
Boy, I don't owe you! Shock countless Chinese parents, who see who benefits!

Boy, I don't owe you! Shock countless Chinese parents, who see who benefits!


"Are we rich?"

An American kid asked his dad, "Are we rich?" ”

Dad replied, "I have money, you don't." ”

Therefore, American children will work their own from an early age, and when they inherit their father's ancestral business, they will also pass it on, and several generations will achieve a century-old enterprise.

A Chinese kid asked his dad, "Are we rich?" ”

Dad replied, "My family has a lot of money, and when I die, it will be yours in the future." ”

Therefore, the rich children of China have been spoiled since they were young, and before their father died, they began to spend a lot of money and do nothing all day.

When they took over their father's inheritance, they quickly squandered it.

So, as the old saying goes, "Rich is not more than three generations." ”

Looking at a story below, you can better understand the differences between China and the West in the treatment of children's education.


"Hope your arrival doesn't add to my troubles"

Last summer, a Chinese friend sent his 13-year-old son to the home of a friend in Australia, Mary, saying that he wanted his son to see the world and ask mary to take care of him.

Thus, Mary began her "care" of an underage boy.

Having just picked up the boy from the airport, Mary said something to him:

"I'm a friend of your dad's, a month of summer life in Australia, and your dad entrusted me to take care of you.

But what I'm going to tell you is that I'm not responsible for taking care of your life because I don't owe your dad and he doesn't owe me, so we're equal with each other.

You are 13 years old, and you have basic life skills, so from tomorrow onwards, you have to get up on time, and I am not responsible for calling you.

When you get up, you have to make your own breakfast, because I have to go to work, it is impossible to make breakfast for you, and after eating you have to wash the dishes and dishes yourself, because I am not responsible for washing the dishes for you, that is not my responsibility.

The laundry room is there and your clothes have to be washed by yourself.

In addition, here is a city map and bus schedule, you see the place yourself to decide where to go to play, I have time to take you, but if you don't have time, you have to figure out the route and ride, you can go to play by yourself.

In short, you have to try to solve your own life problems.

Because I have my own things to do, I hope your arrival doesn't add to my troubles. ”


The 13-year-old boy understood...

The 13-year-old boy blinked his eyes as he listened to the one who was not allowed to call her aunt himself, insisting that he call her by her first name—Mary's words must have touched her heart.

Because at home in Beijing, all his life is the responsibility of his parents.

Finally, when Mary asked him if he understood, he said, "Got it." ”

Yes, this aunt is right, she does not owe her father, she does not owe herself, she is 13 years old, is a big child, has been able to do a lot of things, including solving breakfast by herself, and going out by herself, going to the places she likes.

Boy, I don't owe you! Shock countless Chinese parents, who see who benefits!


The child seems to have been "magically" cast

A month later, he returned home in Beijing.

The family was surprised to find that the child had changed, had become able to do anything, and that he would manage everything: folding the quilt after getting up, washing dishes after eating, cleaning the house, using the washing machine, going to bed on time, and becoming polite to people...

His mom and dad admired Mary to the ground.

Ask her, "What magic did you cast?" Let my son grow up and understand things in a month? ”


Boy, I don't owe you!

Chinese parents are too spoiled and spoiled, as long as they have, they all give to their children.

I don't have it myself, and I always want to give the best in the world to my children.

When the child was a child, he shielded him from the wind and rain, arranged everything, and protected him under his wings;

When their children grow up and even become a family, Chinese parents are still in charge of their children inside and out, and they seem to have lived for their children all their lives, completely missing their own lives.

Whether it is young parents or elderly parents, children not only need our pampering, they need our letting go of love!

Our children are very good, they have the ability to create a better life on their own, and perhaps the future they find on their own is better than what their parents provide.

Chinese parents, we must learn to let go, and no longer be an all-inclusive parent.

Whether it is educating children or taking care of grandchildren, we must always remember that parents do not owe their children, and grandparents do not owe their children!


Well said, this story has a profound meaning for every family, and it is very inspiring to me!

I hope every parent in China can read this story!

Whether it is with children or educating grandchildren, we must always remember that we do not owe children, children need to learn the ability to be independent, and we will one day withdraw from the children's lives, they will eventually face the world alone!


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