
From the practical answers to questions, step into a world of mutual understanding between the sexes

Love and marriage, about emotional issues, have always been the biggest part of psychological research, and there are a large number of theoretical and practical books that teach us what we should and should not do. But when we read those books, there is always a feeling of itching in the boots, and even if the author gives a large number of examples, it seems to be a certain distance from our lives.

Liu Yifei, emotional writer, screenwriter, she has long written columns for major magazines, has a large readership, and many people talk to him about related emotional issues. The more you see, the more you hear, and of course, the more you think. And her "Happy Relationship Psychology Class" is to answer the most common questions in our daily lives and answer the bits and pieces of those feelings.

From the practical answers to questions, step into a world of mutual understanding between the sexes

In the face of feelings, what problems do we encounter? From a woman's point of view, they may have too many misconceptions about what men know.

Are men very fond of lying? Why do you make such an impression on women? This is because what men say is often inconsistent, and it is particularly easy for women to remember some details, which creates the impression that men love to lie.

But what about the real situation? Men have bragging problems and are too fond of exaggeration, especially in front of the women they like. But exaggeration is bound to deviate from the facts, and it is impossible to be consistent. In the face of this situation, female friends carefully examine their men, if they just love face and be heroes, then don't take it too seriously. But when you still lie about something very important, such as deliberately concealing your trip, then pay attention.

From the practical answers to questions, step into a world of mutual understanding between the sexes

Are men really friends more important than girlfriends? Women in love always like to let their boyfriends accompany them all the time, and it is their highest need for two people to become one. But men often put their girlfriends aside for a party and a game with friends, which creates the illusion that friends are more important than girlfriends.

But actually? Friends and girlfriends are two completely different concepts for men, men also need their own space, need their own social, give them the space to play freely, both for you and for him is good. But things still have to be considered in two ways, this is in the case of men's real concern for their girlfriends, there is a care, if women do not feel the existence of men, men's love, then it is necessary to be brave to let go.

From the practical answers to questions, step into a world of mutual understanding between the sexes

These are just two questions that are common in this book, and Liu Yifei's answer can also give the majority of friends in love the opportunity to seriously think. Falling in love is a matter of two people, and there are natural differences between the two sexes, and this difference often causes all-round misunderstanding. Want to be happy, want the relationship between the sexes harmonious, Liu Yifei's suggestions are very pertinent to understand themselves and understand each other's relevant information.

"Happy Relationship Psychology Lesson" has a large number of readers' letters, has the secret book of men and women to get rid of the list, has the law of love and the skills of recognizing people. Let us find the other half who really treats ourselves in love in the process of reading this book like a story, and walk into happiness.

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