
Professor Tsinghua frankly said: In the future, there will be children who have a career, parents will usually remember "3 pine, 2 strict"

Professor Tsinghua once said that the idea of relaxed education is correct, blindly strict requirements for children or let children grow freely is not right, and appropriate education methods are the best choice for children.

Some scholars have also said: "The attention and love of educators will leave an indelible impression on the minds of students", and in the process of children's growth, parents' words and deeds will greatly affect children. Therefore, in daily life, parents must keep in mind the "3 pine, 2 strict".

Professor Tsinghua frankly said: In the future, there will be children who have a career, parents will usually remember "3 pine, 2 strict"

"3 pines":

Relax on "failure":

Every stage of life will encounter setbacks, and we will always hope that the same reward can be paid before the setbacks come, but often the effort does not necessarily indicate that it will be successful. The child's failure after each effort will bring him a heavy blow, parents can not always emphasize the results to the child, but also teach him to relax on "failure", which is not only the truth that the child should understand, but also the parents need to understand.

Relax with "ratings"

Human beings have always liked to live in groups, so the people who encounter things around them will have a topic, so that they will be evaluated by the people around them and evaluated by strangers. And caring too much about the outside world's evaluation of yourself will only affect the pace of your progress. Professor Tsinghua mentioned that reducing the influence of the outside world on individuals can effectively cultivate children to establish self-awareness, discernment ability, and focus on doing their own things.

Professor Tsinghua frankly said: In the future, there will be children who have a career, parents will usually remember "3 pine, 2 strict"

Relax on "giving"

In recent years, the development of science and technology has made children's understanding of social information far more than their peers in the past, and complex social information has made children pay more attention to the thinking of practical problems, and their gains and losses will become relatively stronger. Paying to get rewarded has become most of their ideas, can not be sure that 100% will be rewarded, they are not willing to pay again, anything is gained and lost, if you do not do because of gains and losses, it will only affect the future development.

"2 Strict"

Be strict with "goals"

Most children do not have a clear goal for their life plan, and the confusion about the future makes them not think about the university they want to go to, the job they want to do, the person they want to become, and so on. Clear planning goals will bring unlimited fun and motivation to children, help children establish strict goals, and add more colors to his interests, preferences, and dreams.

Professor Tsinghua frankly said: In the future, there will be children who have a career, parents will usually remember "3 pine, 2 strict"

Strict on "execution"

Most children are three minutes of heat, and the planned goals may be just fun for them. Therefore, when the child's goal is clear, parents must also help him to strictly implement it. Procrastination has now become a habit of most people, helping children improve the habit of procrastination can effectively make children do their best to implement and implement planning goals.

In their daily education, parents emphasize and implement the above "3 pines" and "2 strictness", which can better help children establish interest habits and life goals, so as to achieve the correct bricks and tiles for children's future planning.

Education scholars have said that the most cost-effective investment for parents is to pay attention to their children's early education and companionship.

However, for many new parents, educating their children is a very distressing problem for them. First-time parents will also feel confused, and they understand the principles of educating their children, but how to do it?

In fact, many parenting experts have said that 3-6 years old is the child's reading sensitive period, but also the key period to cultivate children's good behavior habits, seize this time period, so that children can read more books, read more children's picture books, cultivate children's reading ability at the same time can also teach him a lot of knowledge.

Professor Tsinghua frankly said: In the future, there will be children who have a career, parents will usually remember "3 pine, 2 strict"

Can's mother has had good reading habits since she was a child, so that after having a child, I also cultivated him to follow my habits, and usually bought him some children's picture books to read with him. In particular, this "Children's Emotional Management and Character Development Picture Book" has gained a lot for me and my children, it is a full set of 10 volumes, or a bilingual picture book in Chinese and English.

It can make children learn a lot of knowledge, so that children can fall in love with reading and become smarter at the same time. Before the child is 3 years old, parents can tell their children about picture books as bedtime storybooks. After the age of 3, it can be used to cultivate children's interest in reading, help children better manage emotions, and develop good behavior habits.

Professor Tsinghua frankly said: In the future, there will be children who have a career, parents will usually remember "3 pine, 2 strict"

A full set of 10 books, namely "I can protect myself", "be brave to be myself", "Be the best of myself", "I am an honest and trustworthy good child", "I don't lose my temper casually", "We are all good friends", "Good children know politeness", "Sharing is my happiness", "Mother I can do", "Develop good habits", etc., can teach children to learn to express from different angles.

Professor Tsinghua frankly said: In the future, there will be children who have a career, parents will usually remember "3 pine, 2 strict"

Parents usually buy a variety of toys and snacks for their children, toys play for a few days do not want to play, snacks will be forgotten after eating, but reading will benefit children for a lifetime. Therefore, it is sincerely recommended that parents and friends can accompany their children to read this set of picture books well, so that children can increase their knowledge and enhance the parent-child relationship

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