
What determines a child's future achievements is not the poor and the rich, but the upbringing!

  Xia Junzun said: "Education without love is like a lake without water." ”

In other words: education is love, it is here to wait for a long time, and to keep the lamp and the door.

A son born into a rich family, the parents can not let him live like a child of a poor family, half hungry and half full;

And a daughter born in a poor family, her parents can not let her live like a rich child, wearing gold and silver, and wanting the wind to be windy and rainy.

In fact, as long as we open the history of ancient and modern China and foreign countries, and look at those great people or outstanding people who have made achievements, it is not the result of poor and rich cultivation, but the result of education!

Both Sima Guang and Zeng Guofan have lit a lamp of wisdom for China in the upbringing of its descendants.

In particular, Zhuge Liang's teaching son is written with a long heart and a deep meaning:

"Quiet to cultivate the body, frugality to cultivate morality." There is no clarity without tranquility, and there is no distance without tranquility. Husbands must learn to be quiet, and only then must they learn. Non-learning cannot be widely talented, and non-ambition cannot be learned. Obscene cannot be energetic, and dangerous cannot be smelted. ”

Although there is a word "frugality" in the godson, it is by no means the meaning of "poor maintenance", it can be said that frugality is an eternal virtue embodied in a person, whether he is poor or rich, whether he is a man or a woman!

It can be seen that parenting is to let a person from a young age, is the most basic standard of "yes" and "no" that must be understood, and it is the facts and common sense that must be understood;

Upbringing is the elegance and calm beauty of a person's inner good character cultivation reflected on the outside, which can make a person float fragrance from his bones.

Therefore, when a person has a good upbringing, he can behave in a proper manner, advance and retreat, and grasp the balance between trade-offs;

When he succeeds, he can be overjoyed, but he will not get carried away;

In the midst of failure, he can be sad, but he will not be depressed;

For the officials to be rich and noble, not to extinguish the conscience, not to lose the heart of the hidden;

As a cloth man, he will still be proud and cold, and his heart will be pure;

After making a mistake, you will definitely find the crux of the problem from yourself, rather than complaining about the world and shirking responsibility in every way...

What determines a child's future achievements is not the poor and the rich, but the upbringing!

Parenting is not the exclusive property of the rich and the poor, nor is it the private possession of the poor, but a priceless treasure that any family or parent or teacher can give to the child, and a lamp of wisdom created for the child's spiritual world.

The child is born in a poor family, has a culture, he knows how to base himself on reality and develop himself;

The child was born into a rich family, has a culture, and he knows how to use his advantages to open up the future.

Therefore, parenting is to cultivate the soul of children as adults, the basis for educating children to become mature, and a systematic project for children to develop comprehensively in terms of mind and body.

Just want to go through the shortcut of poor or rich, the sword takes the side, it seems strange, thinking that you can win by surprise, and the result is often the opposite!

Educating children is a science, and it is not something that can be covered by "poor and rich";

Educating children is a kind of wisdom and a test of parenting for their own parents!

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