
Good family education is to give children these 6 kinds of happiness in childhood

After the implementation of the "double reduction" policy, the burden on students has been reduced, but many parents who are accustomed to "chicken babies" are overwhelmed and always fall into a very anxious situation!

For these anxieties, Zhu Yongxin believes: "Some of the anxieties of parents may sometimes be created by themselves, enjoying the growth of their children, paying attention to their children's needs, respecting their children's interests, parents may have a lot less trouble!" ”

Zhu Yongxin once said to his parents, "You are the first in Chinese, the first in my sports, the first in his mathematics, the first in someone playing football, and the first in paper cutting... Wouldn't it be nice to have everyone do first place? Why is everyone vying for the only score 'first place'? ”

After the "double subtraction", how to make every child become the "first place", and how can parents give their children better family education? How to drive away anxiety and quarrels, let love and wisdom go hand in hand, and raise children with happiness? Let's take a look at Zhu Yongxin's concept of parenting! Good family education is to give children these 6 kinds of happiness in childhood!

Good family education is to give children these 6 kinds of happiness in childhood

Adults are more important than talent

Happiness is more important than success

The happiness of reading

"You may have unlimited wealth, boxes of jewelry and chests of gold. But you'll never be richer than I am, and I have a mom who reads to me. ”

Reading is an important source of children's spiritual life, and the cultivation of reading ability, reading interest and reading habits starts from the family.

The initial reading is parent-child co-reading, which is read by parents to their children, because children do not recognize words, and reading is more from pictures.

Children first understand the world through pictures. Children's books not only have the effect of valuable edification, but also have the effect of healing, what problems children want to solve, there are corresponding books, let children read books than say ten thousand sentences of lessons are useful.

Most importantly, once the child develops the habit of reading in childhood, he will take the initiative to find books to read in the future.

Good family education is to give children these 6 kinds of happiness in childhood

The happiness of companionship

Parents and children eat together, talk together, communicate and learn all the time.

Parents are talking about politics, and children may be interested in politics in the future; parents are complaining, and children may have the emotion of complaining. Many parents think that there is no point in talking to their children more, but in fact, what parents say, even if the child does not understand today, will become an important part of his brain.

More importantly, companionship and living together will determine whether the whole family has a common destiny.

One father is a well-known local entrepreneur who is usually very busy and has no time to spend with his children. After the child enters primary school, the teacher asks the parents to read with the child, not only the mother, but also the father.

The father read 184 books with his children in 5 years. He said that he didn't feel it at first, but after reading for a month, he found that reading was much more interesting than drinking, so he began to actively refuse to socialize and read with his children. He said: "In these 5 years, the children went to primary school and I went to college. "Later he talked with his children, and the medium was books.

Parents should find a way to accompany their children no matter how busy they are, even if the time is very tight. Back home, many parents play games and watch TV, which is normal, but if you want your child to grow up better, you must restrain your behavior.

Good family education is to give children these 6 kinds of happiness in childhood

Good habits of happiness

Mr. Ye Shengtao said that education is to cultivate habits, and whether education is successful depends on whether children have formed good habits. Sports is not to see how high you jump, how fast you run, how good you are at playing, but whether you have developed good fitness habits.

The new education reform has an action called one thing per month, and let children do one thing every month to cultivate good habits.

For example, learn to eat this month. There are many habits to develop in eating.

For example, learning to walk, walking also has habits, behind the habit there are many normative things, such as not running a red light, which means to follow the rules.

Psychological research has found that a good habit formation requires 21 consecutive days of continuous training, and families need to help children develop good living habits.

Good family education is to give children these 6 kinds of happiness in childhood

Achieve self-happiness

We want all of our children to be heroes, and the only possibility is to help him and make him himself.

The home and school should be a place to help the child discover himself and achieve himself, giving the child as much space, stage and opportunity as possible, so that it is possible for the child to become himself.

As a parent, you can't ask all your children to be the same. Helping children build self-confidence and helping children find themselves is the key.

Parents always have the urge to help their children, which is also unaccustomed, that is also very worried, often like to cross the line, help the child to do everything. However, children always have to face the world independently.

Children do what they want to do, which not only cultivates their ability to do things, but more importantly, lets them learn to enjoy the process of doing things, and cultivates the important quality of their concentration.

Good family education is to give children these 6 kinds of happiness in childhood

The happiness of being respected

The secrets of childhood are far from being discovered. We know that in the long history of mankind, children have often not been regarded as human beings, and even to this day, there are still many people who do not regard children as human beings.

The real discovery of children and the treatment of children as human beings was after the Renaissance. People began to respect children and respect the status of people.

Especially since the United Nations Children's Charter, we must respect and love children. But with the Children's Charter, do we really treat children as children? It doesn't seem to be! Not to mention treating him like an independent person.

I think our knowledge and understanding of children is far from enough. We need to be consciously aware: respect for childhood.

Childhood itself is one of the most magical stages. With a respect for the child's current life, respect for the child himself as a person, many of our educational methods will naturally change.

So to a certain extent, education is a kind of faith, the establishment of some basic ideas, the basic understanding of children, or the correct concept of children, is a starting point for our education, but also the starting point for the education of our entire family.

Good family education is to give children these 6 kinds of happiness in childhood

Happiness that is believed

Parents should not easily compare your children with other people's children, and do not compare your children's shortcomings with the strengths of others. Believe that your child is a work of art like no other.

Every child is different, and parents should be good at discovering their child's shining points and helping him become the best version of himself.

Appreciation leads to success, and complaining leads to failure. If you want your children to do it, then cherish every opportunity for your child to grow, appreciate their growth, appreciate their words and deeds; if you want your children to do it, then complain and blame them.

The child's potential is greater than everything that has been achieved. Modern scientific research has long proved that human potential is enormous. Let's believe in the potential of children's development! These 6 kinds of happiness harvested in childhood will become the happiness and luck of the child's life!

Regarding family education, Zhu Yongxin also said the following remarks, every parent should take a look at it with their hearts!

1. Many parents think that their task is to make their children eat well, dress well, and be healthy, and education is a matter of school. In fact, no matter where the child is, it is always inseparable from the influence of the parents and the education of the parents, including every sentence on the table, the child remembers in his heart.

2. For a long time, we have regarded growing up as a child's business, but it is not. Growing up is a common thing for parents and children, and it is a problem that parents and children must face together. Without the growth of parents, there will never be the growth of children.

3. In the adult dictionary, mistakes always belong to children because they are the standard. Adults are free to judge, criticize, or even insult children. In fact, it is often adults and parents of children who make mistakes, and children have difficulty arguing and unjustly claiming.

4. Many parents are self-centered, and they meet their own needs in the name of love instead of really thinking from the perspective of their children. Entering the depths of the child's heart, paying attention to the child's growth, helping the child, and meeting the child's needs is the real love!

5. Among the factors affecting lifelong development, the score is not the most important, what plays a restrictive role is character, character, the happiness of being a person, and it is welcomed and respected. Paying too much attention to the child's learning and paying little attention to his character is a worrying way of education.

6. Mr. Ye Shengtao said that education is to cultivate habits, and whether education is successful depends on whether good habits have been formed.

7. There is nothing wrong with Jackie Chan, which parent is not like this? But the problem is the standard. We parents always use grades as a criterion, in fact this direction is wrong. The child should be himself, and only by becoming himself can he live a happy life and realize his potential.

This article is transferred from | China Education News

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