
Some fates slip between the fingers due to a momentary willfulness

History gives it value

Some fates slip between the fingers due to a momentary willfulness
Some fates slip between the fingers due to a momentary willfulness

Tangled doesn't lead to any results.

Everyone has their own way of living.

There is no standard answer to happiness, and there is more than one way to be happy.

The way you like to live is the best way to live.

There is no immutable eternity in life.

If the two loves are long-lasting, they are in the twilight of the dynasty.

Some fates slip between the fingers due to a momentary willfulness.

Getting along day and night is bound to affect each other.

Even if the two people in life are interdependent, they should not lose their independence, otherwise they can only destroy and consume both parties.

While I love you, I inadvertently give you the right to hurt me.

All of them have been dormant for a long time.

Perhaps many years later, we will no longer be thrilled by each other, but those love and pain are deeply rooted in our hearts.

Some fates slip between the fingers due to a momentary willfulness
Some fates slip between the fingers due to a momentary willfulness

Three years old is set for life.

The knife did not cut on his body, and he did not feel pain.

In the face of the epidemic, character is like a mirror of marriage.

Stop and soak in chai rice oil and salt together to see each other more thoroughly.

Marriage is the practice of two people, not the effort of one person.

When he stands on a high place, just looking up is the best respect for him.

When young consumers buy things, they basically don't quickly find what they want, but look here, look there, see what they didn't know before, what they haven't seen before, and look at it and buy a bunch of random ones.

Life doesn't need to be in control, just love well.

The love I give him, not his needs, but my needs.

When living alone and unsupervised, it is even more necessary to be cautious, be consistent in appearance, strictly abide by one's duties, and do not deceive others or deceive oneself.

Some fates slip between the fingers due to a momentary willfulness
Some fates slip between the fingers due to a momentary willfulness

The correlation fallacy refers to assigning something that is not related to something absurd.

It is really difficult for the public to remain rational under the fallacy of association.

Before uncertainty comes, there are already a lot of past experiences and cognitions in the brain.

When something new is encountered, the brain matches the new information with the old cognition of the past.

The brain naturally likes to simplify complex things.

Information that meets security needs will be more receptive to the brain.

Rituals are associated with some good experiences and have positive psychological cues.

Any name brand is preempting the user's mind.

Stay away from information that causes mood swings.

Build your own critical thinking.

Put aside your intuition and look for enough evidence before making a judgment.

The reason why a rich person falls in love with someone else will not be that the other person is as rich as himself.

Some fates slip between the fingers due to a momentary willfulness
Some fates slip between the fingers due to a momentary willfulness

The strong don't have a sense of self-doubt.

The Marriage Act protects only property, not marriage.

Marriage is the beginning of all problems.

If you can't get into a person's emotional level, he can't fall in love with you.

Only those who can provide emotional value to each other are likely to be soul mates.

Just meet someone who can take the time to love.

Spending time and energy on promoting and pampering yourself is worth more than loving someone else every minute.

The higher the cost of something, the higher the price.

Supply is scarce and demand is strong, and prices rise.

Selling things on the internet is more efficient and cheaper.

The expensive and cheap price of a product is caused by many reasons.

People tend to value the present more clearly than the long-term utility.

The utilities that come with freshness are short-lived, and these utilities will disappear quickly in the future.

Some fates slip between the fingers due to a momentary willfulness
Some fates slip between the fingers due to a momentary willfulness

People have a tendency to avoid risks.

The more cautious people are, the more inclined they are to retain more precautionary savings.

There are always accidents in life.

Too much profit drive will generate a lot of complaints.

The effects of thought on health are incredible.

One child is raised according to the book, and the second child is raised as a pig.

The boss was born in a non-competitive environment and spent the first few years of his life, and the second was born with the boss as a competitor.

The arrogant temper that I saved before does not mean that I can change it.

The second eldest has been in a competitive environment since childhood, and he has been practicing with the eldest sparring partner for a few times at all times.

Raising a child should learn to let go, don't take too good care of him, the fittest survive, and competitive children will be easier to adapt to society later.

Raising children is a natural thing.

Life and social experience are an indispensable process in everyone's life.

Some fates slip between the fingers due to a momentary willfulness
Some fates slip between the fingers due to a momentary willfulness

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