
Ten years after the divorce, the ex-wife was obsessed with investing and refused to turn in the income to anger the ex-husband: I will not pay you back

Divorced, will you still go to your ex-husband or ex-wife? This is the answer that many people want to know, but in real life, I am afraid that many people will say that since the divorce is not involved in the children, it is best not to contact again, divorce is a relief, who still cares about each other's life and death.

However, nothing can be too absolute, there are still many such divorced couples in this world, although they are divorced, they will also habitually pay attention to each other's every move, and when they hear that the other party is in trouble, they will come forward as always.

First, ten years after divorce, the ex-husband can't let go of the ex-wife, and the ex-wife has an accident when his eyelids jump

Chongqing's Xiao Yang and his ex-wife Xiao Tang divorced for ten years, these years both of them are working in Jiaxing Tongxiang, and live together, Xiao Yang said that his ex-wife Xiao Tang is diligent and quick to take care of the family, but there is a fatal weakness that is that the ear root is too soft, plus there is a dream of getting rich, so he has been deceived many times before and after.

Ten years after the divorce, the ex-wife was obsessed with investing and refused to turn in the income to anger the ex-husband: I will not pay you back

Xiao Tang listened to her ex-husband say this and retorted unconvincingly, once she went to fire therapy, because her ex-husband's parents also lived here, she paid for her ex-in-laws to experience a fire therapy out of good intentions, and as a result, after her ex-husband Xiao Yang knew, she in turn accused Xiao Tang of harming his parents.

Ex-husband Xiao Yang explained that people have to go to the hospital if they are sick, and his ex-wife can understand this mood for the good of his parents, but he can't accept spending more than 20,000 yuan to do fire therapy at once.

In fact, we are not unfamiliar with fire therapy, fire therapy is an important part of acupuncture therapy medicine, common fire pots, moxibustion, fire needles and other treatment methods, it has "to strengthen the body, dispel the wind and cold, reconcile yin and yang, back to the yang and solid", but it also has contraindications, not everyone is suitable for doing. Each time it was about 100 yuan, but Xiao Tang invested more than 20,000 yuan, which was obviously fooled.

Under Xiao Yang's opposition, his ex-wife Xiao Tang began to carry him behind his back to participate in these activities, and also took his cousin to do it together, the cousin may have invested more than 10,000 yuan, when he heard about it, he was very annoyed, in order to prevent his ex-wife and relatives from falling into it, he called the police, the police came and they all dispersed, but the ex-wife Xiao Tang pointed at him and said to the police: "I don't know him, arrest him."

Xiao Yang said that the income after the divorce of the two is kept separately, because he is afraid that his ex-wife Xiao Tang will be deceived again, so in daily life, he pays close attention to Xiao Tang's every move, but the accident is always invincible, at that time his eyes jumped very strongly, as long as his eyes jumped every time, he felt that something was wrong, and he would immediately think of something happening to his ex-wife.

Ten years after the divorce, the ex-wife was obsessed with investing and refused to turn in the income to anger the ex-husband: I will not pay you back

It's ridiculous to hear, I've heard the saying that the left eye jumps money and the right eye jumps, but there is no scientific basis for this. Eyelid beating is actually caused by abnormal excitement of nerves that control the eyelid muscles. Xiao Yang has these phenomena, which can only show that he pays too much attention to his ex-wife's fear that she will be deceived, and the psychological tension caused by it has not taken a good rest, resulting in eye fatigue.

Second, the ex-wife is addicted to investment and refuses to hand over the income, which makes the ex-husband very helpless

Xiao Yang pointed to a variety of bodybuilding health care products and weight loss products placed in the house, about 200,000, and the ex-wife invested all her salary in order to buy these things, and she only earned 5,000 yuan a month.

Xiao Tang explained that some of these health foods he bought were supplemented with collagen, although they were not sold, but they were not wasted, because they were all eaten.

Xiao Tang's words are surprising, a monthly salary of 5,000 yuan, all invested in these so-called health care products, do not they eat? Seeing that his ex-wife was so obsessed, Xiao Yang had advised his ex-wife to let her return to the family well, as long as she did a good job in this family and took good care of the children. He believes that business is not something that anyone can do, let alone that his ex-wife's mind does not look like a businessman.

Ten years after the divorce, the ex-wife was obsessed with investing and refused to turn in the income to anger the ex-husband: I will not pay you back

It turned out that his ex-wife Xiao Tang was addicted to investment, but it was always unrealistic, causing a great financial burden to herself, she not only borrowed money from relatives and friends to invest, but also borrowed fifty thousand yuan on micro-particle loans, all of which were helped by her ex-husband to help her.

Ex-husband Xiao Yang said that the money to buy a house was paid by the two of them together, the mortgage was all he was repaying, and he was driving a truck, earning hard money, when he helped pay off the debt, he hoped that his ex-wife Xiao Tang could recognize his mistakes and correct his life in peace in the future, but the family's money was all invested by her, the health care products in the house were piled up everywhere, and the ex-wife also had no intention of taking care of housework, so that the living environment also became very poor, making him both angry and helpless.

Since he called the police last year, in order to control Xiao Tang's indiscriminate spending, Xiao Yang suggested that his ex-wife's monthly salary be put here for safekeeping, and the living expenses were set aside for her, because he had not let his ex-wife pay all the expenses of the family. But Tang refused to give money and told him, "I have something to do." He thought that something was going to happen, and in order to avoid his ex-wife's mistake again, he decided to move out and live, and he was not bothered.

