
Japanese education without anxiety: simple and self-reliant, more grateful, less competitive

Japanese education without anxiety: simple and self-reliant, more grateful, less competitive


The competition in today's world is, in the final analysis, the competition in education and the competition for qualified personnel. The 20 details about early childhood education in Japan in the article have a lot to learn from.


Article Source: Q right education (ID: cdwendui)

Part of the article is compiled from Weng Yunkai's blog


Rustic setting

Kindergartens, whether public or private, their classrooms are extremely simple, can not see a little "luxury" and "modernization" shadow, in addition to a piano, a television set and a portable tape recorder, is slightly "advanced", its hardware is far from the domestic requirements of "five machines and one scene".

Japanese education without anxiety: simple and self-reliant, more grateful, less competitive

As for toddlers, there are some cardboard skins, boxes of different sizes, newspapers, nylon ropes, wooden or bamboo chopsticks, and a large number of books, allowing children to pile, graffiti, cut and paste, and play, only to see children enjoying it.

As everyone knows, this is the wisdom of Japanese educators: embodying the people-oriented, child-centered educational concept, people must exert their potential and cannot become slaves to the "finished product". The progress of science and technology has enabled people to form greater survival pressure, create an atmosphere of "survival of the fittest", and make full use of the surrounding resources reasonably.

Education is carried out through the environment, so as to cultivate the innovative spirit of children.

Japanese education without anxiety: simple and self-reliant, more grateful, less competitive


Organized: All the bags, organize them yourself

On the first day of admission, the kindergarten asks the mother to prepare several large and small bags.

School bags, blanket bags, bags containing tableware, tableware boxes, bags for clothes, bags for equipment to change clothes, bags for changing clothes, bags for shoes, etc., and there are also regulations on the size of the bags, and some kindergartens even require all the bags to be sewn by the mother one by one.

Japanese education without anxiety: simple and self-reliant, more grateful, less competitive

Children should sort out their personal belongings and put them in a unified place, often exercising the orderliness of doing things from an early age.

Japanese people are extremely strict about garbage sorting, and fine classification without feeling annoyed is also closely related to the way of education from an early age.

Japanese education without anxiety: simple and self-reliant, more grateful, less competitive


Children take their bags, adults hold their hands empty-handed

When Japanese parents pick up their children from kindergarten, their hands are empty, and all kinds of bags are held by children.

Japanese education without anxiety: simple and self-reliant, more grateful, less competitive

Japanese parents believe that cultivating children to "do their own things" should start from bit by bit, so as to exercise their children's sense of responsibility and ability to bear hardships.

The Japanese imperial family picks up the little princess to kindergarten, and even if it rains, the children carry their own bags.

Japanese education without anxiety: simple and self-reliant, more grateful, less competitive


Undress and exercise the ability to live independently

Kindergarten is a unified costume, spring and autumn change, throughout the year to enter the park to wear the outermost part of the kindergarten pullover, wear shorts, wear bud hat (summer wear straw hat), wear their own shoes.

When you get to kindergarten, you have to take off your pullover, change into a kind of playing blouse, take off your shoes, change into white ballet shoes, and when you go to the playground to play, you will naturally change your shoes.

Every morning, a changing procedure is repeated, and Japanese mothers stand by and watch their children, never reaching out to help.

Japanese kindergartens use this daily dressing change to allow children to practice the ability to live independently. Through training from the age of 2 or 3 years old, such as changing clothes, putting out contact manuals, posting the day's stickers, hanging handkerchiefs, etc., children develop the habit of doing things in an orderly manner.

Japanese education without anxiety: simple and self-reliant, more grateful, less competitive


Wear shorts in the winter to exercise perseverance

Japanese kindergarten children, no matter how cold the winter, wear very short shorts to school.

Japanese education without anxiety: simple and self-reliant, more grateful, less competitive

Parents do not let their children wear more from an early age, the purpose is to let children have a healthy physique and tenacious will. The half-naked children are playing with great vitality even in winter.

Over time, children have developed the ability to resist cold, and there are few cases of fever and cold.

