
The five deadliest "emotional death pits" of men, accounting for more than two, he will love you to the bone!

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The five deadliest "emotional death pits" of men, accounting for more than two, he will love you to the bone!

Author: Seven Seven

Original works, plagiarism must be investigated!


Backstage often receives many female readers and friends crying that they have cheated on their feelings because of a man, or because their boyfriend betrayed himself and did something sorry for himself, it is difficult to believe in men and it is difficult to believe in love anymore.

However, in my opinion, don't let those bad things affect yourself, we still have to believe in love as always, only when you believe in love, you can have the opportunity to meet love, only when you have a good heart, can you have the opportunity to meet the beautiful.

And forget which article once saw such a sentence, women's real life is from the "love" formally started, although love will make female friends hurt, but the same love will also make female friends grow, will also make a girl's psychological growth more mature, but also make a girl degenerate more like a real woman.

Therefore, dear sisters, do not dare to take the step towards love because you are afraid of being hurt, and do not dare to take the step towards love because you have been hurt, we should all learn to love someone bravely, and learn to accept a feeling calmly.

Especially in love, female friends just have the privilege of meeting a male friend who really loves himself, has himself in his heart, and has a sincere feeling for himself, if the female friend just happens to like this male friend, has a good feeling for the male friend, and is more interested in the male friend, then it may as well be brave and bold to love.

Know that love is the best nutrition for female friends, otherwise you will often hear many people say that women in love are the most beautiful. I know that maybe when a love really comes, many female friends in real life will have such concerns and worries, this male friend in front of him, is he really fond of himself, is he sincere with himself, will he be fooled into feelings, and whether he is his "true destiny" in the end?

In the end, want to know whether male friends really like themselves, or cheat on their feelings, just want to play with themselves, mainly depend on the clues in the process of daily interaction between the two of you, after all, love or non-love is very different, male friends on their own performance and actions are not deceived. In the feelings, a man who really likes a woman, has a woman in his heart, and has true feelings for women, will have the following 5 obvious performances, even if it is only one, proving that men are really in love with women, and even for women have reached the point of "love to the bone", are you in the middle?

The five deadliest "emotional death pits" of men, accounting for more than two, he will love you to the bone!


First, be careful and gentle with you

As we all know, most of the male friends in real life are relatively thick lines, very heroic and strong, and some will bring a hint of rudeness, after all, male friends and tender female friends are very different, they often get along with other people's mode is more direct, talking is also used to going straight, sometimes the temper comes up, the emotions are overexcited, and they will talk very loudly, and even the two sides will quarrel and use force.

However, once male friends like women, have women in their hearts, and when they have true feelings for women, they will begin to become gentle and considerate, and they will be more careful to women, and even male friends will even chat with women in a way that they use consultative methods, and sometimes they will like to say some sweet words to women, and sometimes they will like to say some murmurs to women.

Maybe male friends have not been so gentle and careful to themselves as women, to know that once male friends, never cared about themselves as much as they cared about women, and never cared about themselves as much as they cared about women, but today's male friends, always can't help but want to care about women, always involuntarily want to consider this for women, consider that, always like to care about and worry about the details of women's lives, just like women's fathers, will not help but care for women, Caring for women's health, caring about women's daily lives, anyway, caring about all things women have, and will also treat women as if they were their own precious daughters.

The five deadliest "emotional death pits" of men, accounting for more than two, he will love you to the bone!

Second, it is very easy to be jealous of you

Often listen to many people around to say that once a female friend falls in love, once he likes a man, it is easy to become a vinegar jar, become very easy to love jealousy, just so-called, the eyes can not tolerate sand, female friends will become intolerant of their loved men and other opposite sex around them have too much contact or contact, do not allow their boyfriends or husbands to get too close to other women.

Similarly, once a male friend falls into love, once he likes a woman, he will become very easy to love jealousy, especially like to eat the vinegar of his beloved woman. After all, gender psychology has been mentioned above, and love is such that people are possessive, which is the same for both men and women.

For the people we love, each of us is very concerned in our hearts, we are very possessive, we all want to privatize our beloved people, we can't allow other people of the opposite sex to get close, we can't tolerate other people's eyes, and we can't be touched by other people, especially for male friends who are particularly possessive, the person who loves the most in the heart is very possessive, and the women who love the mouth of male friends can only be close to male friends. Can only have too much contact and contact with male friends, women can only belong to their own, others even look at one more, they can not accept, will be angry and jealous, this is the real love of a person will have a performance ah!

The five deadliest "emotional death pits" of men, accounting for more than two, he will love you to the bone!


Third, I am very generous to you

Nowadays, which person's money in society is earned by their own hard work, which person's money is not blown by the wind, so each of us will be distressed about our own money, this is a very normal thing, unless there is an emotional connection or interest relationship, otherwise no one will be willing to take the initiative to spend money for others, male friends are even more so.

