
The essence of money The essence of money is material, the embodiment of people's creation of materials, but also the embodiment of people's labor value, the function of money is the embodiment of money. Capital is capital,

author:Legal expert of Fuxin Lu Enxing

Money Theory

First, the nature of money

The essence of money is material, the embodiment of people's creation of materials, but also the embodiment of people's labor value, and the function of money is the embodiment of money. Capital is capital, assets, goods, commodities, goods, and the embodiment of the basic material exchange on which human beings depend for their survival.

Second, behind the money

Money is the basic embodiment of human survival, good and evil, and transactions, a tool for progress from primitive societies to higher civilizations, and a basic means of measuring the relationships between people and the exchange of various good and evil.

Three, money and survival

In order to survive, people have to desperately obtain materials and obtain basic living conditions, but these materials and labor are mainly reflected in the exchange of money, which is mainly reflected in the exchange between societies, if you live alone in primitive society, when there is no exchange, there is no meaning of money.

Fourth, money and the state

The central task of the state is security and survival, and the premise of these two conditions is that the economy is engaged, a large number of production materials, and money is the only means of measuring materials.

Fifth, money and security

There are two important consciousnesses of human beings, one is security, the other is survival, in modern civilized society there is no security without money, money is the only way to bring people a sense of security. So people desperately try to earn money, first of all for safety.

Sixth, the getting of money

There are several means of obtaining money, some people use the proceeds of their own labor, some people exploit the income of others' labor, some people obtain it by deception, some people take the income by plunder, some people use wisdom to gain, some people use power in exchange, and some people get it by accident.

Seventh, the lack of money

Because there is no money, some people will break the law. Because there is no money, someone will sell their soul and body. Because there is no money, some people will look down on dying of illness. Because there is no money, some people will be short of clothes and medicines. Because there is no money, some people will not have enough to eat. Because there is no money, some people will be inferior.

Eighth, money and evil

Because you have money to gamble, take drugs, prostitute yourself, set fires. Because with money you can buy the law, you can do evil. Because with money, you can oppress others. Because with money you can do whatever you want.

Nine, money and kindness

Having money can help others, having money can help the poor, having money to give to others, having money, you can do a lot of good deeds.

Ten, money and happiness

With money, with a sense of security, happiness naturally comes. The pleasure of having money to satisfy the desires of the flesh naturally comes. Money brings joy to people.

Eleven, money and life

The condition on which people depend for their survival is material. The source of the material is production, and the products produced are used for exchange, and the embodiment of exchange is money. Therefore, money can determine people's lives, and it can also determine people's luck. Sometimes you can decide to live, sometimes you can decide to die. So now in a highly civilized society, money is supreme.

Sum up

Money is the measure of a person and a country in today's society, it can determine your wealth and poverty, it can determine the existence and loss of your life, it can determine your happiness and troubles, it can determine many things. Money is omnipotent, but not omnipotent. There are some things that money can't buy, such as will and faith, but in today's highly civilized and developed society, he does measure the size of society.

Lu Enxing

February 2, 2022

The essence of money The essence of money is material, the embodiment of people's creation of materials, but also the embodiment of people's labor value, the function of money is the embodiment of money. Capital is capital,
The essence of money The essence of money is material, the embodiment of people's creation of materials, but also the embodiment of people's labor value, the function of money is the embodiment of money. Capital is capital,
The essence of money The essence of money is material, the embodiment of people's creation of materials, but also the embodiment of people's labor value, the function of money is the embodiment of money. Capital is capital,

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