
"The child accumulates food, look forward to knowing", if the face does not have these points, the child's spleen and stomach should be good!

I guess many parents do not pay attention to the problem of children's accumulation of food, always feel that because the child's spleen and stomach system is not yet fully developed, so it is not surprising that food accumulation does not need to be handled too much. The main reason for the child's accumulation of food is still related to diet, and long-term inattention to diet will easily cause the impact of the spleen and stomach system.

"The child accumulates food, look forward to knowing", if the face does not have these points, the child's spleen and stomach should be good!

Here is an example: is my colleague's young son just 4 years old this year, named Xiao Lei, a while ago in the middle of the night three more fever, a test are 40 degrees, because there is no anti-fever medicine at home, this child is in a hurry to rush to the hospital, repeated fever makes the family and worried, just to the child did a series of physical examinations.

After the examination, the doctor told Xiaolei's mother: the child's tongue is thick and white, the breath is smelly and sour, and then through the combination of pulses, the child is judged to be a fever caused by food accumulation.

In Traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that children's diseases are mostly based on food accumulation, and hundreds of diseases are mostly born from the spleen and stomach. It is very easy for children to eat too much to cause a burden on the spleen and gastrointestinal tract. If the spleen and stomach are damaged for a long time, then the body's digestive and absorption functions will be impaired, causing a series of uncomfortable symptoms, such as vomiting, fever, diarrhea and other discomforts.

"The child accumulates food, look forward to knowing", if the face does not have these points, the child's spleen and stomach should be good!

Here are a few points from TCM about the facial symptoms of accumulated food.

1. The tongue is thick

At home, parents can observe their children's tongue, the normal tongue is a pale white tongue thin white moss, if the texture of the moss is thicker and whiter, then it means that the more serious the accumulation of food. Early detection and early treatment.

2. The green tendons on the bridge of the nose are obvious

If the child's nose root or nose bridge is blue and purple, it is likely that the child's spleen is weak and cold. This phenomenon does not always appear, it usually appears suddenly, and as the symptoms of accumulation of food improve, this phenomenon will gradually disappear.

3. Eyelids are blue with swelling

Eyelid edema is related to spleen deficiency, the spleen is mainly transported, spleen deficiency is transported function declines, the body is wet, first from the face of the face to show, the first edema is the eyelids, but also accompanied by redness and swelling of the lower eyelids. Spleen deficiency in children is mainly caused by accumulation of food.

"The child accumulates food, look forward to knowing", if the face does not have these points, the child's spleen and stomach should be good!

4. Cheeks are red

Accumulation of food, that is, a large number of long-term accumulation of food in the gastrointestinal tract, leads to a decline in spleen and stomach function, a decline in metabolic function, gradual fermentation in the body, the appearance of repeated fever symptoms, and occasionally redness of the cheeks.

Parents can stick to these 2 points, the child's spleen and stomach must be great!

1. Supplementation of nutrients

Just as the medical saint Zhang Zhongjing has: the four seasons of spleen and prosperity are not evil one of the sayings, this famous saying shows that the spleen and stomach are the most important, the child is also so, the spleen and stomach are good, the body must be good! Supplement with the necessary nutrients, so that the immunity is also high.

"The child accumulates food, look forward to knowing", if the face does not have these points, the child's spleen and stomach should be good!

2. Exercise more and exercise more

Not only children, but also adults, the body is our most important capital, exercise and learning knowledge is also the lowest investment in our lives. People who can insist on exercising every day can not only have a good mentality, but also help children develop a good body.

Children are picky eaters and do not like to eat, always worried about the lack of nutrition of children? Recommend this good book, tailor-made scientific diet for the baby, fresh every day without repetition, laying the foundation for the child's lifelong health.

On the road to parenting, we are all novices, how to take better care of children, you can pay attention to me, and discuss with me those things on the road to parenting.

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