
Zhengzhou psychology: let children learn to express their needs.

Zhengzhou Traditional Chinese Medical Hall: In front of adults, children are weak. If parents do not give their children the opportunity to express their inner feelings, the children can only endure all kinds of pain alone. To avoid scolding and scolding from our parents, we have to ask for help.

If the child does not receive timely help and care, there may be various problems or extreme behaviors, such as running away from home, encountering accidents, crimes, and so on.

Zhengzhou psychology: let children learn to express their needs.

Therefore, an important task for parents is to teach their children to express their emotions correctly. It can also be said that successful parents must be able to know all the joys and sorrows of their children. Teach children to express emotions correctly, and parents can do this:

1. Chat with your child for 10 to 20 minutes a day. In order to avoid restraint, you can take a walk before going to bed, play together, or spend some time with your child to create a relaxed and warm atmosphere so that your child is willing to say what he wants to say.

Zhengzhou psychology: let children learn to express their needs.

2. Emotional communication is mutual. Parents should also tell their children about their joys and sorrows, so that children can learn to pay attention to the hearts of others, learn to share the happiness of others, and share their parents' troubles and troubles.

3. Encourage and affirm children to express different emotions, especially bad emotions, show understanding and respect; children should also be taught to vent their negative emotions in the right way, such as venting to the natural environment through cultural and sports activities, so as to achieve the purpose of relieving tension and anxiety.

Zhengzhou psychology: let children learn to express their needs.

4. Cultivate children's interest in art and transfer and sublimate children's negative emotions. Guiding children to learn to concentrate on appreciating works of art and improving artistic accomplishment can improve a person's taste and let children learn to express their inner feelings through music, painting, recitation, poetry, performance, etc. , which can also be achieved step by step.

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