
#Qingdao headlines #hahaha so cute. There was an old man who was very old, the nanny and nurse helped him to see a doctor, the doctor let him drink something, and then do ct, this old man did not cooperate no

author:Miss Zhao

#Qingdao headlines #hahaha so cute.

There is an old man who is very old, the nanny and the nurse help him to come to the doctor, the doctor let him drink a thing, and then do ct, this old man does not cooperate and does not want to drink, the nanny crouches in front of him and coaxes him to drink like a child, he will drink cold, a hot mouth, in fact, he is not willing to drink.

The nanny even frightened and coaxed him to finish drinking, and after the old man drank it, he said to the nurse, "What is this is more difficult than chili water." ”

The nurse asked the babysitter a little confusedly, "Did you give Grandpa a drink of chili water?" ”

The nanny smiled and said, "No, your grandfather was arrested before beating the Kuomintang, and he was given pepper water by the Kuomintang, and he was not a traitor after being poured into his stomach." ”

When the old man saw the nanny talking, he asked what to say, and the nanny said, "Let's talk about you being filled with pepper water by the Kuomintang." ”

Mentioning this, the old man suddenly trembled and stood up and stared straight at the hook and said: "Yes, Lao Tzu beat the Kuomintang one by one, now do not let the fight, let the beating of Lao Tzu is absolutely not afraid, what is the Ha pepper water." ”

The patients under the side all smiled, and the smile was full of respect.

Just such an old man, the bad woman was stunned not to give him a seat.

#Qingdao headlines #hahaha so cute. There was an old man who was very old, the nanny and nurse helped him to see a doctor, the doctor let him drink something, and then do ct, this old man did not cooperate no

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