
Psychologists: The number of children determines the family happiness index, and how many children are the happiest families?

Psychologists: The number of children determines the family happiness index, and how many children are the happiest families?

Since ancient times, the mainland folk have been circulating the saying of "more children and more blessings", but after coming to modern society, many young people have resisted childbearing, and even advocate "Dink".

Especially with the successive introduction of the two-child and three-child policies, it has caused an uproar, and many young people believe that raising a child is not an easy task, let alone the second and third children.

Indeed, compared to wealthy families, the number of children has a crucial impact on the happiness of the family for the average family, and the more children there are, the heavier the pressure on the parents, the greater the financial expenses, and vice versa.

Psychologists: The number of children determines the family happiness index, and how many children are the happiest families?

So how many births will the family be happier? The answer may not be quite the same as you think.

Psychologists: The number of children determines the family happiness index

As early as 2017, social psychologists in the mainland conducted a comprehensive survey of China, which included the number of children in the family, that is, the impact of the number of births on the family happiness index, and the age distribution of the test subjects was between 20 and 90 years old.

After a comprehensive analysis of all the data, the researchers concluded that family happiness indices of different age groups were affected by children:

In most of the families covered by the survey, the happiness index of one-child families was significantly higher than that of two-child families before the age of 60.

However, when the parents are more than 60 years old, the happiness index of the second or multiple-child families will be "the latecomers", surpassing the one-child families.

Psychologists: The number of children determines the family happiness index, and how many children are the happiest families?

Moreover, in the two roles of father and mother, the father's happiness index is very smallly affected by the number of children, but for mothers, especially middle-aged mothers, it is a great influence, and the more children there are, the lower the mother's happiness.

Therefore, combined with the above results, for elderly parents, the more children, the higher the degree of happiness, and for young parents, as long as one child, it will undoubtedly be happier.

Psychologists: The number of children determines the family happiness index, and how many children are the happiest families?

Why does the Family Happiness Index change with age due to the number of births?

In fact, this problem is not difficult to understand, as we all know that raising children is not an easy task, especially for ordinary families, as the number of children increases, the pressure and difficulty of parenting will also increase exponentially.

For young parents, when taking on many pressures to raise a few children, the happiness index will inevitably decline.

When the children gradually grow up and can "feed back" to their parents, at this time the young parents are old, the more children, the less pressure to provide for the parents, the higher the happiness index of the parents.

In addition, the number of children has a different impact on the parents' happiness index, and the reason is simple.

Psychologists: The number of children determines the family happiness index, and how many children are the happiest families?

In the mainland, the concept of family parenting of "male and female" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, even if more and more young people in modern society advocate "equality between men and women", in most families, women still bear the main responsibility for childcare.

It is precisely for this reason that the number of children has a far less impact on the father than the mother, after all, the person who needs to worry about the child's "food, clothing, shelter and transportation" is the mother, the more children, the more hard the mother, and the father only needs to undertake the task of earning money to support the family, and the degree of happiness is less affected by the number of children.

Psychologists: The number of children determines the family happiness index, and how many children are the happiest families?

There are many factors affecting the family happiness index, and the key is to educate the children well

In fact, there are many factors that determine the happiness of a family, and what is more important than the number of children is the way our parents educate their children, and people's subjective initiative is the fundamental reason.

In a certain variety show, Ma Shuya and Hu Ke also have two children, and in the traditional concept, Ma Shuya, who has a son and a daughter, should be happier than Hu Ke, who has two sons.

But in fact, due to Marshua's excessive doting on her daughter, the life of the family of four is a mess.

For example, because of the fear that her daughter would be stumbled, Marshua emptied the living room, causing the family to sit on the ground to eat; the daughter made a mistake, her father punished her for thinking about the wall, but Marshua chose to shield her because she could not bear it; when her daughter went to kindergarten, because of Marshua's doting, her daughter did not even master the basic life skills, could not go to the toilet alone, was issued an "ultimatum" by the teacher, and would not be withdrawn from school within a week.

Psychologists: The number of children determines the family happiness index, and how many children are the happiest families?

On the other hand, although the Hu Ke family also has two children and is two boys, the family's life is sweet and happy.

The elder brother Anji has a gentle temper and is recognized as a small warm man, while the younger brother Xiaoyu'er, although occasionally has some small temper, is not unreasonable, and the two brothers have always loved each other, so that Hu Ke and Sha Yi rarely bother.

Therefore, whether there is only one child, or has already spelled the second child, the key to the happiness of the family lies in the way parents educate their children, whether they can give children a good family growth environment, so that children grow up healthy and happy.

Psychologists: The number of children determines the family happiness index, and how many children are the happiest families?

Crooked Mom Conclusion:

In everyone's mind, the concept of happiness is not the same, parents who like only children, may feel more relaxed, a child's happiness index is higher, on the contrary, parents who advocate "more children and more blessings" will feel that children can accompany each other in their growth, even if they are more stressed when they are young, they will be happier when they are old.

From this point of view, in fact, how many births are not so important, as long as the choice is made within the scope of ability, give the child a good education, the family happiness index will not be bad.

Today's Topic: Do you think families with a few children are happier?

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