
Liu Xuezhou, who found his biological parents, thought he was running towards happiness, but he did not expect it to be desperate

The 15-year-old boy is in his youth and would have had a great life.

But Liu Xuezhou's life stopped on January 24.

What made this boy desperately swallow dozens of antidepressants and choose suicide by the sea?

Liu Xuezhou, who found his biological parents, thought he was running towards happiness, but he did not expect it to be desperate

1. The adoptive father and adoptive mother died, and they were isolated and excluded from childhood

When Liu Xuezhou was four years old, an explosion occurred in his home, and his adoptive father died on the spot, and his adoptive mother was seriously injured with burns.

And because he quarreled to go to his grandmother's house to escape the disaster, his life was also changed dramatically.

As the only child in the family, his adoptive father and adoptive mother loved him very much from an early age.

The days before the age of four were arguably the happiest of his life.

Before his death, his mother still thought of him, took his favorite drink, and told him to study hard in the future.

Little Liu Xuezhou didn't know that it was the last time he saw his mother.

He has been living in his grandmother's house ever since, and after going to school, he doesn't know why he is always isolated.

Liu Xuezhou, who found his biological parents, thought he was running towards happiness, but he did not expect it to be desperate

Homework is always torn, framed for stealing stationery, and even blocked in the toilet.

He tried to ask his teacher for help, but they didn't listen to his explanations and put the blame on him alone.

The people around him also always looked at him with a strange look, as if he were some kind of flood demon.

Originally mischievous and lively, he was forced to grow up overnight and become introverted and self-reliant.

Although his grandmother and others treated him very well, they were not his parents after all.

The child is extremely insecure without his parents, and he feels that he has no home.

Therefore, he did not want to let his family worry about him because of his own affairs, and he was afraid of causing trouble for everyone.

Liu Xuezhou, who found his biological parents, thought he was running towards happiness, but he did not expect it to be desperate

It can be said that in his elementary school career, he has always been in pain, and his heart cannot be released, only buried in the deepest part of his heart.

School violence is something that many people have experienced firsthand, and the feeling of being treated maliciously by everyone is desperate.

Even when they are adults, looking back on their previous experiences still feels like a "nightmare."

Many people have not been able to walk out, even under the treatment of psychologists, it still has little effect.

2. My aunt died

Later, after his aunt's death, he transferred to a private school in the sixth grade.

Here I met an enlightened teacher who had the opportunity to start over.

The teacher asked him to speak on stage, and liu Xuezhou's outstanding ability made him a class cadre.

He became more communicative with people, and people became cheerful and outgoing.

Even when bullied, he learned to resist.

Liu Xuezhou, who found his biological parents, thought he was running towards happiness, but he did not expect it to be desperate

It can be seen that the influence of a good teacher on children is so great.

Perhaps a small compliment in their eyes is an incentive for children to continue to get better.

The words and deeds of teachers can also really affect the behavior of children.

3. He was molested in junior high school

But this comfortable life in school did not last long.

After he entered junior high school, the academic pressure became greater.

The whole person has changed back to the pessimistic and introverted way he used to be.

He met a male teacher, but he did not expect that this person was a "demon".

That night, he didn't know how he got through.

Afterwards he thought about jumping off the building, and the person had come to the edge of the roof.

But thinking of his grandmother, thinking of his dead aunt, he went on crying.

In the days that followed, he was threatened by the male teacher.

Liu Xuezhou, who found his biological parents, thought he was running towards happiness, but he did not expect it to be desperate

Therefore, not all teachers can be called teachers, and such teachers who are superficially serious and beastly should be punished by the law.

Liu Xuezhou's inner collapse was nowhere to be found, but he was really trying, and he wanted to live well.

He tried to make himself happy, but found it in vain.

At this time, he remembered what the villagers had said before, and the rumors he had heard since he was a child: Liu Xuezhou was not born to his parents.

Maybe it's to give yourself a hope, or to give yourself the hope of living.

He found his grandmother and confirmed the matter to her.

Liu Xuezhou, who found his biological parents, thought he was running towards happiness, but he did not expect it to be desperate

As he expected, he was indeed not the biological child of his parents.

The scenes that had been pointed out by the villagers suddenly had an answer at this moment.

But he didn't know if he had been abducted or abandoned by his parents.

Looking at the elderly grandmother, he did not ask these words.

