
What truths must be understood in interpersonal communication?

1. Don't call someone after 11 p.m., and don't call someone before 8:30 a.m.

2. WeChat nicknames begin with A, either micro-business, or real estate agents, or buy insurance, they are afraid that others can't find themselves.

What truths must be understood in interpersonal communication?

3. The first time you meet someone who makes you feel uncomfortable, you don't want to be in deep friendship.

4. The circle of friends is clean and clean girls, or the circle of friends are all kinds of travel, food, luxury cars, such girls I advise you not to chase.

5. Don't take other people's flaws and hidden pains as a talking point for you to laugh at others.

What truths must be understood in interpersonal communication?

6. Don't always share your good deeds with your friends, your friends may want you to be doing well, but definitely don't want you to be better off than him.

7. Those girls who are good-looking, sexy dressed, always soaking in various bars, shuttling between various boys, you don't chase them in the end, they are not something you can control as an ordinary person.

8. No matter how good a friend or relative you are, you go to their house as a guest, don't be empty-handed.

What truths must be understood in interpersonal communication?

9. Remember never to try to exchange your secrets for the right to be friends with others, because the friendship you get in this way will not only be disrespected, but you may also face the danger of others making your secrets public.

10. Self-disciplined people are often excellent. Self-disciplined people, delayed satisfaction is higher, they can resist short-term temptations, have a longer-term vision, and naturally tend to stand out.

11. You don't have to squeeze your head to know more people, others won't look at you pitifully and pull you along. In this world, except for your parents and the ultimate nemesis, everyone else is built on the basis of the exchange of benefits. You can't give benefits to others, so why should they let you be a prostitute?

What truths must be understood in interpersonal communication?

12. Never say bad things about her boyfriend with your girlfriend, never try to persuade them when they argue, and keep a certain distance from your girlfriend's boyfriend.

13. Girls say that breaking up may not really want to break up, just want to ask the boy to coax her, and the boy who says to break up is basically really wanting to break up.

14. Don't break up with the object at every turn, divorce at every turn, maybe you just mean to say angry words, but the person who hears it will feel very hurt and insecure.

What truths must be understood in interpersonal communication?

15. Don't be an afterthought, some people always like to blame others after an incident, "I told you a long time ago, you don't listen", "You see, I said it right" After the incident, saying these words not only does not play any role, but also makes everyone uncomfortable.

16. Don't get involved in someone else's life in the name of "I'm for your own good." Everyone's mind is independent, don't impose your will on others. And sometimes you ask yourself if you really want to be good for her?

17. When others are talking, don't interrupt others, don't always interject, such people are really impolite and annoying.

What truths must be understood in interpersonal communication?

18. Don't play vibrato in public, and don't make the music loud. People who put their voices out are generally more selfish.

18. When you're partying together, don't always stare at asking where others work, asking how much they're paid, whether they've bought a car or a house.

19. People who often vent negative energy in the circle of friends and are too resentful are generally not satisfied.

20. Although you long for love, don't be carried away by love, understand that blindly licking on your knees, and paying without asking for anything in return will only make yourself cheaper.

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