
The greatest kindness of human nature is to know how to "think in empathy"! The same goes for education

Thinking about everything from the perspective of others is the highest state of being a human being and the highest level of kindness in the world.

I once saw such a passage:

If you're a driver, you'll feel like passers-by have to play by the rules; if you're a passerby, you'll feel like the owner needs to be courteous.

If you are the boss, you will feel that the employees are very lazy; if you are an employee, you will feel that the boss is very harsh.

People, in different positions, have different ideas. Life is a big drama stage, offstage feels that the stage is too ridiculous, and the stage feels too pitiful offstage.

Engaged in education for many years, often pay more attention to children's affairs. Two days ago, I saw such a story, and three characters appeared, a mother, a six- or seven-year-old boy, and a waiter.

The greatest kindness of human nature is to know how to "think in empathy"! The same goes for education

When the mother was eating, she always called the waiter over frequently because of some small things, and the waiter ran back and forth many times. But every time the mother finished explaining things, the little boy would politely say "thank you aunt" to the waiter.

After many times, the mother even said to the boy, "See no, you can't read well, and you can only serve dishes outside like him in the future." The boy hesitated for a moment and said to his mother, "Mom, the teacher told us that every profession should be respected." ”

The mother was surprised and ashamed, and then, when the waiter came to deliver something, she got up and gave the other party a hug and apologized.

I will not comment on how this mother is, but the child's behavior is indeed commendable.

The child knows that the mother is not doing the right thing, but instead of directly saying, "You are not right like this", but uses the expression "the teacher said" and "If I were him" to imply his parents.

I believe that this child is definitely promising.

On the other hand, most parents, when their children make mistakes or do something wrong, seem to be habitually denying their children. The first reaction is to reprimand the child, "wrong, wrong", "you are not doing this right", "should not be like this", I know the starting point is good, but to talk to the child from a top-down perspective, domineering, tone and mood are mostly not much better.

In fact, the effect of this is naturally not very good, not only the child can not listen, but will make the child more disgusted and rebellious.

The greatest kindness of human nature is to know how to "think in empathy"! The same goes for education

In fact, there is no absolute right or wrong in anything. The greatest kindness of human nature is to know how to "think in empathy"! The same goes for education.

Everyone has their own views and opinions, each child is an independent individual, from the child's 1 year old or so, it gradually formed an independent thinking. So don't rush to deny each other, but be gradual, well-intentioned, and communicate with equal identity.

The world is secretly rewarding good people, and you never know how good luck your little act of kindness will bring you. But your heartfelt kindness will eventually win the world for you.

Liang Xiaosheng said: "Kindness is not a deliberate thing to show others, it is a pleasant and natural thing, just like sometimes, kindness is for peace of mind."

After all, the world is secretly rewarding good people!

What do you think?

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