
A brief review of the sales of the new car-making forces in January: Weilai "regretted defeat" Nezha, and Xiaopeng continued to lead

A brief review of the sales of the new car-making forces in January: Weilai "regretted defeat" Nezha, and Xiaopeng continued to lead

Introduction: With the inclusion of the Hong Kong Stock Connect, Xiaopeng Automobile's gold-sucking tentacles can be extended to domestic investors; with an additional dimension of competitive advantage, can it continue to lead a number of new car-making forces?

On February 9, Xiaopeng Automobile became the first new car-making force to be included in the Hong Kong Stock Connect, which means that domestic investors can trade their Hong Kong stocks from now on. Following the landing on the New York Stock Exchange in 2020 and the Listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2021, this new car-making force once again occupied the high ground in the capital market at the beginning of 2022.

On the same day, Xiaopeng Automobile's H shares rose by 8%, and the US stocks rose sharply by 9.58%, successfully absorbing 35 billion yuan for it in one fell swoop. Major brokerage institutions have also given optimistic comments on this, among which Bank of America Securities even raised the target price of Xiaopeng Automobile's H-share to 529 Hong Kong dollars / share, while the closing price of the stock on February 10 was only 157.2 Hong Kong dollars / share, which means that there is at least 2 times the upside...

1) Xiaopeng is about to be "caught up" by the ideal, and Weilai is "still able to eat"

Of course, Xiaopeng Automobile has become a "fragrant feast" in the stock market, and its own market performance as a strong support. In 2021, Xiaopeng Automobile delivered a total of 98,000 vehicles, becoming the new car-making force closest to the annual delivery target of 100,000 vehicles; in January 2022, its delivery volume was 12,922 vehicles, with sales exceeding 10,000 for five consecutive months, while leading Ideal Automobile and Weilai for four consecutive months.

A brief review of the sales of the new car-making forces in January: Weilai "regretted defeat" Nezha, and Xiaopeng continued to lead

However, it is worth noting that Xiaopeng Automobile's lead over the ideal car shows a month-by-month narrowing trend; in January of the new year, the delivery volume of the two is only 654 vehicles (ideal car delivery is 12268 vehicles); and from the monthly monthly data of delivery, Xiaopeng Automobile has dropped by nearly 20%, a decline much higher than the ideal car's 12.9% and Weilai's 8%, which is not a good signal.

You know, the ideal car is only 1 model, and after Xiaopeng Automobile plus P5, there are 3 models.

Speaking of Weilai, its market performance in January of the New Year is somewhat lonely, with the delivery of 9652 vehicles, it was squeezed out of the first camp of the new car-making force built by Nezha in the past two years by "Wei Xiaoli", and the monthly delivery was lost.

In fact, since the second half of 2021, from the perspective of delivery data, Weilai has already shown some inadequacy and generated large fluctuations.

In addition, from the perspective of the capital market, Weilai is currently a "desperate bet" and is only listed in the US stock market. Recently, with the Federal Reserve preparing for the first interest rate hike since 2018, the outlook for monetary policy has tightened, and the global stock market has experienced greater volatility and gradually declined, and the stock market shock risk faced by Weilai is difficult to avoid and cannot be shared.

A brief review of the sales of the new car-making forces in January: Weilai "regretted defeat" Nezha, and Xiaopeng continued to lead

On the first trading day after the latest delivery data was disclosed on February 1, Weilai's stock price fell by 4.35%, while Xiaopeng Automobile and Ideal Automobile, although the delivery volume exceeded 12,000 units in January, performed well, but the performance of the two companies in the US stock market was also discounted, with the former disclosing that sales fell by 1.65% the next day, and the latter barely rose by 0.77%.

However, the performance of Xiaopeng Automobile and Ideal Automobile in the Hong Kong stock market is very exciting, rising by 11.21% and 12.58% on February 4, while the A-share market also ushered in the "opening red" on the first trading day of the Lunar New Year.

