
Children need to breastfeed autonomously in the relationship

Children need to breastfeed autonomously in the relationship

Breastfeeding, we have to look at it from both physical and psychological aspects.

In our evolution, we humans have developed two important characteristics, one is that the head is particularly large, and the particularly intelligent brain is our advantage over other species, and the second is to walk upright. But walking upright with a big head, then the baby's passage through the birth canal is not so easy.

So our children must be born when they are not yet fully developed. Therefore, even if a child is born at 40 weeks of full term, she is still not fully developed in all aspects, and needs to continue to rely on the mother to develop outside the uterus. There are two important parts here: one is holding, like the role of the uterus, and the other is feeding, like the role of the placenta and the umbilical cord.

Mother's breast milk has a large number of growth factors, there are white blood cells, antibodies, oligosaccharides, etc., it can provide a lot of immune protection for the baby, milk powder does not have such a role, milk powder than breast milk to less than 400 components.

Now many breast milk banks have been opened across the country to collect donated breast milk for some seriously ill children in the neonatal department, which can shorten the hospital stay and reduce complications. Donated breast milk can help the child, not to mention his own mother's breast milk.

Therefore, because milk-fed children do not get these nutrients, immune substances, growth factors, the incidence of diseases in all aspects will increase.

This is what we say from a physiological level.

Children need to breastfeed autonomously in the relationship

On a psychological level, British psychologist Melanie Klein said: "Breasts are the first object of a child's life." Psychologist Winnicott believes that "the child has to have a feeling within 0-6 months: the breast appears when I want the breast, and when I don't want the breast, the breast disappears." By adapting to the child, the mother allows the child to retain a sense of omnipotence. ”

In our tips, we will invite the psychiatrist, The International Winnicott Psychoanalyst Candidate Dean Ye Agile to tell us about the psychology of mother and baby. Why he pays so much attention to the psychology of mother and baby, because he sees a large number of children in the children's and adolescent clinics, including many super bullies, who feel that life is meaningless and unreal, their emotions fluctuate greatly, they cannot go to school and read, and even self-harm. And these children, asked about their early experience, childbirth, feeding are often interfered with experience, and parents for the child's emotional response and emotional parenting is not enough.

A child has a spontaneous childbirth, and spontaneous feeding is important for his psychological development. Because a person's autonomy makes a person's life worth living.

We saw in the delivery room that as soon as a child is born and the lungs begin to work, they can slowly climb up to their mother's breasts to find milk, he will take the breast himself, eat milk, and will also take the initiative to let go of the breast to rest. Mothers understand their child's talents and will not put their breasts in their children's mouths and force them to breastfeed.

Therefore, breastfeeding in the preparation of pregnancy, how to assess the child's intake after birth, how to find a comfortable position for herself and the child when feeding with the child, and ultimately, we hope to return the breast to the child, return the child to the mother, so that the mother can rely on the father, everyone is in a comfortable position, naturally feeding.

The current environment is not very friendly to natural things, overwhelming advertising hypnotizes mothers, and many people stare at mothers' breasts and baby rations to prepare for income generation, natural things often need protection, I hope you and your family can make some preparations during pregnancy and learn breastfeeding together.

I hope that our company can accompany you to feed your children in the relationship, and also go to the depths of each other's souls with the people you love.


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