4. Bumpy road to find relatives

Liu Xuezhou wanted to know who his parents were and wanted to ask what was going on.

So he registered his information on the "Baby Come Home" volunteer website.

Because I always brushed the video of the abducted child and the parents recognizing each other, I saw the expressions of both sides crying with joy and excitement.

Liu Xuezhou is also looking forward to meeting his biological parents.

With the efforts of many parties, Liu Xuezhou found his father.

After meeting his parents, he was very excited.

He also expressed his feelings many times on social platforms.

Liu Xuezhou, who found his biological parents, thought he was running towards happiness, but he did not expect it to be desperate

After talking to his father, he said he hadn't sold him.

Liu Xuezhou was very happy, but these words seemed so pale and powerless in the face of facts.

In the testimony of his grandmother and fellow villagers, he knew he had been sold.

His dad later admitted, saying the reason was to give the bride price.

Although Liu Xuezhou felt very sad, he felt that he had a father and mother.

Dad sent him a red envelope, and he felt that Dad approved of him.

But getting along with my mother is not as warm as I thought.

Who would have thought that the first person to meet a son who had not seen him in seventeen years would be at another son's grand birthday party.

Even so, Liu Xuezhou was still happy all day for his mother to hold his hand.

But who knew what would happen next was something that no one expected.

After he returned to Shijiazhuang, he looked at the vast world, but he felt so lonely.

He didn't have a place called "Home" to go to.

Liu Xuezhou, who found his biological parents, thought he was running towards happiness, but he did not expect it to be desperate

Looking back on his seventeen years of life, except for the first four years, he has been living in other people's homes.

So on mom's next call, he asked for a home.

Liu Xuezhou's original intention is that whether it is renting a house or buying a house, as long as there is a place of its own.

Unexpectedly, she was strongly opposed by her mother, who thought that Liu Xuezhou wanted to buy a house.

Originally, she had no feelings for him, so she blocked him.

Not only that, but also revealed to some media that Liu Xuezhou wanted to buy a house.

People who do not know the truth think that Liu Xuezhou just wants to hype, and his utilitarianism is very heavy.

They left messages in his comments with the most vicious words.

Liu Xuezhou, who found his biological parents, thought he was running towards happiness, but he did not expect it to be desperate

When the two adults tried to make Liu Xuezhou submit by adult means, no one thought that he was still underage, he was still just a child.

What's wrong with him?

His parents were born without raising, he was innocent.

While others were still spoiled in their parents' arms, he had been forced to grow up.

While others were still figuring out how to ask their parents for pocket money, he was already multi-tasking and even had savings.

5, the loss is regrettable

Liu Xuezhou tried to resist the malice of the world and wanted to use legal means to protect himself.

But he underestimated online violence and overestimated his psychological endurance.

The shadow of childhood has never been cured, and his psychology itself is problematic.

Just born and sold, adoptive father and adoptive mother died, school violence, teachers molested, biological parents blocked... Taking these things out alone is already painful for ordinary people, but Liu Xuezhou has experienced all of this.

Liu Xuezhou, who found his biological parents, thought he was running towards happiness, but he did not expect it to be desperate

He was deep in the darkness, wanting to bask in the sun, and he tried to get rid of those nightmares, but found that they still lingered.

In the early morning of January 24, Liu Xuezhou posted his life on the Internet.

Many kind netizens were very anxious after seeing it, and immediately called the police to save this poor boy.

But it was still a step too late, and the boy was found by well-wishers and sent to the hospital, but the rescue was ineffective and left this world forever.

Looking at his previous Weibo, it is not difficult to find that he is a very good boy, and the number of his awards is amazing.

He was full of love, and in his suicide note, he also left half of his savings to the orphanage.

Through Liu Xuezhou's experience, everyone lamented that not all parents love their children.

Since you are not ready to be a parent, do not bring your child into the world.

How unfair is it for him to let him struggle in this world?

Liu Xuezhou, who found his biological parents, thought he was running towards happiness, but he did not expect it to be desperate

The last straw that overwhelmed Liu Xuezhou was, in addition to the selfish indifference of his parents, there was also online violence.

The Internet is not a place outside the law, and everyone should be responsible for their words and deeds after making their own statements.

You may think it's just a simple sentence, but the cumulative damage of thousands of curse words is enormous.

Unknown full picture, no comment. It's something that everyone should do.

May Liu Xuezhou go all the way and be born in a happy and reunited home in the next life!

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