
How harmful is anemia during pregnancy

Pregnant women are the most common group of people with anemia, with 50% of pregnant women being anaemic. Due to fetal growth

The nutrients needed during development are through the placenta to the various camps in the maternal bloodstream

Nutrients are absorbed, and if the maternal nutrient deficiency has a direct negative impact on the fetus,

This can cause the fetus to develop slowly.

How harmful is anemia during pregnancy

How harmful is anemia during pregnancy?

1. Severe anemia can lead to fetal hypoxia, causing intrauterine growth retardation and preterm birth

Until stillbirth.

How harmful is anemia during pregnancy

2. Pregnant mothers with anemia, the incidence of gestational hypertension is significantly higher than that of normal pregnant women.

3. Anemia pregnant mothers often make the fetal baby unable to tolerate uterine contractions during childbirth

The resulting hypoxia is prone to asphyxia in the uterus.

4. Pregnant mothers often suffer from anemia due to weakness of uterus, prolonged labor, and postpartum bleeding

Good ending.

6. Anemia during pregnancy leads to a decrease in resistance and is more likely to have a cold and urinary system sensation after childbirth

Infection and other common diseases.

7. The resistance in the puerperium period is lower than that of normal women, and it is easy to be complicated by perineum and abdominal knife-edge infection

or not healing

8. Postpartum uterine recovery is slow, lochia often persists impure, and the uterus is prone to bacterial infection.

Causes endometritis.

Anemia is a great threat to pregnant women and fetuses, pregnant women must beware of the occurrence of anemia,

If tiredness, fatigue, dizziness, tinnitus, loss of appetite, indigestion, irritability occur

It should be done if the lips and oral mucosa are palletized, inability to concentrate, and the lips and oral mucosa are pale

Consider whether you have anemia.

How to prevent anemia?

How harmful is anemia during pregnancy

1. On-time obstetric examination

Blood counts should be checked at least twice in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy to detect poverty early

blood, and take appropriate measures to correct the anemia.

How harmful is anemia during pregnancy

2. Balanced diet

Eat more foods rich in iron. In general, animal liver, blood tofu,

Egg yolks and meat foods are rich in iron and are conducive to the suction of the human body


3. Take iron under the guidance of a doctor

For some expectant mothers, iron intake from the diet alone is sometimes not enough for the body

For expectant mothers with significant iron deficiency anemia, they can be taken under the guidance of a doctor

Iron is easily accepted and absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract.

4 Maintain a good mood

When pregnant mothers are in a happy mood every day, maintaining a good mood can not only enhance pregnant mothers

The body's immunity can also promote the vigorous hematopoietic function of bone marrow in the bones of the body

This, thus playing a role in preventing anemia, while also making the skin rosy and the face shiny.

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