
Women who live thoroughly often have these four qualities, may you have them all

In life, everyone has their own suffering to face, but everyone's suffering is different.

Some people are suffering from physical pain, and some people are experiencing all kinds of pain and blows in life, confused and confused in the face of life choices.

These are all problems we may encounter in life, and the wisdom of those who live thoroughly will allow us to see the other side of life.

Women who live thoroughly often have these four qualities, may you have them all

We all say to live thoroughly, so what is living thoroughly? From a psychological point of view, transparency is to be aware of one's subconscious, to make one's subconscious scope narrow, to make the scope of consciousness larger, and not to be manipulated by the subconscious mind.

This is the person who lives through.

To put it simply, if we want to live transparently, we need to be aware of our subconscious, if we can't be aware of our subconscious, then in the face of a thing we make a choice, the feelings we experience will be negative and passive, then we will be unhappy and unable to penetrate.

Therefore, people who live through life are often very obvious in their bodies, such as they will have these four manifestations.

Women who live thoroughly often have these four qualities, may you have them all

A woman who lives a transparent life does not stick to the past

I once saw such a sentence: "Life is a one-way trip, even if there are some regrets, we do not have the opportunity to start again, instead of the tangled past that cannot be changed, it is better to smile and cherish the future." Because of life, there is no if. ”

Her friend Chestnut's marriage path was bumpy, and soon after giving birth to the child, she found that her husband had someone else outside, and she cried and compromised, and tried every possible way to save the precarious marriage.

Unfortunately, a man who has changed his heart, even if you try your best to save it, he does not seem to look back.

Women who live thoroughly often have these four qualities, may you have them all

Chestnut after the divorce, negative for a long time, but when she saw the young child, she had to mention the twelve points of spirit to continue living.

She threw away everything related to her ex-husband, cleaned herself up again, went to work, took good care of the children, insisted on going to the gym every day, reading books, and picking up all the things she had left behind and not doing.

Later, the ex-husband married the woman and the wedding invitation was sent to her.

Women who live thoroughly often have these four qualities, may you have them all

As friends, we all advised her not to go or not to save herself from being sad. She smiled and said, "I really want to bless him and let him see his life without him, I am still doing well, and the invitation card has been sent, and it doesn't seem stingy not to go." ”

Chestnuts actually went on the day of my ex-husband's wedding, and after that she sent me a message: "I used to think I would never forgive this person, but I didn't feel sad at all when I saw him holding other women's hands today." I was even glad I left a bad marriage and had the courage to start over. Now that I think about it, it's just that. ”

Life in the world, will inevitably be hurt by some, and the woman who lives through, she will not always dwell on the past, because she understands that the past things have long happened, no matter how to do it can not go back to the previous appearance, rather than allowing herself to sink in the past, it is better to stand up bravely.

Women who live thoroughly often have these four qualities, may you have them all

A woman who lives a transparent life and loves to read

Mr. Mu Xin has a saying: "People who do not have egos feel particularly good about themselves, and reading is the best way for you to gain self-knowledge." ”

The process of each of us growing up is to constantly discover ourselves and find ourselves, and we must first learn to understand ourselves in order to better understand the world.

In "The Grace of the Hedgehog", the character of Renee, a janitor, is portrayed as an old and ugly janitor, a humble lower class person, and an inferior janitor in the eyes of the public.

But Renee didn't care what people thought of it, because she already knew what kind of person she was and what kind of life she wanted.

The janitor was her job, so she did the job conscientiously, even if the job was indecent and dirty in the eyes of others, but in her eyes it was her job.

And after work, she will read like crazy, as long as it is free time, she will read.

Women who live thoroughly often have these four qualities, may you have them all

Renee had read many books, about history, philosophy, economics, society, psychology and the like, and her favorite literature, and in the world of books, she was a completely elegant person.

She said: "I am poor and ugly, but unfortunately I am also a self-enclosed smart woman, and in terms of intelligence, I am an undefeated goddess." ”

Reading books allows her to recognize herself and find herself, and at the same time allows her to live thoroughly enough to recognize the essence of life.

It is said that women who love to read, their luck will not be too bad.

Dong Qing said: I always believe that all the books I have read will not be read in vain, it will always help me perform better on a certain occasion in the future, reading can give people strength, it can give people happiness.

Sanmao said: Reading more, the face naturally changes.

Many times, you may think that many of the books you have read have become smoke clouds and no longer remember, but in fact, they are still potential. In temperament, in conversation, in the endlessness of the mind, of course, it can also be revealed in life and words.

Every woman who loves to read will know how to decorate her soul, improve her self-cultivation, continuously improve her learning ability, and make her vision more broad.

They have their own views on life, and their temperament is often more outstanding, even if they are not beautiful enough, women who are not hot enough, in the world of books, they can find a corner of their own.

Women who love to read live more thoroughly, because they have seen the changes in life in the book and know how to choose their own lives.

Women who live thoroughly often have these four qualities, may you have them all

A woman who lives a transparent life is more assertive

Assertive women are very attractive, they will have their own standards in their hearts, and they have their own judgments about things in the outside world.

For love, they will have their own unique ideas, when they meet the people they like, they will not be swayed by the outside world, and they will not change themselves because of the evaluation of others.

Women with opinions are independent in love, and they value love but do not regard love as the whole of life. They will not lose themselves because of love, but still retain their own personal interests and hobbies, independent judgment ability.

Such a woman has a long-term attraction for men, and in marriage, she can also maintain her charm for a long time.

Women with opinions often live very transparently, they have their own long-term goals, she will not easily give up what she wants because of various voices in the outside world, and she is more capable of achieving her goals.

A woman with an opinion is more likely to seize every opportunity that belongs to herself, and to maintain her original intention, constantly train her heart, make herself strong, and move towards a better future.

Women who live thoroughly often have these four qualities, may you have them all

A woman who lives a transparent life and is good at being alone

In this flashy society, solitude is a small world outside of everyone's busyness, and it is a kind of wisdom to be able to make good use of the time spent alone.

People who don't like it don't have to please, can't fit into the circle, there is no need to force themselves to fit in. Live carefully, not only will you not be looked up to by others, but you will make yourself unhappy and even lose yourself.

The older a person is, the more he can understand that being alone is the best way for a person to grow up.

Women who live thoroughly often have these four qualities, may you have them all

In life, they are all passers-by in the world, and there is no need to mix with circles that are not suitable for themselves. Women who really live through, they can find themselves in the hustle and bustle, but also enjoy loneliness and precipitate themselves.

When women reach a certain age, they actually do not need too many social connections, and more importantly, they need to improve their own inner, say less useless words, and read more useful books, so as to enhance their connotation and make themselves a temperamental person.

A woman who knows how to enjoy life depends on whether she can learn to be alone, and the woman who is gregarious is not necessarily happy; the woman who likes to be alone is not necessarily lonely. Women who are alone look lonely on the surface, but in fact, their inner world is more exciting than anyone else's.

Women who live thoroughly often have these four qualities, may you have them all

A woman who lives a transparent life must know how to enjoy solitude and quietness, because being alone can give us more time to enjoy life and discover the beauty in life.

Quietly taste life and learn to enjoy life slowly.

A woman who lives transparently, after seeing the prosperity of the world and experiencing success or failure and gain and loss, can still find herself, can let herself continue to grow, and meet a better self.

Finally, may we all live a transparent, happy, and enjoy life in this complicated world.

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