
The study found that before the age of two is the golden period of children's brain development, parents should cultivate 4 abilities

Wen | Jingma

The study found that before the age of two is the golden period of children's brain development, parents should cultivate 4 abilities

From pregnancy to the two-year-old child, it is 1,000 days in the early days of life, and the World Health Organization defines these 1,000 days as a "window of opportunity" for a person's growth and development.

That is, the health, intelligence, and intelligence of the child after adulthood may be related to these 1,000 days.


Every time you go to child care after the birth of your child, you will not only measure your body weight, but also measure the child's head circumference.

Why measure the circumference of a child's head? Because the increase in the circumference of the child's head indicates that the child's brain is developing. In the first two years of a child's life, the brain develops very rapidly.

The weight of the brain when the child is born is about 380 grams, and when the child is one year old, the weight of the brain reaches 970 grams, and the weight of the brain reaches 1120 grams at the age of two, and then 130 grams can reach the weight of adults.

The study found that before the age of two is the golden period of children's brain development, parents should cultivate 4 abilities

The increase in the weight of your child's brain represents the rapid development of your child's brain.


Studies have also found that synapses that can help children transmit information already appear during the fetal period and develop particularly quickly in the early stages of life.

From birth to two years old, the development of neurites has reached the level of adults, and the synapses are in a relatively saturated state before the age of 10.

The suggestions of these studies and authoritative experts represent that the child's two-year-old is a critical period of brain development, and the critical period of brain development is not only to give the child enough balanced nutrition, but also to pay attention to the cultivation of the child's 4 abilities.

After all, the child's IQ still needs to be trained and practiced.

The study found that before the age of two is the golden period of children's brain development, parents should cultivate 4 abilities

These four abilities of the child will have a sensitive period before the age of two, and the parents will be more successful after catching the child in time

★0 to 3 months: exercise of children's visual and auditory abilities

When the child is in the mother's belly, he actually has a vague visual and auditory ability, can hear the mother talk, the father tells stories, and after birth, the vision and hearing slowly become mature.

Newborn children look vague, but when the child is full moon, he can see objects 20 to 30 centimeters away and can hear various sounds.

When the child is 0 to 3 months old, parents should often show the child some black and white, or bright, pink, red, green books or objects, which help to attract the attention of the child's eyes and teach the child to track the items.

For example, take a black and white card in front of the child's eyes 20 cm, when the child is concentrating on the card, you can slowly move the card, so that the child learns to turn his eyes or turn his head to pursue this item, which helps to exercise the child's vision.

When the child is 0 to 3 months old, you can play with some toys that can make sounds, and also turn these items to let the child pursue this sound, you can exercise the child's visual and auditory ability.

The study found that before the age of two is the golden period of children's brain development, parents should cultivate 4 abilities

★4 to 7 months: the child's sense of touch

At this time, the child especially likes to eat fingers, in fact, because the child's mouth is very sensitive, he contacts his fingers through the mouth, and the fingers can contact the inside of the mouth in the mouth.

In fact, this is the child developing his sense of touch, in addition to eating hands, the child's hands also like to pinch to take various things, even tapping and patting, which is actually exercising the fine movements of his hands, but also exercising the touch ability of his hands.

At this time, you can buy some tear-up, uneven, brightly colored books for your child, in addition to stimulating your child's vision, you can also exercise your child's tactile ability and let your child touch it to feel.

In daily life, the things that are sent to the child are washed and can be touched by the child.

The study found that before the age of two is the golden period of children's brain development, parents should cultivate 4 abilities

★8 to 12 months: Cognitive abilities

The child begins to reject strangers and even become very clingy to the mother, because the child already knows which one is someone I don't know and which is my mother.

At this time, his eyes could clearly recognize his mother's facial features, and his hearing could already distinguish between his father and mother's voice.

For familiar people he will be closer, for strange people he will be more resistant, which means that the child's brain has begun to learn to distinguish, has the cognitive ability.

At this time, you can teach your children to know your grandparents and parents, and you can teach your children to recognize different things, such as this is an apple and this is a vegetable.

At this time, buying some cognitive word card books for children is also very helpful to improve children's cognitive ability.

The study found that before the age of two is the golden period of children's brain development, parents should cultivate 4 abilities

★1 to 2 years old: Language ability

After the child reaches the age of one, he begins to speak slowly, at this time, parents should chat more with their children, communicate with their children more, take their children to read books and picture books, or all kinds of books that teach children to read.

The words in these books can not be too long, mainly based on pictures, there will be simple word introduction, in order to stimulate the child's language center, help the child to master more vocabulary faster.

The more vocabulary a child masters, the more it helps his IQ and makes him smarter.

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