
I really don't want to continue this marriage anymore. Give the children to him, watch the children cry and be a mother, and raise the children around, and they have no ability, no job, no house

author:Support for the use of Chinese and English text numbers

I really don't want to continue this marriage anymore.

Give the children to him, watch the children cry and be a mother and can't bear it, raise the children around, and have no ability, no job, no house, no money to take anything to support.

Ten years of marriage and ten years of free nanny, really not worth pity, can only be deserved.

Ten years of youth, energy, and freedom ended up being penniless and sheltered. Even the flesh that fell from his own body, the children who were raised day and night could not stay around, how sad!

Everyone advised me to endure for the sake of my children

But no one told him to consider children

I don't know how long I can hold on, but I feel like I'm going to go crazy

I really want to wake up one night and lose all my memories

I really want to go to sleep all night without waking up

I really want to be a little harder, and it would be better to be a little harder

Drop everything, turn around and leave alone

I thought I was right, but everyone was sorry for myself

I took care of everyone and cared about how everyone felt.

Their youth is exhausted for the sake of their children for this "home". At the end of the day, I realized I didn't have a home at all. Where is my home, people are not happy at any time can tell you to roll

How many more decades do I have?

I want to live the rest of my life for myself!

Can I? May I?

Just because someone called me Mom, a sound Mom broke my heart and caught my light.

In the next life, it is not whose daughter, not for anyone's wife, not for anyone's mother

Let's not have an afterlife!

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