
Lei Jun took a family photo with 12 executives, the female executives were beautiful and sassy, and the comment area exploded again!

author:Hot dumplings

Recently, a group photo of Xiaomi executives has once again sparked heated discussions on the Internet, and some clues may be gleaned from it.

Lei Jun took a family photo with 12 executives, the female executives were beautiful and sassy, and the comment area exploded again!

Lei Jun is humble and courteous, and has won numerous praises

The photo was taken after a make-up event on the official website.

It is particularly worth mentioning that Lei Jun took the initiative to invite the 12 Xiaomi executives present to take a group photo.

Lei Jun took a family photo with 12 executives, the female executives were beautiful and sassy, and the comment area exploded again!

Unlike some "top leaders" who put up a show, Lei Jun walked straight to each executive and greeted him humbly and politely: "Can I take a photo of each executive in the studio?"

Lei Jun took a family photo with 12 executives, the female executives were beautiful and sassy, and the comment area exploded again!

In the face of Lei Jun's humble and friendly overtures, netizens expressed their appreciation.

Someone bluntly said, "It is really worthy of a generation of entrepreneurs, and it is really commendable to treat people so politely."

After all, in today's narrow and restless social climate, it is not easy for those in power to maintain such humility and prudence.

Lei Jun took a family photo with 12 executives, the female executives were beautiful and sassy, and the comment area exploded again!

The image of the executive has won countless likes

In the group photo, Xiaomi's female executives were radiant and intellectually elegant, and netizens were full of praise.

Lei Jun took a family photo with 12 executives, the female executives were beautiful and sassy, and the comment area exploded again!

Someone quipped, "With all due respect, this is indeed what the female executive in the TV series looks like, and she looks like a female executive!" "

Lei Jun took a family photo with 12 executives, the female executives were beautiful and sassy, and the comment area exploded again!

For the shaping of the current image of strong women, Xiaomi's female executives are undoubtedly the best practice.

And Xiaomi's male executives are also neat and generous, and they are full of energy.

Lei Jun took a family photo with 12 executives, the female executives were beautiful and sassy, and the comment area exploded again!

Netizens were convinced, "This group of men are all in great shape, and they really deserve to be the most bullish."

Lei Jun took a family photo with 12 executives, the female executives were beautiful and sassy, and the comment area exploded again!

There is no trace of the laziness of 'successful people' in them, but they are self-disciplined and energetic. "

Lei Jun took a family photo with 12 executives, the female executives were beautiful and sassy, and the comment area exploded again!

Lei Juncheng is the focus, heroic and sassy, and has won countless praises

Of course, Lei Jun is still the focus of the group photo.

Lei Jun took a family photo with 12 executives, the female executives were beautiful and sassy, and the comment area exploded again!

He was wearing a dark blue suit, his tall figure looked more sharp and neat, and his smile was confident and energetic.

Lei Jun took a family photo with 12 executives, the female executives were beautiful and sassy, and the comment area exploded again!

Some netizens directly shouted out the admiration of "absolutely domineering President Fan" and "It's not too much to participate directly in Paris Fashion Week".

As can be seen from the photos, Lei Jun's positive and enterprising spirit has played a good role in demonstrating the establishment of Xiaomi's positive energy culture.

Lei Jun took a family photo with 12 executives, the female executives were beautiful and sassy, and the comment area exploded again!

For a long time, Lei Jun has given people the impression of a highly positive, diligent and pragmatic entrepreneur.

Although he is over half a hundred years old, he still maintains the vigor of a young man, his insatiable curiosity and enterprising spirit, and he tirelessly explores new fields and pursues new breakthroughs.

Lei Jun took a family photo with 12 executives, the female executives were beautiful and sassy, and the comment area exploded again!

Xiaomi executives demonstrated the vitality of the team with their actions

As can be seen from this group photo, Xiaomi's senior management team is full of vitality regardless of gender, age or age.

In addition to the spirit of dedication and research at work, they also attach great importance to self-cultivation and pursue a healthy and active lifestyle in their daily life.

Lei Jun took a family photo with 12 executives, the female executives were beautiful and sassy, and the comment area exploded again!

Teaching by example is more important than teaching, and they use their exemplary behavior to subtly establish good values for Xiaomi employees, and further unite the strength of the entire team.

Xiaomi's ability to have such a healthy and progressive corporate culture atmosphere is inseparable from the important role of its founder Lei Jun.

Lei Jun took a family photo with 12 executives, the female executives were beautiful and sassy, and the comment area exploded again!

Lei Jun once said: "Dreams are always new, and the road forward will always extend under your feet." "Yes

In other words, this yearning for the future, unremitting dreams and the spirit of hard work are the biggest driving force for Lei Jun along the way.

Lei Jun took the initiative to embrace change and win the recognition of the new generation

It is based on this belief that Lei Jun actively integrates into new media, actively reaches out to young people, and listens to different voices with an open, inclusive, and communication-oriented attitude.

Today, he is a big Internet celebrity with more than 20 million fans, and these fans are not obtained through large-scale operations, but won by Lei Jun bit by bit and with sincerity.

Lei Jun took a family photo with 12 executives, the female executives were beautiful and sassy, and the comment area exploded again!

The reason why Lei Jun was able to rejuvenate himself in the new stage of his life in his 50s is inseparable from his yearning for the future and continuous learning.

He has said many times: "Only lifelong learning can keep up with the pace of development of the times." "It also motivates followers to keep up with the times and keep up with the times.

Lei Jun took a family photo with 12 executives, the female executives were beautiful and sassy, and the comment area exploded again!

Xiaomi has a promising future, but there is still a long way to go

Excellence comes from a thirst for knowledge and good at learning, while success lies in indifference to fame and fortune and eternal humility. Lei Jun is undoubtedly a representative portrayal of these two qualities. And this group photo of senior executives shows these excellent qualities to the fullest.

Lei Jun took a family photo with 12 executives, the female executives were beautiful and sassy, and the comment area exploded again!

The success of a business depends largely on the strength of the personality of the leader and the team. From this point of view, Xiaomi's prospects are worth looking forward to.

Lei Jun took a family photo with 12 executives, the female executives were beautiful and sassy, and the comment area exploded again!

Although Xiaomi has a place in the domestic market, it still has a long way to go in the broader international market. Whether it survives or dies depends on whether Xiaomi can continue to carry forward this fine tradition of self-confidence, enterprising, pragmatism and humility.

Lei Jun took a family photo with 12 executives, the female executives were beautiful and sassy, and the comment area exploded again!

Lei Jun has said many times that Xiaomi's development path is endless, and he will continue to lead the company to climb new heights. Let us all look forward to whether this great dream can finally come true under the leadership of Lei Jun.