
Chasing girls, four routines and techniques, finding an object is very easy

What are the routines and techniques for chasing girls? This article for chat problems and skill routines, to do a detailed sharing for everyone, to help you find the right steps to chase girls, find the object is very easy.

Chasing girls, four routines and techniques, finding an object is very easy

One, about the chat aspect

The essence of chasing girls to chat is to stir the heartstrings, the girl's feeling is actually to say that it is blushing heartbeat, only if it brings her various emotional fluctuations, she will have the so-called "heartbeat feeling" for you. If you only treat her well, she will feel uninteresting and alienated from you. Make her cry and laugh, produce joy and sorrow, and she will have "feelings" for you.

In chatting with girls, try to be lively and cheerful, and have a casual and casual mentality. If you are introverted, not good at socializing, and usually do not pay attention to the joy of life, always live in your own world. Well, you want to have a humorous chat right away, which is certainly not possible. So, first of all, from the depth of the heart, let yourself change.

1, talk about your feelings at the moment: for the weather changes, some local beauty, today's encounter with interesting things, etc., but do not bring your negative emotions in.

2, talk about your values: your views on social phenomena, your views on certain things, your views on interacting with people, and so on.

3, talk about your life: what you do every day, what kind of life state.

4, talk about your past: what kind of person you used to be, how your childhood was, what are the good memories, etc.

The advantage of this way is that you don't know what to say when you chat, but you will talk about yourself in detail and have emotions; its main role is, 1, to establish a sense of familiarity between women. 2, let your atmosphere is not awkward, there is something to talk about, even if the girls do not speak, you are still talking.

In addition to talking about themselves, the other is to talk about women, we know, who is everyone most concerned about? That's right, it's herself, you go talk about her, she will be willing to communicate with you. So, the right way: talk to a woman first you describe yourself, mainly to establish a certain sense of familiarity, and then go to ask her questions to get to know her, that's interaction. (Routines and techniques for chasing girls)

For example, a woman's interest; what she usually does; a woman's values for some things; among them, if you want to find the woman's interest, it will be very relaxed, you just need to listen to her, listen to her.

Chasing girls, four routines and techniques, finding an object is very easy

Second, don't pursue it too much

Do not be overly enthusiastic, whether girls or boys, the pursuit of the opposite sex do not use too much force, will scare the other party, this is human nature, will only make women farther away from you.

Imagine the pursuit of the opposite sex as a "market act." A brand wants to sell things to consumers, first of all, to do a good job, with 100% sincerity, and then consider doing some advertising, public relations activities and the like, to stimulate consumers' desire to buy. (Routines and techniques for chasing girls)

You want to make the other person feel that you are an attractive, excellent person (a good product), not like the hair salon brother desperately selling hair care products.

Turn yourself into an attractive, excellent man, you need to constantly improve yourself, enhance your own value in all aspects, and when you become excellent, there will naturally be women close to you, and finally what you need to do is to choose in it, so-called, if you bloom, butterflies come, this is the truth.

Chasing girls, four routines and techniques, finding an object is very easy

Third, do not confess

When you decide to confess to a woman, you have already lost, many brothers will not know why, and even feel very strange, then the male protagonist of the movie or novel is not the heroine of the confession chase? Even if these are not credible, there are many examples of successful confessions in life, if you don't confess, how do you chase girls?

This is what the brothers do not understand what the nature of things is? This has to be discussed from a psychological point of view. People are generally wary of making a formal commitment. Because human beings are not willing to let themselves face inconsistent contradictions in their psychology. So once we need to make the right commitment, we consider the possibility of breaking the oath in the future. (Routines and tricks for chasing girls)

The confession is a little too serious, and you ask the other person to establish all the vague parts through a yes or no answer. All the gray parts are not allowed to exist, and a clear decision must be made, which is why confessing women is dangerous.

Fourth, dating considerations

Dating is a very critical part of the girl chase, before the date needs to understand each other's preferences, if you are embarrassed to ask directly, you can first look at her Weibo, WeChat, or side inquiry, to prepare for the date.

The most critical part of dating is the first date, and once a woman has a good impression of you on your first date, then you have a great chance of catching her, a few key points in dating:

1, put your mind at ease, don't think about becoming boyfriend and girlfriend with her on a date, just think about meeting a new friend.

2, dress yourself up before the date, dress up, clean and tidy, etc. will greatly enhance the woman's good feelings for you

3, do a good job of their own body language (firm eyes, straight posture, confident voice).

4, be prepared for full chat topics, after all dating is a process of mutual communication.

5, grasp a good dating atmosphere, this requires a certain amount of emotional intelligence and social skills of men.

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