
What is the difference between a large and small confinement? Reflected in these two details, a poor grasp of the confinement may be in vain

Speaking of confinement, in fact, many people's cognition of confinement is still relatively narrow, because most people only know a "big confinement", and few people know that there is actually a "small confinement".

The big confinement refers to the first month of the mother after giving birth to the child, the confinement period at this stage is usually 42 days, and the small confinement refers to the two months after the large confinement. Many new mothers begin to be willful after sitting in the big confinement, and many of the matters that the previous big confinement pays attention to have become indifferent during the small confinement period, in fact, this will also bring a lot of harm to the new mothers, and even if the small confinement is not sitting well, it may lead to the whiteness of the big confinement.

What is the difference between a large and small confinement? Reflected in these two details, a poor grasp of the confinement may be in vain

Case: It was difficult to survive the big confinement, but the small confinement lost to this detail

Xiaoding can be said to be "on the blade of the foot" during confinement, pay attention to which problems, will do their homework in advance, afraid of postpartum sequelae, especially leakage of urine, migraines.

It may be that "things must be reversed", wait until Xiao Ding survived the big moon, thinking that he finally had a confinement, so he also became willful, so after sitting on the confinement, he began to drink cold drinks, which she endured for a long time. You know, her favorite thing before she got pregnant was to drink cold drinks, so it was hard to get out of confinement, and it was time to make herself feel more comfortable, so she was unscrupulous.

What is the difference between a large and small confinement? Reflected in these two details, a poor grasp of the confinement may be in vain

After drinking iced milk tea for half a month, Xiao Ding did not feel that her body was affected by anything, so she did not care too much, but her mother-in-law reminded her that if she continued to be so willful, she would not be able to produce breast milk, but Xiao Ding felt that her breast milk produced more milk, and she drank for more than half a month, and she did not see that she was affected, so she felt that her mother-in-law said unreliable, so she continued to drink her own cold drinks.

Until half a year after giving birth, Xiao Ding resumed his first postpartum menstruation, and as a result, he was tortured to death by dysmenorrhea, almost fainting, and even painkillers could not completely relieve pain. People say that after giving birth to a child, there will be no painful menstruation, and she, who is not very painful in the first place, how can the case of painful menstruation become more serious?

What is the difference between a large and small confinement? Reflected in these two details, a poor grasp of the confinement may be in vain

Later, Xiaoding went to the hospital for examination and was told by the doctor that her dysmenorrhea was usually caused by colds or cold drinks during confinement. Xiao Ding felt very puzzled, he did not eat during the confinement period, but after the confinement.

The doctor explained to Xiaoding again that even if the confinement has been out, in fact, the uterus has not fully recovered, and there are still two months of small confinement that needs attention, otherwise it is likely to leave sequelae.

What is the difference between a large and small confinement? Reflected in these two details, a poor grasp of the confinement may be in vain

01 What is the difference between large and small confinement? Reflected in these two details, a poor grasp of the confinement may be in vain

In fact, there is not much difference in the nature of the size of the confinement, many precautions are the same, but there are three small details that are not the same, need to pay special attention.

First of all, during the big confinement period, new mothers have to rest most of the time, because they have just given birth to a child, their vitality is seriously injured, and they need to promote recovery through recuperation. During the confinement period, it is necessary to improve the body's metabolism through appropriate exercise, activate the body's muscle groups and vitality, and only in this way can the postpartum body recover faster.

What is the difference between a large and small confinement? Reflected in these two details, a poor grasp of the confinement may be in vain

If the new mothers will be wrong, they will continue to work hard during the big confinement period, and when they wait until the small confinement period, they will relax, which will affect the recovery of the body and leave a lot of confinement diseases.

Secondly, the diet of new mothers during the big confinement period is mainly based on lightness, because the body of the new mothers during this period is still in the recovery period, the body is still very weak, and can not absorb so much nutrition, if this stage begins to supplement the big fish and meat, it will leave a lot of fat, and finally become extra meat piled up on the new mothers, but also affect the new mothers' body recovery speed.

What is the difference between a large and small confinement? Reflected in these two details, a poor grasp of the confinement may be in vain

During the confinement period, the recovery of the new mothers' bodies has become better, the body's metabolic capacity has improved, and the ability to absorb nutrients and digestion has also been strengthened, so that they can properly consume high-protein, high-calorie foods. However, it is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that it must be ingested in moderation and not in excess. You know, even if the intake is excessive, it will not increase the nutrition of breast milk, but will make breast milk thicker and affect the digestion of newborns.

For the above two details, the size of the confinement is still a relatively large difference, so the mothers must pay more attention to it after childbirth, otherwise it will only drag down the postpartum recovery process, and it may also bring secondary damage to the body, and even become irreversible damage, leaving permanent diseases, and then it will be more than worth the loss.

New mothers can not only pay attention to the big confinement period, but also pay attention to the small confinement, but can not be nervous, can be appropriately relaxed, but some principle issues must be grasped, do not let themselves hard to survive the big confinement failure.

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