
How to deal with the increasingly loose pelvic floor muscles?

Holding a baby, bending down to pick up things when there is a leakage of urine, frequent urination, urgency, can not hold urine, vaginal laxity, always leaking air during sex, pain during sexual intercourse... These may all be the scourge of the "pelvic floor muscles"! According to statistics, about 45% of married and childbearing women in the mainland have pelvic floor dysfunction of varying degrees.

How to deal with the increasingly loose pelvic floor muscles?

Pelvic floor dysfunction is mild, sexual disharmony, frequent urination and constipation; heavy is leakage of urine when walking, vaginal feeling, low back soreness; more seriously, pelvic organs are detached to the straight vaginal opening, often rubbed when walking, causing ulcers, suppuration or uterine hypertrophy and other problems.

How to deal with the increasingly loose pelvic floor muscles?

Why do these problems arise after childbirth?

This requires us to get to know the pelvic floor muscles. The pelvic floor muscles are the muscle groups at the bottom of the pelvis, which are like a hammock, supporting and supporting the bladder, uterus, rectum and other pelvic organs. Its features are:

▽ Control urination

▽ Maintain vaginal tightening

▽ Control defecation

▽ Enhance sexual pleasure

During pregnancy, abdominal pressure and gravity from pelvic organs fall into the pelvic floor muscles, and as the weight of the uterus increases, the pelvic floor muscles become increasingly relaxed when they are under constant pressure. And the more pregnancies you have, the more serious the pelvic floor muscle damage.

How to deal with the increasingly loose pelvic floor muscles?

In addition, when you get older, your muscles will relax, and the pelvic floor muscles are no exception! Among the pelvic floor rehabilitation treatment, some of them are women in their fifties and sixties, because of perennial back pain, want to dance square dance but leak urine as soon as they jump, and have to undergo treatment.

How to deal with the increasingly loose pelvic floor muscles?

How do you cope with the increasingly loose pelvic floor muscles?

Daily health care, Kegel training, for women whose pelvic floor muscle groups are not obviously relaxed, they can train more exercises on weekdays, also known as Kegel training. For women who have already developed pelvic floor muscle problems or who have experienced childbirth (42 days postpartum is the optimal time for recovery), prompt pelvic floor function assessment is required.

42 days to a year after childbirth is the best time for pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation, if the postpartum 42 days of re-examination, pelvic floor muscle strength is very weak, even the mother herself can not feel the pelvic floor muscle, then it is best to carry out pelvic floor muscle treatment in the hospital.

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