
As a doctor in the Department of Dermatology and Venereology, I really want to remind everyone to be more safety conscious [awkward laugh]. Some things are ruined when they meet, and it is a lifetime of luck not to meet them.

author:Dr. Cheung Shu-jeong, Department of Dermatology

As a doctor in the Department of Dermatology and Venereology, I really want to remind everyone to be more safety conscious [awkward laugh].

Some things are ruined when they meet, and it is a lifetime of luck not to meet them. [Cover your face]

--- protect yourself and reject high-risk sexual behavior---

More and more young students are now infected with AIDS, 98 per cent of which is transmitted through sexual activity.

They may feel that hive aids after high-risk sex is a matter of proportion and probability.

Unfortunately, this view is very wrong, as far as individuals are concerned, the risk of hive infection in a person is either 0 or 100%. It is likely that a "indulgence" will make you regret it for the rest of your life. [Xiong Ji]


The terrible thing about this disease [shock], [wit]

One is contagious.

The second is the destruction of the body's immune system.

Third, when you find out that this disease is infected, there is no possibility of cure.

I will not list the examples one by one, I have explained them in detail in my homepage article. [Awkward laugh]

[Shocking] What is even more frightening is that this virus will only tell the patient himself, even the marriage test, the wife infection, the fiancé does not know! It will not be announced to the public.

The system is like this, there is no way to change it.

How many people in this society are infected? Who got it? There is no data on this at all, and you simply won't know.

Although there are three channels of transmission of this disease, the most important channel is "sexual behavior".

[Petrification] The only way to avoid danger is

"Strict self-discipline". [A flash of inspiration]


"High-risk sex" can also put you at risk of various "STDs", syphilis, genital warts, gonorrhea... That STD can go crazy, let alone a family.

I sincerely advise everyone to cherish themselves, cherish their families, and cherish a better life! [Send heart]

Society is complex, and not every "mistake" can bear the "consequences". [Kneeling] Instead of crying again, regretting it again, dying and living again to torture the heart...

It is really better to raise safety awareness and prevent it in advance. [A flash of inspiration] [Shy]

There are many temptations to go out, and what is the hard work for? There are wives, children and parents at home, I hope you return home safely!

[Surprise] [Witty] [Come and see me]

#健康过大年 #

As a doctor in the Department of Dermatology and Venereology, I really want to remind everyone to be more safety conscious [awkward laugh]. Some things are ruined when they meet, and it is a lifetime of luck not to meet them.
As a doctor in the Department of Dermatology and Venereology, I really want to remind everyone to be more safety conscious [awkward laugh]. Some things are ruined when they meet, and it is a lifetime of luck not to meet them.
As a doctor in the Department of Dermatology and Venereology, I really want to remind everyone to be more safety conscious [awkward laugh]. Some things are ruined when they meet, and it is a lifetime of luck not to meet them.

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