
#人到老年了, what is the greatest happiness # Economic independence, good health, happy mentality, keep up with the times of the elderly are the happiest! Have a certain economic foundation to achieve wealth freedom,

author:The happy life of a retired mother

#人到老年了, what is the greatest happiness # Economic independence, physical health, happy mentality, keep up with the times of the elderly are the happiest!

There is a certain economic foundation, to achieve wealth freedom, not to rely on government relief, not to rely on children to provide for the elderly.

Keep learning and keep up with the times. One of the brothers around him is nearly sixty years old, self-disciplined in life, and his work is also a good hand, insisting on living to learn from old age, memorizing a Tang poem every day, insisting on four years, and now he can fluently recite a thousand songs. And there is not a single gray hair on his head.

Adhere to fitness, maintain a good body, in order to walk through the motherland's great rivers and mountains. The old father is eighty, likes to practice qi, walk, has a regular life schedule, looks younger than his peers, and likes to travel with his children.

Adhere to the happy mentality, as long as the heart is not old, age is nothing, to the old age is younger than the same age. A lifetime of love of beauty, exquisite to the old internet name Grandma Wang, frozen age grandma Dong Grandma is a proof of happiness and happiness.

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