
#当你老了, how to spend the rest of my life # I think when I am old, I will go to my favorite place to travel as long as I want to live, I want to yunnan to see, I heard that there are four seasons like spring,

author:Users are leisurely whirring

#当你老了, how to spend the rest of my life # I think when I am old, I will go to my favorite place to travel and live as long as I want, I want to go to Yunnan to see, I heard that there are four seasons like spring, I think I will rent a house there for a month to experience it, if I can, I will go to live for a while every year. I also wanted to go to Beijing to see the flag-raising ceremony with my husband, to see the great leader Chairman Mao, to visit the People's Monument, to pay tribute to the heroes, and to present flowers to the heroes. I have many, many ideas that I will implement one by one when I retire.

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