Therefore, the successful inclusion of Xiaopeng Motors in the Hong Kong Stock Connect can be seen as "another insurance" and will reach a wider audience, including the stock market and the automobile market.

All in all, among the three listed giants, the competition between Xiaopeng Automobile and the ideal car is becoming more and more sticky, while the "oldest" Weilai is more passive, but this situation may change with the listing of new cars.

2) Nezha "changed his life against the sky", where did Weima go?

Looking at the budding Nezha Automobile, which achieved 11,009 deliveries in January, continuing the strong momentum at the end of 2021, like the ideal car, the delivery exceeded 10,000 for 3 consecutive months, successfully broke through into the head camp, and currently has obvious advantages over zero-running cars and WM Motors.

A brief review of the sales of the new car-making forces in January: Weilai "regretted defeat" Nezha, and Xiaopeng continued to lead

In 2021, with the two fist products of Nezha U Pro and Nezha VPro, Nezha Automobile delivered a total of 69,700 units; on January 8 this year, Nezha Automobile's 100,000th mass production vehicle rolled off the production line, taking a milestone step.

Different from the wind and fire of "Wei Xiaoli", Nezha Automobile is positioned as "more grounded", as its founder and chairman Fang Yunzhou said, "truly make high-quality intelligent electric vehicles within reach". On the road of intelligentization, Nezha Automobile said that it does not do the "high-tech" that hopes that Mei quenches thirst, nor does it do the "over-technology" that adds icing on the cake, and insists on doing something and not doing something.

This simple car-making concept, in the rapidly changing, the pursuit of cool new energy vehicle track, actually makes people feel a little respect; but in the long run, this may become a bottleneck in its future development in the automobile market and capital market, unless there is a breakthrough.

A brief review of the sales of the new car-making forces in January: Weilai "regretted defeat" Nezha, and Xiaopeng continued to lead

In addition to Nezha Automobile, there are also zero-running cars that can disclose delivery data every month, with a total of 43,000 vehicles delivered in 2021 and 8,085 vehicles delivered in January this year. It is also worth mentioning that on January 26, according to the website of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the progress of the IPO of zero-run automobile Hong Kong stocks has reached the stage of receiving materials, so it is likely to get the fourth IPO of the new car-making forces before Nezha Automobile and WM Motors.

As of press time, WM Motors has not announced the delivery volume of January in the new year, but it may also be intentional. After all, looking back at its 2021 delivery information, the typical "good news is not reported" and selective sales announcements seem to be disclosed only when the monthly delivery volume exceeds 5,000 vehicles. Therefore, the author boldly guesses that the delivery volume of WM Motors in January should be less than 5,000 vehicles.

This point WM Motor should be on par with Dongfeng Lantu and BAIC Polar Fox, no matter what the results are, dare to boldly show it, as a spur. When it comes to the high-end new energy brands of traditional car companies, only Geely Group's Extreme Krypton announced that it delivered 3530 vehicles in January, which is decent; this young brand needs a bigger breakthrough, but avoid "young and crazy".

A brief review of the sales of the new car-making forces in January: Weilai "regretted defeat" Nezha, and Xiaopeng continued to lead

"Extreme Kr 001 Sales"

In 2022, the new car-making forces are in the limelight. Xiaopeng G9, NIO ET7, ET5, Ideal X01, Nezha S, WM M7... A new breed is coming.

Under the new round of product offensive, under the background of the rapid rise of China's electric vehicle market, the monthly delivery of more than 10,000 will become the norm for new energy brands in the near future, and it will also be the lowest threshold for new car-making forces to survive. At the same time, the new car-making force that has not yet successfully IPO will undoubtedly continue to accelerate the "capital market" admission ticket.

In the new year, subversion and reshuffle are possible, and then look at the rapid rise of Geely geometric brands, GAC Aean and other forces in January, the market pattern is becoming more and more interesting, "Auto K Line" will continue to pay attention to this wonderful new track for you.

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