
You shut up—Paul, comeback! Paul comes back to Youknow, thedreamiscomin

author:Fight to defeat Buddha dzsfbb

Put a sock in it!

Shut up

-Paul, come back!

Paul came back

You know, the dream is coming to an end, and we have to celebrate that!

The dream is coming to an end, and we have to celebrate

We have to celebrate! Come on! -Thank God. Tell him to get out.

-We've got to celebrate Come on -- Thank goodness for letting him roll

If he wishes to go for a midnight swim, that's entirely his decision.

If he wants to swim in the middle of the night, it's all his freedom

I don't want to go swimming.

I don't want to go swimming

I want to throw myself into the water in despair at our mad generation.

Our crazy generation is desperate, and I really want to plunge headlong into the water

Excellent. Go ahead.

Great poop please

Let me have it.

I do not know

Put a sock in it literally translates to "put socks in", what does it have to do with "shut up"? It turns out that the early wind-up gramophone did not have a volume control, and the sound was emitted from a large horn. To reduce the amount of sound, people sometimes tuck a sock into the horn. So, putting a sock in it means "lowering the voice" is now a slang term for "shutting down." That it word is, of course, a metaphor for the mouth.

  Can't you put a sock in it when I am on the phone?

  When I'm on the phone, can you be quiet?

coming to an end

英[ˈkʌmɪŋ tu ən end]美[ˈkʌmɪŋ tu ən end]


The time of the beautiful, old sailing ships is coming to an end.

The beautiful old sailing era is coming to an end.

in despair

英[ɪn dɪˈspeə(r)]美[ɪn dɪˈsper]

Despair; Disappointment; Disappointedly; Phrase structure; Desperately;

He gave up the struggle in despair.

He gave up the struggle in despair.

You shut up—Paul, comeback! Paul comes back to Youknow, thedreamiscomin
You shut up—Paul, comeback! Paul comes back to Youknow, thedreamiscomin
You shut up—Paul, comeback! Paul comes back to Youknow, thedreamiscomin
You shut up—Paul, comeback! Paul comes back to Youknow, thedreamiscomin
You shut up—Paul, comeback! Paul comes back to Youknow, thedreamiscomin
You shut up—Paul, comeback! Paul comes back to Youknow, thedreamiscomin
You shut up—Paul, comeback! Paul comes back to Youknow, thedreamiscomin
You shut up—Paul, comeback! Paul comes back to Youknow, thedreamiscomin
You shut up—Paul, comeback! Paul comes back to Youknow, thedreamiscomin

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