Especially in the original, there are some male friends with a more stingy personality, or male friends who work very hard, usually reluctant to spend money on themselves in daily life, and they are reluctant to spend money on other friends or brothers around them, but since male friends meet female friends and fall in love with female friends, they have become very generous and generous to their beloved women.

Not only are you willing to give your hard-earned money to female friends, to female friends to spend, but also to female friends are very willing, what is willing to buy for female friends, even when female friends spend male friends' money, male friends will never feel distressed, and will never worry about female friends, then it is enough to show that like this kind of male friends, is really like female friends, there are female friends in the heart, the female friends have moved the heart, moved the true feelings, and must be cherished when encountered!

The five deadliest "emotional death pits" of men, accounting for more than two, he will love you to the bone!

Fourth, willing to stick to your side

To know that in real life, the personality of many male friends, people are very free, but also informal, maybe each of them in the absence of meeting their favorite people, did not meet their true love, will not care about what children love, will not suddenly care about what love for someone, but also like to laugh at their brothers around them, how big boys, since they will cry for a woman to die and live, how to be as clingy as a little woman.

However, once a male friend meets a female friend, likes a female friend, and falls in love, he may not even think of the male friend himself, the original self can also care so much about feelings, can also be so clingy as a small woman, and will be so obsessed with the so-called love and love, so concerned about the tension of such a person, the heart of the male friend is to stick to the side of the female friend, is to want to be with the female friend tired, and even not willing to be separated from the male friend at all.

No matter where female friends go, where they go, male friends want to follow the female friends, accompany their beloved people around, because male friends love female friends, female friends seem to suddenly become male friends of the magnet magnet, has been strongly attracted to the eyes of male friends, male friends' hearts are deeply attracted by female friends.

The five deadliest "emotional death pits" of men, accounting for more than two, he will love you to the bone!


Fifth, willing to obey your orders

Some people say that in the world of most single male friends, they themselves are equivalent to the existence of "heaven", to put it bluntly, male friends are the protagonists in their own lives, that is, the most important people in their hearts, they often only do things according to their own inner thoughts, and they are not willing to listen to other people around them, nor will they ask for anyone else.

Think about it, it seems to be oh, but once the male friend really likes the woman, once in love, slowly the male friend will find that the original female friend is so important to himself, suddenly become the most important person in his heart, suddenly become the protagonist in his own life, the original female friend has occupied a very important position in his heart, and even without exaggeration, the female friend has become everything he has.

Therefore, male friends will regard female friends as very important and precious, male friends are willing to circle around female friends alone, willing to bow their heads and be soft in front of female friends, and even male friends are willing to obey female friends, willingly listen to female friends, just so that they can make their beloved woman happy, can make her feel happy.

Even no matter what kind of words female friends say to male friends, male friends will willingly listen, to say more serious words, there may be times, even when female friends call male friends to the east, male friends will obediently go east, female friends call male friends to the west, male friends will obediently go west, as if the words of female friends as a holy will to treat.

If female friends are fortunate enough to meet this kind of male friend, do not think that male friends this person does not have half an opinion, how to always be so obedient to themselves, in fact, male friends are not without opinions, mainly because they love female friends too much, care too much about female friends, in fact, male friends will only do this to female friends, but the female friends are very important, even more important than their own people.

The five deadliest "emotional death pits" of men, accounting for more than two, he will love you to the bone!

The writer Tong Hua said such a sentence in "Step by Step": My heart is a stone, and I can't turn it. My heart is full of bandits, and I can't roll it up. Death and life are broad, and Zi Cheng said. Holding the son in the hands of the year, with the son with the first thought.

All in all, in real life, a truly happy and beautiful love is very rare and precious, but also unattainable, not everyone can get it, there may be times, when they want to have love, the more they can't get love, but when they don't have so much desire in their hearts, when they don't look forward to love, maybe love will suddenly appear in front of them, maybe it??

No matter what, in my opinion, the most precious thing in the world is not how many people love themselves, how many people chase themselves, but because they can have such a person who really loves themselves, puts themselves in their hearts, and is sincere to themselves.

Dear girls, if you have such a person around you who really likes himself and is willing to be consistent with himself, then remember to grab each other well, bravely meet his own love, don't miss the people who like him, don't leave regrets for yourself, and don't let yourself regret it!


Today's topic,

What happens when a man falls in love with someone?

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Author Introduction: Other people's seven seven, self-media bloggers, 1000+ emotional case researchers, focusing on the study of gender psychology, professional research on gender marriage, welcome to pay attention to me, want to become your most intimate emotional consultant, willing to share an interesting and meaningful life with you, independent and change with you. If you like my text, you may wish to like, forward, and bookmark it!

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