
#青春那么短, what regrets do you have not finished #This is a long story, everything has to start from that noon thirty years ago, when I was a naughty elementary school student, I have always been

author:Uncle Wu who loves fitness

#青春那么短, what regrets do you have not completed # This is a long story, everything has to start from that noon thirty years ago, when I, as a naughty schoolboy, had never been given the opportunity to join the Young Pioneers. When I came home from school at noon that day, the kind teacher stopped me and asked me a serious question: "Child, would you like to be the successor of communism?" I was stunned, and the appearance of those heroes in the patriotic education movie came to mind, there was Huang Jiguang, zhang Ga, a small soldier of the five heroes of wolf-tooth mountain, and so on, I felt a light that was about to shine on me, and I stood up with excitement and replied firmly in a trembling voice: "I do!" The teacher smiled and nodded, and took out a red scarf like a trick: "After the flag is raised next Monday, you and a few other children join the Young Pioneers, remember, this is the red scarf, it is a corner of the red flag, it is the martyrs who dye it red with blood, we must protect it well" "I will guard it with everything I have!" ”

Time is like an arrow, years are like shuttles...

In the blink of an eye, thirty years are like a white colt passing through the gap

I still remember that I was the successor of communism

Like millions of ordinary people, I am still waiting for the advent of communism and the historical mission of succession, and at the same time, we are relieved to see our next generation, the next generation, take over the bright red scarf, become the heir to this glorious mission, and let this spark never be extinguished

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