

8 weeks before pregnancy – brain cell formation

Around the first eight weeks of a pregnant mother's pregnancy, the fetus is in the brain cell formation phase. Brain cells continue to divide and increase in number, so during this period, the brain development of the fetus needs a lot of nutrients to support. Among them, it is important to choose the right nutrition.

In the first eight weeks of my second pregnancy, I did not blindly supplement nutrition, but followed the advice of parenting experts, "while maintaining nutritional balance, focus more on DHA, various vitamins and choline supplements."

What food to eat during pregnancy, fetal treasure brain development fast? The three stages of nutrition to keep up, the baby is smarter

Medical experts have shown that DHA is directly related to the growth and maturation of fetal nerve cells, choline can promote the rapid development of cells, and as for various vitamins, it can help protein metabolism promote activity. These three nutrients are good helpers to promote the brain development of the fetus in the first eight weeks.

I recommend three types of nutritious foods that you can collect:

Salmon, tuna, herring, kiwi shrimp and other foods rich in dha. I made them into fish balls and shrimp balls to cook soup and drink. Not only does it taste good, but the nutrients are also easier to absorb, and other moms can also try it.

All kinds of animal liver, eggs, red meat and dairy products, etc., are usually rich in choline, which can be supplemented appropriately by Bao Ma, but be careful not to fry it in oil.

What food to eat during pregnancy, fetal treasure brain development fast? The three stages of nutrition to keep up, the baby is smarter

Apples, strawberries, oranges, spinach and other fruits and vegetables, which are rich in various vitamins, pregnant mothers must consume more of these fruits and vegetables, green and healthy, worth choosing.

Around 20 weeks - the proliferation period of brain cells

By the 20th week of pregnancy, the fetus's brain enters a period of brain cell proliferation. While the number of brain cells continues to increase, the size of brain cells is also increasing, and it also needs a lot of nutrient supplementation.

In this regard, I also asked a lot of people in many baoma groups, and finally learned that this period should focus on the supplementation of high-quality protein and high-quality fat.

Because protein is the basic substance of brain development, and fat is the nutrient for the development of the baby's brain, it can promote the brain development needs of the fetus at this stage.

What food to eat during pregnancy, fetal treasure brain development fast? The three stages of nutrition to keep up, the baby is smarter

Recommended Food:

Low-fat milk, eggs, tofu, fish and lean meats. During this period, I kept a cup of milk, two eggs, and other foods every day, so I insisted on it for a while, and when I went to the hospital for obstetric examination, the doctor praised my baby for developing well.

Foods such as sardines, olives, and walnuts are often rich in high-quality fats. Moms can be properly ingested.

About 30 weeks - the active period of brain growth

By the time pregnancy reaches about 30 weeks, the fetus enters a period of brain growth and activity. It was precisely at this stage that I made a mistake when I was pregnant with my second child, that is, to "blindly supplement nutrition" again. Every day, all kinds of meat are constantly kept, and the soup is constantly replenished, so that the child can develop better and better.

But did not expect that after eating like this for a month, the weight directly soared by 25 pounds, went to the hospital for a check, the weight of the fetus was almost over the standard, and later through the communication with the doctor, I understood it.

What food to eat during pregnancy, fetal treasure brain development fast? The three stages of nutrition to keep up, the baby is smarter

In fact, pregnant mothers in the third trimester of pregnancy, should pay more attention to nutritional balance, can not overeat, otherwise it is easy to give birth to huge children, and even difficult birth conditions, affecting the baby's brain development.

Under the advice of the doctor, it is learned that in the third trimester, pregnant mothers should most ingest "unsaturated fatty acids" to ensure the adequacy of nutrients in the body. To provide motivation for the continuous development of the child's brain, at the same time, it is also necessary to ensure a balanced intake of other nutrients, eat less and eat more meals, and do not overeat.

In this regard, doctors also recommend some foods: fish, saury, yellow croaker and other high-quality fish, which are rich in w-3 fatty acids and can promote the brain development of the fetus.

What food to eat during pregnancy, fetal treasure brain development fast? The three stages of nutrition to keep up, the baby is smarter

However, pregnant mothers should also pay attention to the purchase of fresh fish at the same time, choose steaming as much as possible in cooking methods, and try to avoid frying and eating sashimi.

In addition, there are walnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, pistachios, cashews and other nuts, such nuts are also rich in unsaturated fatty acids, pregnant mothers can supplement some appropriately, but also can not be excessive.

What food to eat during pregnancy, fetal treasure brain development fast? The three stages of nutrition to keep up, the baby is smarter

Pregnancy is the key to the child's development, seize the opportunity, let the child really win at the starting line.

Interactive Topic: Did you notice the golden periods of fetal brain development when you were pregnant?

Slogan: Learning may not allow parents to cultivate excellent children 100%, but without learning, you can't cultivate excellent children, may every mother become a learning mother!

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