
Ye Haiyang, a single female CEO worth tens of millions, once bought 500,000 jingsheng and mixed blood in five countries, and now gave birth to the second child of the same father

On February 10, 2022, Ye Haiyang, a single female CEO worth tens of millions, posted a short video on social media software, announcing the good news of the birth of a second child of mixed race in 5 countries.

And a caption: "In my shuttle-like years, Sansheng has the honor of being your mother." ”

In the video, Ye Haiyang is full of tears, recording the pain she experienced during childbirth, while showing her two children, her eldest daughter holding the newborn baby, leaning over and kissing the childish face.

There are quite a few people who say in the comments, "Mom of two, awesome, great." "You're the woman I admire the most, live out yourself." "Yesterday I was still working, I was born today, it's really great." But at the same time, there are some different voices.

Ye Haiyang, a single female CEO worth tens of millions, once bought 500,000 jingsheng and mixed blood in five countries, and now gave birth to the second child of the same father

In 2017, she crossed the ocean to the United States to spend 500,000 yuan to "buy fine", gave birth to a mixed-race daughter of 5 countries, regardless of the world's vision, lived a life of not getting married and having children, and now after five years, she bravely be herself again, gave birth to a second daughter, in the eyes of people around her, Ye Haiyang is independent and capable, is a standard successful woman, the daughter is well-behaved and cute, as if any good thing let her occupy, but only she knows the hardships she has paid.

Ye Haiyang, a single female CEO worth tens of millions, once bought 500,000 jingsheng and mixed blood in five countries, and now gave birth to the second child of the same father

Strive hard for your dreams

In 1988, Ye Haiyang was born in Changchun City, Jilin Province, her parents are ordinary workers, although the family conditions are not too good, her parents have never treated her badly, which also created Ye Haiyang's optimistic and confident character.

Ye Haiyang after reaching a certain age, she had the idea of going out to see, she simply packed a few pieces of luggage and came to Beijing, Ye Haiyang also lived in the basement at the beginning, but she never said that she was tired, and she also reported good news and no worries at home, and struggled alone in the big city of Beijing.

Although she had made various psychological preparations before coming to Beijing, when her efforts could not be rewarded accordingly, she also began to have a little wavering in her heart, was it a wrong choice when she first came to Beijing, should she really go back?

Ye Haiyang, a single female CEO worth tens of millions, once bought 500,000 jingsheng and mixed blood in five countries, and now gave birth to the second child of the same father

Just when her heart was swinging, she learned from her friends that Guangzhou's cosmetics industry is very promising, and after learning the news, Ye Haiyang immediately decided to resign and leave Beijing to start a business in Guangzhou.

As a northerner, when she arrived in Guangzhou, it was natural to be a little unsatisfactory, but this was nothing for Ye Haiyang, who had a strong personality, she quickly settled down, found a job selling cosmetics, since she wanted to make cosmetics, she must fundamentally understand this industry, she was like playing chicken blood, every day is full of energy.

Ye Haiyang has the backbone of the northeast people, the voice is loud when introducing the product, the speech is crisp and clean, never drag the mud with water, the work efficiency is very high, for the customer's requirements she gives a full understanding, and finally solved very perfectly, and gradually there are customers who only look at Ye Haiyang.

Ye Haiyang, a single female CEO worth tens of millions, once bought 500,000 jingsheng and mixed blood in five countries, and now gave birth to the second child of the same father

Achieve wealth freedom

Under the continuous efforts of Ye Haiyang, she also has enough funds to finally realize her dream, her cosmetics brand was founded, Ye Haiyang strictly controls the product, does not allow any fraud, and gradually the consumer group is getting bigger and bigger, the income is more and more, she has truly become a successful independent woman, when she is only in her 20s.

Like most young people, Ye Haiyang was also urged to marry by her parents, who saw that she was busy doing her career all day, completely disregarding the fatigue of her body, and introduced her to her, hoping that when she was tired, she could take care of her alone.

Ye Haiyang, a single female CEO worth tens of millions, once bought 500,000 jingsheng and mixed blood in five countries, and now gave birth to the second child of the same father

At the urging of her parents many times, Ye Haiyang solemnly told her mother that she only wanted to do a good job in her career and did not want to get married, and her mother told her in a serious voice: "What is the point of making so much money, what is the point of spending alone, me and your father cannot accompany you for a lifetime." ”

But Ye Haiyang feels that it is enough to have parents, she thinks that marriage is a lifelong thing, the failure of a marriage can make a person fall from the peak to the bottom, can not casually choose the other half, he has always ignored the discussion of others, wearing a neutral costume, now how can he make a decision because of other people's opinions? She decided to stick to her ideas.

Ye Haiyang, a single female CEO worth tens of millions, once bought 500,000 jingsheng and mixed blood in five countries, and now gave birth to the second child of the same father

In the work, Ye Haiyang has always been the object of praise of the people around her, she leads by example, meticulous about the work, in order to work conveniently, she bought a large house in the bustling area of the city, all kinds of furniture and electrical appliances are readily available, Ye Haiyang did not expect that it is this house that changed the idea she has insisted on for many years.

Cross the ocean and stick to yourself

On this day, Ye Haiyang dragged her tired body back to the new house, she sat on the sofa, looking at the quiet house, her heart could not help but be a little lonely, she worked so hard, was it to get home after work and lie down on the bed to sleep? She wanted to have a child of her own and watch the child grow up day by day.