Japanese education without anxiety: simple and self-reliant, more grateful, less competitive


Teach children to "laugh" and "thank"

Children in Japanese kindergartens do not have textbooks, only picture books that are one book per month. In the school's teaching plan, there are no mathematics, kana, painting, music, let alone English, Olympiad.

The focus of learning is actually: teach children to learn to smile and squint and say thank you!

Although there is not much intellectual education, children can often make greater progress in music, art, reading and other aspects through comprehensive education methods, which is indeed very unexpected.

Japanese education without anxiety: simple and self-reliant, more grateful, less competitive


Attaching importance to "food education"

In China, kindergarten teachers encourage children to eat faster. Japan attaches more importance to "food education" and advocates chewing and swallowing slowly.

Japanese education without anxiety: simple and self-reliant, more grateful, less competitive

In "food education", "rich mind" is an important part, which includes "happy eating process", "grateful heart" and "sense of participation", not only teaching children to eat correctly, but also experiencing the connotation of gratitude, environmental protection and frugality from eating.

A happy and imaginative childhood, starting with a bento full of love, eating and wanting to eat, and not wanting to waste. Before eating, Japanese people will say "I am moving", and after eating, they will say "thank you for hospitality". Such habits help to cultivate children's grateful mentality.


Learn where life comes from

Before the child's birthday, the teacher contacted his parents in advance to ask about the origin of the name, borrowed photos of the child since birth and exhibited them in the class, and asked the child's mother to write a letter to talk about the child's birth and read it to the children in the class.

Unlike the birthday party that some of our parents run for their children to eat and drink and buy gifts, the purpose of this series of birthday activities is to let children understand the origin of life, understand the hardships of birth and growth, joy and gratitude.

The Japanese firmly believe that children know how to respect life from an early age and rarely behave deviantly when they grow up. In early childhood, by celebrating children's birthdays and teaching them to cultivate animals and plants, they can let them understand life in simple surprise and touch, which is a perfect opportunity to cultivate respect for life.

Japanese education without anxiety: simple and self-reliant, more grateful, less competitive


Etiquette education from early childhood

When a child graduates from kindergarten, he or she will also undergo a ceremony as solemn as graduation from college, and the principal, teachers, parents, and children will wear formal and meticulous dress to complete the entire ceremony, and various ceremonies will accompany the child for life as they grow.

It can be seen how important the indoctrination of etiquette in children from an early age has played an important role in the creation of children's cultivation, and the "state of etiquette" is indeed worthy of its name.

Japanese education without anxiety: simple and self-reliant, more grateful, less competitive


Your baby will participate in sports meetings at the age of 0

A 0-year-old baby will participate in all the large-scale activities of the kindergarten, such as sports meetings, performance presentations, etc.

From an early age, children are trained to participate in collective life, cultivate a sense of collective honor, and grow up to have a strong physique and a tenacious spirit.

Japanese education without anxiety: simple and self-reliant, more grateful, less competitive


Girls play soccer

Japanese kindergartens to the middle of the group, began to play a weekly jumping class, equivalent to China's physical education and physical fitness class; to the older group, there is a football conference, children are not practicing drumming, or practicing football, and there are constantly competitions between kindergartens, girls are blue and purple, but physical strength and courage are trained.

Japanese education without anxiety: simple and self-reliant, more grateful, less competitive


Countless activities throughout the year

I don't know how many times I climbed the mountain, how many times I saw the lake, how many times I observed animals and plants, in addition, I picked up acorns, played rice cakes, held sports meetings, performed for the community, stayed in the park, celebrated the garden festival, developed the table meeting, went to the temple, exhibited the works, anyway, there are many famous halls.

The life of kindergartens in Japan lies in activities.

Japanese education without anxiety: simple and self-reliant, more grateful, less competitive


Festivals are particularly numerous

Japanese kindergartens have all their own traditional festivals, Girls' Day, Boys' Day, Na Liang Festival, in addition, China's first seven months of the seventh month of the Seven Grass Festival, February's festival, Seven Seven Beggars Festival are seriously lived, and to make their own handicrafts, so that children remember their own national traditional culture, cultivate pride.

