
Menopausal pseudoanginal pain: frequent chest tightness chest pain, palpitations, but can not find out the cause # healthy too big year # Many menopausal women, there will be symptoms such as palpitation, chest tightness, and even appear and

author:Urology Du Yuefeng

Menopausal pseudoanginal pain: frequent chest tightness chest pain, palpitations, but the cause can not be found

#健康过大年 #

Many menopausal women will have symptoms such as palpitation and chest tightness, and even similar performances to coronary heart disease angina.

So many people mistakenly think that they have coronary heart disease, but go to the hospital to check it out, and find no problems. Always in a state of fear.

In fact, this is what we call "menopausal pseudoangin". Mostly occur within one to two years after menopause.

What are its characteristics?

First, there is no history of heart disease

Go to the hospital for examination, can not find any organic lesions, with drugs to treat heart disease also has no effect.

Second, the symptoms are relatively limited and superficial, and the pain position is not fixed

Menopausal pseudoanginal pain, most of which is related to mental emotions when it occurs.

For example, if you are in a slightly bad mood, it hurts badly. Moreover, the pain of cardiac symptoms is more limited and superficial, and the location of the pain is not too fixed.

Sometimes here, sometimes there, sometimes it's pinprick, sometimes it's squeezed.

3. The duration is uncertain

Sometimes it goes by in a second or two, sometimes it lasts for hours, it can even last for days.

4. Other symptoms

In addition to the symptoms of the heart, it is often accompanied by hot flashes, sweating, insomnia and dreams, easy fatigue, easy anxiety and emotional instability.

Why does pseudoanginism occur?

Menopausal pseudoanginism is mainly related to decreased ovarian function and decreased estrogen levels. This reduces the protective factors against arteriosclerosis, vascular motility, and neurological dysfunction.

Although there is not much danger, if it is not corrected in time, it is easier to become a patient with coronary heart disease in the future. So we should actively intervene.

How to intervene?

The bell must also be tied to the ringer. Actively replenishing the body's deficiency in estrogen is key to relieving this discomfort. I recommend supplementing with food supplements, which are safer and gentler.

And to supplement estrogen, you have to mention soy isoflavones. It is a substance that exerts physiological effects similar to estrogen. The ancients also found that eating more soybeans can alleviate the performance after "seven or seven days of decoction in women".

A compound calcium iron zinc soy protein powder concentrated with soy nutrition, it is very suitable for menopausal women. In addition to natural estrogen, it also adds calcium, iron and zinc to help alleviate the performance of palpitations, calcium and bone, iron and blood, and has high comprehensive health value.

I am @ Urology Du Yuefeng, pay attention to me, raise a healthy and good body.

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Menopausal pseudoanginal pain: frequent chest tightness chest pain, palpitations, but can not find out the cause # healthy too big year # Many menopausal women, there will be symptoms such as palpitation, chest tightness, and even appear and

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