
"Take the baby tired and not die, but can be angry to death!" Parents who are driven crazy by rebellious babies, try these two tricks

Baby, can you please stop running around? No!

So are you going to the doctor with your mother? No!!

Xiao Bao, Mom is going to talk to the doctor now, so you sit next to it and wait. No! No! No!

Two days ago, the University of Science and Technology sat in the clinic, met this 2-year-old baby, a few words, and made her mother angry.

Seeing that "motherly kindness and filial piety" was about to be staged, I hurriedly intervened in it, and let the child sit quietly next to it with a word.

The mother said that the child has always resisted recently, played with his temper, and cried and threw things without saying a word. I'm about to get a heart attack.

"Take the baby tired and not die, but can be angry to death!" Parents who are driven crazy by rebellious babies, try these two tricks

Image source: Scientific Family Parenting Original

Treasure at this stage, don't care what you say, you have to do it against you, a "no, no, no" go to the world!

But no matter how angry parents are, they must remember:

"Take the baby tired and not die, but can be angry to death!" Parents who are driven crazy by rebellious babies, try these two tricks

In order to let the mother-son relationship between children and parents continue, we must also solve this problem scientifically from the root!

"Take the baby tired and not die, but can be angry to death!" Parents who are driven crazy by rebellious babies, try these two tricks

Always say no, no, no, smart index +10

Before the age of 2, most of the treasures do not have a sense of independence, so they will obey the requirements of their parents.

But once they reach the age of 2, they begin to think independently and realize the existence of "me." They will prove their independence to their parents through actions, and try to challenge the authority and the limits of adulthood.

Always say "it's mine" with a smart index of +10

Children are reluctant to share, and it is easy to be defined by their families or outsiders as selfish and will certainly be very picky when they grow up.

Don't define the child in this way, the child is just entering the sensitive period of property rights.

During this period, if you don't want to share, don't force him. Parents respect their children's awareness of property rights, and at the same time, they must also teach their children to respect the property rights of others.

"Take the baby tired and not die, but can be angry to death!" Parents who are driven crazy by rebellious babies, try these two tricks

Lose your temper without a word, intelligence index +10

Treasure at this stage is trying to separate from his parents and know and understand the world alone. Who doesn't get along with the world?

So don't blame the baby for throwing a tantrum, this is the only way for each baby to be independent. The child's tantrum is released by him, and emotions always need an outlet.

Moreover, parents should always remind themselves not to make their children into obedient treasures.

Think about how hard it is to be a good child, how difficult it is to correct the pleasing personality when you grow up, and do you still bear the same pain that your children have to eat as yourself?

As this mother said: Fighting wits with children can also be a pleasure.

"Take the baby tired and not die, but can be angry to death!" Parents who are driven crazy by rebellious babies, try these two tricks
"Take the baby tired and not die, but can be angry to death!" Parents who are driven crazy by rebellious babies, try these two tricks

Do you remember the child at the beginning of the article who was persuaded by a sentence from Koda? It's time to reveal!

Is this the method used by HKUST?

Turn the expression into a multiple-choice question

Command sentences will make the child feel uncomfortable and stimulate his rebellious fighting spirit, so let's use the respectful child's question:

"Take the baby tired and not die, but can be angry to death!" Parents who are driven crazy by rebellious babies, try these two tricks

Don't give the child the opportunity to say no, and let the baby feel respected, easy to use index 99 points!

"Take the baby tired and not die, but can be angry to death!" Parents who are driven crazy by rebellious babies, try these two tricks

If the child is faced with a choice, he still continues to say no! Then put a negative choice in the options, for example:

"Take the baby tired and not die, but can be angry to death!" Parents who are driven crazy by rebellious babies, try these two tricks

This way the child will subconsciously avoid the negative option and choose another one. Of course, if the child chooses to write homework, it is also very good. (Dog Head)

By the way, according to the feedback of mothers, this trick is also very good for the husband:

"Take the baby tired and not die, but can be angry to death!" Parents who are driven crazy by rebellious babies, try these two tricks


The treasure of the rebellious period, the desire to win or lose is a exuberant!

Parents can seize this and use the game to stimulate their children's desire to win and lose, so as to achieve the goal.

"Take the baby tired and not die, but can be angry to death!" Parents who are driven crazy by rebellious babies, try these two tricks

Say the opposite

In the face of the baby who loves to say "no", we will say the opposite, you want him to do something, deliberately say not to do anything, he refuses to be just in line with our wishes.

But be careful, this trick is ok for children around 2 years old, but it is useless as the child grows older. Or use it occasionally, don't use this method all the time.

"Take the baby tired and not die, but can be angry to death!" Parents who are driven crazy by rebellious babies, try these two tricks

Later, a mother gave feedback to Keda that she told her child that she would not take a bath, and the child said yes.

So today I also prepared an advanced version, prepared two options, no matter the child said no, or good, can continue.

"Take the baby tired and not die, but can be angry to death!" Parents who are driven crazy by rebellious babies, try these two tricks

Many parents will have a kind of thinking in the face of rebellious babies, "Whether he is deliberate, he is deliberately angry with me".

No, the child is only full of curiosity about the world and desperately wants to be independent, and will constantly rush against the parents and try different paths.

Parents should carefully observe the behavior of their children, help those who fall, clear some obstacles, but also pay attention not to let some pampered and proud babies touch the fish in muddy waters.

These three behaviors during the rebellious period must be corrected in time:

"Take the baby tired and not die, but can be angry to death!" Parents who are driven crazy by rebellious babies, try these two tricks

Keda knows that it is very hard for everyone to raise a baby, but when receiving the baby's love, it will also shed the tears of the old mother \ old father, thinking that everything is worth it.

"Take the baby tired and not die, but can be angry to death!" Parents who are driven crazy by rebellious babies, try these two tricks

Image source: HKUST Circle of Friends

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