Japanese education without anxiety: simple and self-reliant, more grateful, less competitive


Fully mixed-age education

Before 9:30 a.m. and after 3:30 p.m., the children in the whole kindergarten were playing together, and in the yard, the big kids were holding the little ones, and the little kids were chasing the big kids, and they were playing crazy. Children can really feel the feeling of older siblings, younger siblings, and the sense of growth is particularly obvious.

Japanese education without anxiety: simple and self-reliant, more grateful, less competitive


Habit of pooping, starting with young children

There are "poop classrooms" in Japanese kindergartens, and teachers dressed as "Mr. Poop" go to various schools to teach, tell children about the relationship between stool and human health, and also take children to make various shapes of "stool" with clay, tell them: which stool is healthy, which is not healthy, what should be paid attention to in diet, and so on.

Japanese education without anxiety: simple and self-reliant, more grateful, less competitive

Training on the use of toilets begins at the age of 1.5 years. In the toilet dedicated to children, there is a large row of flush toilets, and as soon as the child enters the nursery, he learns to use the toilet correctly and clean the body through the training of the nursery staff.


Obey the traffic rules and pay attention to order

Obey the traffic rules, Japanese children are instilled in this concept from an early age, When Japanese students are out of school, there is no teacher to lead the team, they all line up on the sidewalk in an orderly manner, stop at red lights and green lights all the way, and automatically leave the team when they walk near their homes or at the bus station where they need to wait for the car to go home.

Japanese education without anxiety: simple and self-reliant, more grateful, less competitive

Therefore, you will find that Japanese people crossing the street really rarely see the phenomenon of running a red light. When pedestrians cross the road, all vehicles will also consciously stop, strictly following order and rules.


Emphasize teamwork

The Games, only team competitions, no individual competitions, in the end only the winning team, no victorious individuals. Emphasis is placed on participation and does not encourage contrast.

This video on the Internet quickly became popular, a little boy in a Japanese kindergarten challenged to jump the box taller than himself, but he couldn't jump over, the classmates and teachers next to him have been cheering for him, and finally the children's small universe broke out! Netizens have lamented that the power of friendship and encouragement is really strong!


Outdoor games and more

Japanese education without anxiety: simple and self-reliant, more grateful, less competitive

Toddlers' life in kindergarten begins with outdoor play. Some of the kindergarten sites are larger, and some are not very spacious, but they are fully utilized. A variety of toys, equipment and sports facilities are set up around the event venue. For example, vaulting horses, swings, rocking boats, pulling ladders, bow climbing ladders, horizontal bars, climbing ropes or poles, carts, bicycles, etc. Kindergartens usually have a joint exercise equipment, made of logs, including climbing frames, suspension bridges, slides, balance beams, crawling nets, etc.

Outdoor activities are not arranged by teachers, but by young children who choose independently, what to play, how to play, they make their own decisions. The teacher also plays with the children in the class. For example, teachers dig sand with children and pour water into it... Or do mud dumplings, etc., play together, and enjoy the fun of the game.


Influence of Buddhism

There are many temples in Japan, and there are usually kindergartens built around the temples, and the abbot of the temple is also the director of the kindergarten, which is very common in all parts of Japan. The kindergarten has to go to the temple once a month to receive teachings, and the most important festivals in the garden must be to worship the Buddha, and there are activities on the Buddha's Birthday and Nirvana Day. The Japanese believe that immersing children in Buddhist thought from an early age will give children a grateful heart.

Japanese education without anxiety: simple and self-reliant, more grateful, less competitive


The energy of the teacher

In a class, as few as 10 people, as many as 30 people, there is only one teacher.

All the activities, skills, and knowledge of the whole class are taught by one teacher.

The birthdays of the whole class, the large-scale presentation of the works, and the sports meeting are all run by this teacher, in an orderly and decent manner.

The whole society in Japan has great respect and recognition for teachers, and parents never blame teachers for their children's injuries in kindergarten sports, but apologize for causing trouble to teachers because their children have caused them...


Article Source: Q on Education (ID: cdwendui), part of the article is compiled from Weng Yunkai's blog

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