
Stop yelling at your kids

I am a mother of two children, the eldest is almost six years old, and the second is more than one year old. The boss is more willful, sensitive, irritable, and insecure. The second eldest is more outgoing, bold, and very easy-going. I've summed it up and it probably has a lot to do with the way we usually bring our babies.

Stop yelling at your kids

The eldest was born in the year we lived in Beijing, the baby his father income is OK, usually the hospital recommends that you need to buy nutritional products no matter how expensive they are to buy for her, delicious and fun as long as she likes to buy all, so it is more willful and selfish. Because it is the first child, or I bring it myself, there is no experience, the child does not do it right, I often yell at her, lack of patience, the baby sometimes cries and screams in fear, and the courage becomes smaller. Sometimes take her out to play with other children, I often unconsciously compare in front of her, see how good other people's children are, and then look at you, long-term counting, the child's self-confidence has gradually been worn away. There are often two of us in the family, and there are few people to see, so we are more recognized and timid.

Stop yelling at your kids

When the second eldest was born, the family's economy was in a low period, and the nutritional products were basically not given to him. In addition, he is older, his personality has become easy-going, he is not very angry, and the second baby has experience. Therefore, the second brother does not like to lose his temper, often smiles and squints, and is more easy-going. Because there are many people in his hometown, there are often strangers who see him and tease him, so he is more bold. The second brother often makes mistakes, we will be very patient to teach him what to do, will not yell like the boss, later our family set the rules, encounter problems, must speak well, communicate well, consciously teach her the correct way to deal with the problem. In the process, my sister is also slowly learning and slowly changing. Things are no longer so emotional, I know how to share, and I gradually become more cheerful.

The process of parenting is actually self-cultivation, the child is a mirror, is another you, want to change him, first of all, we must do our own. What they want their children to be like, parents become like that first. In this process, please give your child more love, patience, and tolerance...

Stop yelling at your kids

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