
If a neighbor's child is admitted to Tsinghua University, your child can only go to vocational high school, how do you feel?

If a neighbor's child is admitted to Tsinghua University, your child can only go to vocational high school, how do you feel?

Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, and each child has his own creation.

As the saying goes, people are more popular than dead people, and comparison is a bad social atmosphere, which aggravates people's anxiety and is more likely to create social contradictions. Mr. Lu Xun's A Q spirit is also a kind of self-deception psychology, covering up the ears and stealing bells. As long as it is a person, there will be gaps, and some gaps cannot be changed through hard work, and they have backfired since ancient times. Of course, the purpose of such an analysis is not to say that it is just to go unchecked and go with the flow.

Parents should seize the best educational opportunity, closely cooperate with the school, combine the child's own reality, choose the recent education mode and method, and achieve the best educational effect in the child's education. On the issue of children's education, paying or not paying, understanding and not understanding, this is completely different. The second generation of the rich and the second generation of officials, corresponding to the second generation of farmers, the children of migrant workers, and the second generation of migrant workers, shows that this is a problem in reality.

Looking at the various cases around us, we will find that it is difficult to get out of the cold door, and the achievements, careers and development of parents are inextricably linked to their children. In terms of children's education, although there are also some "successful people" who teach their children to waste, but in general, successful parents, the probability of their children's success is still much greater. The probability of migrant parents' children being admitted to universities and prestigious schools is still very low, and parents attach importance to their children's education as the first step to solve their children's education.

If a neighbor's child is admitted to Tsinghua University, your child can only go to vocational high school, how do you feel?

Only after the efforts of parents, the child can still only be a high material, parents adjust their mentality, vocational high may be the best belonging of children. Thirty-six lines of line out of the yuan, "success" there is no unified standard of measurement, scale, perhaps you define the monthly income of 10,000 yuan to calculate success, and I define the monthly income of 3,000 yuan is success. Moreover, money is not the only measure of success.

During the Spring Festival, an eighty-year-old teacher released a video to tell his story, his two children are abroad, only he is alone in China, in the video we can not feel the happiness of this old teacher. People often think that having children is a success, and perhaps this is only part of it. For example, suppose my child goes to a vocational high school and works as an ordinary worker in a factory in his hometown after graduation.

If a neighbor's child is admitted to Tsinghua University, your child can only go to vocational high school, how do you feel?

On weekend holidays, parents' birthdays, children can bring their wives and children to visit, have a meal with their parents, and watch TV. And your child went to a prestigious school, went abroad, can only come back once in three or five years, and every time he comes back, he is in a hurry, and it is difficult for the family to reunite. In contrast, who do you think is more successful? Isn't the former happiness? Isn't that a success? There are many factors that determine a child's growth.

As long as we seize the best educational opportunities and do what we should do, no matter what kind of university the child ends up in, I believe that is the best choice. As a parent, we should accept the reality and accept the result, and only if the parent accepts all this, the child can accept all this. A neighbor's child entered the factory after graduating from secondary school as a worker, and the family conditions are not bad, but the nearly 30-year-old child has not yet married, which makes the neighbor's family sad.

If a neighbor's child is admitted to Tsinghua University, your child can only go to vocational high school, how do you feel?

Story Analysis:

In fact, in the end, this is the question of what kind of child you hope to raise, friends said, let me talk to the child about the organizational structure of this society, and tell him that the examination of civil servants is the best of the best, and only by passing the university can you enter a more high-quality platform. I think it makes sense, but I don't like to hear it very much, let alone let me tell my children. My child is still playing with his mobile phone in the third year of the first year. I didn't confiscate his phone, but gave the app when it was locked. I only told the child a very realistic problem, he is not diligent, can not do the mind, there is no advantage in technology, can only read.

Moreover, he is such a wayward and free-loving child, only by reading more to improve his IQ and vision can he maximize the right to freedom. My kids are really free-range. Since he was a child, he also learned piano calligraphy and painting to host, all because he liked it himself. Exam grades are all fate, he chooses, I cooperate only. I told him about my limited life experience and let him choose and judge for himself. As long as he truly loves and enjoys it, it is up to him to decide whether he is high or Tsinghua. Half the effort, half doomed.

I know my child, where his strengths and weaknesses are, and I know how to help him. But only if he chose to accept help, like when he was a child, he could read, and I didn't teach him to read. Just take him to the bookstore to read. Since he was more than a year old, he began to choose the books he liked, and the words that needed to be recognized were all asked by himself, and I still remember his efforts to remember the expression of the glyphs. The child's health and happiness has been a great reward, as a parent, whether he is reading Tsinghua or vocational high school, it is not a forced choice.

If a neighbor's child is admitted to Tsinghua University, your child can only go to vocational high school, how do you feel?


In fact, there are three things in this world: their own affairs, other people's affairs, and God's affairs. It is someone else's business for other people's children to be admitted to Tsinghua University. It is their own family's family's business to get their children into vocational high schools, and the two are actually unrelated. Why compare? After people are born, put in the baby box, they all look the same, which can be a leader in the future, which can not be predicted in the future, but the subsequent life trajectory is different, why?

Family education, educational environment, innate factors and acquired cultivation all play a role together, why only stare at one result? I appreciate what the ancients said: cover the coffin. As long as you haven't swallowed your last breath, don't mention any "failure". What happened to the vocational high school? There are still talents coming out of there. Whether you want to become a talent or not depends on yourself. Don't you go to a higher education institution but kill your mother, such as Wu Xieyu?

When people send couriers, they save people, rescue people, and recite ancient poems to become the champion of the national poetry competition, living with dignity, so going to college or going to vocational high school is only staged, depending on how you take the road behind you well. In addition, don't be so compared to go, live your own life, no one can replace, this life do not live in the evaluation of others. Then again, haven't you also become the richest man in the country, and what's so frustrating about that?

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