
Do I have to do a 42-day postpartum test? What are you checking?

Do I have to do a 42-day postpartum test? What are you checking?
Do I have to do a 42-day postpartum test? What are you checking?

Remember to bring your baby with you 42 days after discharge!

Usually, this is a sentence that mothers will remind both doctors and nurses when they are discharged from the hospital.

It's a short story, but it's especially important for moms to recover and baby's health. Let's talk about the 42 days after childbirth.

Do I have to do a 42-day postpartum test? What are you checking?

Why does it have to be 42 days postpartum?

Because after the mother gives birth to the baby, in addition to the breast, it takes about 6 weeks for the other organs of the body to return to the pre-pregnancy level.

However, the 42-day postpartum follow-up examination does not mean that it must be carried out in 42 days, but specifically refers to the maternal and infant health examination within 42 to 56 days of the mother's birth of the baby.

Do postpartum follow-ups be done?


We can't see the changes inside the body, let alone reflect them through our perceptions, and we must go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination to know, so it is very necessary to check in 42 days after delivery.

If you are lazy and do not go to the examination, if you consciously recover well and do not go to the examination, you are likely to regret the beginning in the future.

So what do babies and moms need to check 42 days after giving birth?

Mom check article

Check the wound for recovery

Whether it is a caesarean section mother or a normal mother, there is a possibility of wound infection after childbirth, and bleeding may occur in severe cases.

Through postpartum review, we will know the healing of abdominal wounds in perineal incisions and caesarean sections.

Hematuria routine

For mothers with pregnancy complicated by anemia and postpartum bleeding, blood routine should be checked, and if anemia is treated in time.

Mothers with heart disease, hepatitis, urinary tract infections or other comorbidities should go to the internal medicine department or the relevant department for further examination and treatment.

Blood pressure and blood glucose check

In particular, pregnant women with comorbidities such as hypertension and hyperglycemia must pay attention to it.

Do I have to do a 42-day postpartum test? What are you checking?

Gynaecological examination

Examination of vaginal discharge, cervix, and uterus. If there is vaginitis, cervicitis, etc., it is necessary to follow the doctor's instructions in time to prevent the further development of the disease.

Pelvic floor examination

Vaginal delivery will cause different degrees of damage to pelvic floor muscles, ligaments and other tissues, and it is easy to have symptoms of impaired pelvic floor function such as urinary leakage and uterine prolapse.

If the pelvic floor function is not treated in time, it will seriously affect the quality of life of women in the future.

Breast examination

Whether milk production is normal, whether there are lumps, tenderness, and whether the nipples are ruptured.


Weight can reflect whether the postpartum mother's diet is balanced and reasonable, and postpartum weight is too heavy or too light, indicating that you need to make appropriate adjustments in your diet to meet your baby's feeding needs and your own needs.

Do I have to do a 42-day postpartum test? What are you checking?

Baby checkup

Weight, height

The baby's weight is an important indicator of the baby's physical development and nutritional status, and height is an important indicator of the baby's bone development.

Head circumference

The baby's head circumference reflects the baby's brain development and brain volume, but it does not mean that the bigger the head, the smarter it is, and the baby's head circumference is too fast or too slow.

Chest circumference measurement

A specific index of bust circumference can be used to evaluate your baby's chest development, which is crucial because it is related to the development of your baby's lungs, chest cage, and chest and back muscles and subcutaneous fat.

Do I have to do a 42-day postpartum test? What are you checking?

Hip examination

The doctor will check the baby's leg movement and hip movement to check the hip joint development. If you find that your baby's leg lines are asymmetrical, check them as soon as possible, and the sooner you recover, the better.

Motor developmental ability

Vertical head: Lean up and grasp.

Listening: Will you find a sound source.

Vision: When lying on the back, the baby can not look at the toy 180 °.

Vocalization: Whether you can make a sound.

Smile: Tease the baby to see if he can laugh.


Check whether the baby's umbilical cord is shed, whether there is redness and discharge around the umbilical cord, and whether there are any abnormalities such as redness, swelling, and rubbing on the buttocks.

Do I have to do a 42-day postpartum test? What are you checking?

Tips: If your mother has a variety of discomforts and encounters a variety of problems during the confinement period, you can record it with a piece of paper or a mobile phone to facilitate consultation with a doctor when you visit the doctor.

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