Ten years after the divorce, the ex-wife was obsessed with investing and refused to turn in the income to anger the ex-husband: I will not pay you back

Third, the ex-wife woke up and decided to go to work well, but accused her ex-husband of managing her too much

Although she moved out, Xiao Yang was still worried about her ex-wife Xiao Tang, so she would often contact her to remind her not to invest indiscriminately, but the result was still not stopped, and the ex-wife went to make a brush order, and accidentally cheated 20,000 yuan.

Seeing his ex-wife so unrepentant, Xiao Yang was a little maddened, "I will not give you back again." Because of this incident, Last year, Xiao Tang's brother also reminded him that "you should not pay her back like this, nor should you give her back so early." It was because he didn't listen to his brother-in-law, and now he regretted it.

People say that they marry their wives and seek talents, not to mention that they are still divorced ex-wives, and seeing Xiao Yang so concerned about his ex-wife makes people really not understand why he can't let go of Xiao Tang like this. I remember a saying that said: "Don't blame others for disappointing you, only blame yourself for expecting too much." "I think this expectation may have buried too many good memories of Xiao Yang's ex-wife."

Ten years after the divorce, the ex-wife was obsessed with investing and refused to turn in the income to anger the ex-husband: I will not pay you back

Seeing that his ex-wife owed money, he was more anxious than anyone else to catch fire. But behind his concern, it is the infinite tolerance and indulgence of his ex-wife, because he pays back the money too quickly and too actively, but has become the strong backing of the ex-wife, which invisibly promotes Xiao Tang's investment ambitions and makes her bolder.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to make money, but to be legal and reasonable, you can't be blind, there is no good thing in the world to drop the pie, if you want to make money, you have to do it down-to-earth, it is unrealistic fantasy to make a lot of money by opportunism, and Xiao Tang is a demon for investment, because the heart will not refuse the deception of outsiders.

Finally, under the persuasion of everyone, Xiao Tang finally said that she would not continue to invest in the future, and she would go to work to earn legitimate money by her own efforts, but she also said that because her ex-husband Xiao Yang managed her too much, she could not accept it.

Ten years after the divorce, the ex-wife was obsessed with investing and refused to turn in the income to anger the ex-husband: I will not pay you back

Hearing his ex-wife say this, Xiao Yang quickly stated that he would no longer care about her in the future, as long as she changed the vice of investing, she would not marry others, and would continue to wait for her to remarry and get a license, even if she bought a house again, she would write Xiao Tang's name.

Sentiment Analysis:

Seeing that Xiao Tang decided to go to work well, Xiao Yang also hopes that the two will remarry, netizens have praised Xiao Yang's ex-husband is really good, and some people say that Xiao Tang is a fool with a stupid fortune, this man is divorced and is so good to his ex-wife, the average man can't do it! So, the two divorced for 10 years, why does the ex-husband care so much about the ex-wife? I think nothing more than the following.

Ten years after the divorce, the ex-wife was obsessed with investing and refused to turn in the income to anger the ex-husband: I will not pay you back

1. Divorced for 10 years without remarriage, indicating that the feelings are still there

In real life, what we hear is that after the divorce of husband and wife, some can get together and disperse, and some of them do not interact with each other, but like Xiao Yang, who cares about everything about his ex-wife and repays her debts, it is really touching and envious. We all know that marriage has never been an umbrella of love, nor is it a shield for marriage!

Although the reason for the divorce of the two people has not been explained, but divorced for 10 years, the two you have not married me, there is no intention of remarriage, indicating that they have each other in their hearts, and they have been living together, the ex-wife is unreliable, the man's heart has never deviated, he still does not abandon the place to quietly guard her, silently care about her, not to say how smart this woman is, how much money she will make, but she met a good man who is willing to guard her life.

2, the advantages of women make the ex-husband can not put down

Some say that instead of marrying a cold and heartless woman, it is better to marry an amorous and blunt woman. That's not all true.

Judging from Xiao Tang's speaking demeanor and appearance, Xiao Tang is not a person who can speak the Tao, and his reaction is not sensitive, and he is even a little untrimmed. Just like her ex-husband Xiao Yang said that her brain is not enough, nor is she the material for doing business. We all know that the person who knows you best is the person who loves you the most in our hearts. What makes the ex-husband so inseparable is that he knows too well the character and weakness of his ex-wife, Xiao Tang's ear is soft and easy to believe people, and people are honest and diligent to take care of the family, it is Xiao Tang's kindness and simplicity that make the ex-husband unable to put it down, give it up, and worry that he will be deceived.

Ten years after the divorce, the ex-wife was obsessed with investing and refused to turn in the income to anger the ex-husband: I will not pay you back

3, for the wife who was once deeply loved, men are reluctant to let her suffer

Husband and wife divorced for ten years, Xiao Yang can still care so much about his ex-wife, the key is that they have common children, one is that Xiao Yang can't put it down, and the other is that he takes the matter of his ex-wife as his responsibility. Some people say that men poured deep feelings for their first wife, although divorced, there will be concerns in their hearts, because after all, she is the woman she loves deeply, seeing her ex-wife deceived, he is reluctant to suffer from the women he once had, this habitual concern will make him forget his identity, indeed as his ex-wife Xiao Tang said, Xiao Yang managed her too much.

It is this kind of excessive protection that makes Xiao Tang bolder and bolder, and even does not hesitate to borrow micro-loans to invest, because someone repays her debts for her, and when he encounters such a good man, Xiao Tang does not hesitate to be blessed, which is really envious and jealous.

What do you think of the ex-husband Xiao Yang's approach? Welcome to leave a message to discuss!

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