
In the market, the "most important" factor that determines the price is "demand". You know, people pay for a product because they really need it, not because of that product

author:Liu Jie's study notes

In the market, the "most important" factor that determines the price is the "demand". You know, people pay for a product because they really need it, not because it costs to make that product, and that's obvious, right? So our efforts are important, but if your work doesn't meet the needs of others, it's worthless.

1. This may seem difficult to accept, but if you think that you will not buy those "unsatisfactory, inexpensive" goods, you should be much calmer.

2. Say an example that seems unrelated, but is actually very graphic. "Encouragement" is actually one of the most important needs, and the number of people who can provide it is really pitiful. If you look around at how many people like to satirize and ridicule others, and how many people are willing to sincerely encourage others, you will know how many people have ignored such a simple need.

3. And this just need itself is the best example of "self-interest". Over the years, just because of a few "you can", I have had a strong connection with many people and have received their help many times. You can also try to do it, the effect is often beyond imagination. #刘杰的学习笔记 #

In the market, the "most important" factor that determines the price is "demand". You know, people pay for a product because they really need it, not because of that product

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