Ye Haiyang, a single female CEO worth tens of millions, once bought 500,000 jingsheng and mixed blood in five countries, and now gave birth to the second child of the same father

Ye Haiyang's thoughts intensified in her heart, at this time she was almost 30 years old, if she delayed any longer, her physical condition might not be allowed in the future, but she did not have an object, nor could she casually find someone to marry, so she decided not to marry and have children, go abroad to buy sperm, artificial insemination.

In 2017, Ye Haiyang ignored the opposition of his family, crossed the ocean to the United States, selected a four-country mixed-race man in the sperm bank, became the "father" of the child, and then in the artificial conception operation, Ye Haiyang even chose not to use anesthesia, she wanted to witness this small life enter her body, and the final operation was successful.

Ye Haiyang, a single female CEO worth tens of millions, once bought 500,000 jingsheng and mixed blood in five countries, and now gave birth to the second child of the same father

She was not afraid of the pain of the operation at all, but one thing when she was pregnant almost couldn't bear it, at that time, what she was most looking forward to was every time she went to the obstetric examination, other pregnant women were with her husband, only she went by herself, often there would be people talking about her behind her back, she was actually very clear.

For a long time, Ye Haiyang's mood was very low, whenever she couldn't help but want to cry, the baby in the stomach seemed to have a psychological induction, and would kick her hard, as if to tell her that "persistence is victory", watching the baby in the belly grow bigger day by day, Ye Haiyang's mood gradually recovered, for this little life, she decided that no matter what tribulations ahead, she would stick to it.

Ye Haiyang, a single female CEO worth tens of millions, once bought 500,000 jingsheng and mixed blood in five countries, and now gave birth to the second child of the same father

Go through hardships and become a mother

At the end of the same year, Ye Haiyang's baby was born, and the cries in his ears made Ye Haiyang feel that everything was worth it.

She named the child Doris, which means "goddess of the sea."

With a child, Ye Haiyang also has a new goal of struggle, in order to make the child's future life more secure, Ye Haiyang just gave birth to the child to go to work, at home, she carefully takes care of her daughter, absolutely can be called a qualified mother, at work, she is bold and capable, no worse than other men, became a capable "father", no matter how busy, Ye Haiyang will take time to accompany her daughter.

Ye Haiyang, a single female CEO worth tens of millions, once bought 500,000 jingsheng and mixed blood in five countries, and now gave birth to the second child of the same father

Now we live in the information age, the social media software on the Internet is various, Ye Haiyang also shared the video of his daughter, everyone can feel from the video, Ye Haiyang's love for her daughter has been about to overflow, slowly, more and more people know her, but also learned about her daughter's life, some people said that this is personal freedom, but at the same time many people said that the child only has a mother, there will be character defects, feel unable to understand her such ideas.

For different voices from the outside world, Ye Haiyang said: "I am a woman, I just gave birth to a child and became a mother, which did not affect other people, I am a mother, but I will also give her father's love." ”

Ye Haiyang, a single female CEO worth tens of millions, once bought 500,000 jingsheng and mixed blood in five countries, and now gave birth to the second child of the same father

In order to let her daughter live a better life, Ye Haiyang spares no effort to work, as long as her daughter likes, she will try her best to meet, every time Ye Haiyang will take her daughter out to play, so that her daughter can feel the beauty of the world.

As Ye Haiyang's daughter grew up slowly, the characteristics of the mixed-race child also slowly appeared, little Doris grew more and more clever and cute, the skin was white, the hair was yellowish, a pair of brown eyes were watery, which made people like it very much, Ye Haiyang was even more in love with her daughter, and she wanted to give her daughter the best things in the world.

Later, Ye Haiyang founded a children's clothing brand, and the company name was his daughter's name.

Ye Haiyang, a single female CEO worth tens of millions, once bought 500,000 jingsheng and mixed blood in five countries, and now gave birth to the second child of the same father

She posted a sentence on the social platform: "When I was a teenager, I felt that the sky was high and the birds flew, the sea was wide and leaped in the air, and after I had my daughter, I knew that my heart was like an arrow."

A spirited young man, now a mother who is about to go home at every turn, Ye Haiyang did his best to give her daughter all the love.

As her daughter grew up day by day, the two were going to be separated after all, and little Doris reached the age of kindergarten, and when her daughter walked into the campus with a big swing, Ye Haiyang looked at her daughter's back and shed a few tears.

Ye Haiyang, a single female CEO worth tens of millions, once bought 500,000 jingsheng and mixed blood in five countries, and now gave birth to the second child of the same father

She gave birth to her second child again

Once, Ye Haiyang saw that little Doris liked the baby very much and kept saying that he wanted a sister, so Ye Haiyang decided to have another child and let his daughter have a companion.

In April 2021, Ye Haiyang embarked on the road again, this time the fertilized eggs were last saved in the Bank of America, which means that the two children have the same biological "father", this time, the artificial fertilization surgery was also very successful, two months later, Ye Haiyang can finally go home, she now only wants to see her daughter early.

Little Doris saw her mother and immediately rushed over, holding her mother's face is a kiss, Ye Haiyang is also holding her daughter and is reluctant to let go, and the mother and daughter have very deep feelings.

Ye Haiyang, a single female CEO worth tens of millions, once bought 500,000 jingsheng and mixed blood in five countries, and now gave birth to the second child of the same father

In January this year, Ye Haiyang returned to his hometown, intently waiting for the arrival of the child in his belly, and little Doris often gently touched Ye Haiyang's pregnant belly, saying that he was about to become a sister, dancing happily, this time, finally someone was looking forward to the arrival of a new life with her.

On February 10, 2022, Ye Haiyang released the happy news of the birth of her second child on the social platform, in the video, Doris got rid of the appearance of a little sister, soft and cute, I believe that in the days to come, the mother and daughter trio can be more happy and happy.

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