
The parents are average in height, and the son is 168cm tall at the age of 11, which is the result of the parents' efforts from 3 aspects

The parents are average in height, and the son is 168cm tall at the age of 11, which is the result of the parents' efforts from 3 aspects

Babies from birth to growth, in their growth process, often develop a lot of "small habits".

It's just that there are some habits that are very unfavorable to them, such as a problem of chewing fingernails that can often be seen in life.

Parents know that this behavior is a "bad habit", but some children always seem to put their hands in their mouths without listening. There may be some children who do not take the initiative to nibble their nails, but unconsciously put their hands to their mouths in life.

The parents are average in height, and the son is 168cm tall at the age of 11, which is the result of the parents' efforts from 3 aspects

How big is the difference between "biting your finger" and "not biting your finger" babies when they grow up?

Doctors pointed out that this bad habit not only affects the child's physical development, but also often affects the child's mental health.

In daily life, the hands are the most frequently used body organs, we will use our own hands to touch a variety of objects in life, especially in the nails will also remain a variety of bacteria.

The parents are average in height, and the son is 168cm tall at the age of 11, which is the result of the parents' efforts from 3 aspects

Although the child's fingernail-biting behavior is a subconscious action, in essence, it is also a very unclean and unhygienic behavior.

Especially in the current virus-ridden situation, in such a special period, if you do not pay attention to self-protection, it is easy to suffer from the invasion of germs, resulting in a variety of diseases. Therefore, allowing your children to develop good habits is also a crucial thing for their health.

The parents are average in height, and the son is 168cm tall at the age of 11, which is the result of the parents' efforts from 3 aspects

★ In fact, nibbling on nails also alludes to a psychological problem

By looking closely, we can find that children who like to nibble their nails in the crowd are often a kind of children who are more introverted.

This type of child, in times of tension, will have some unnatural movements, and when they nibble on their own nails, even if their nails bleed, they will not stop.

Many parents just feel that such a bad habit is not harmful to physical development, but from the perspective of medical experts, this may not be just a bad behavior habit, but more likely to be a stress response due to a psychological disease.

That is, it is a kind of physical innuendo of their inner uneasiness.

The parents are average in height, and the son is 168cm tall at the age of 11, which is the result of the parents' efforts from 3 aspects

There are many ways to let children quit such a bad habit of behavior

Attention "diversion method"

Many children's subconscious actions are often done in a high-pressure state, so if the child has such behaviors and habits as often, then parents can help them divert their attention at the right time.

If your child wants to nibble on his nails when he is nervous, such as during exams, homework, or chatting with others, parents can take their child's hand and stroke the back of his hand to let them take a deep breath and relax. When they don't need to nibble their nails and cope with it, the children gradually stop putting their hands to their mouths.

As long as they can not remember their nail-biting behavior when they are highly nervous, then naturally, such a bad habit will be changed.

The parents are average in height, and the son is 168cm tall at the age of 11, which is the result of the parents' efforts from 3 aspects

The "Communication and Channeling" method

● When children are extremely unstable in their hearts, they often develop such "bad habits".

Therefore, when parents find that their children have such a behavior, they must communicate with them in time.

At the same time, it is necessary to clearly express that you do not have an opinion or rejection of them, but want to understand their thoughts at this time. Then through specific communication and channeling to alleviate their inner uneasiness.

The parents are average in height, and the son is 168cm tall at the age of 11, which is the result of the parents' efforts from 3 aspects

If the child does not know the reason for his nail nibbling, but just unconsciously chews, then this is actually very good to correct:

● When the child is emotionally excited, he can consciously put his hands on the sides of the body or insert them in his pockets, so that the hands are away from the mouth.

Then parents should calm their children's emotions, let them calm down, and think rationally about their own behavior.

If the child is very eager to bite the finger, not to bite is very uncomfortable or even uncomfortable, then this is actually a psychological problem of the child, because the parents have not paid attention to this problem for a long time, so it is difficult for the child to correct it.

Such children's fingernails often have certain deformations or other problems, then parents can take their children to the hospital to check it out, explain the situation to the doctor, let the doctor tell the child about the drawbacks and harms of nail gnawing, channel their psychological problems, and slowly and patiently help them change this habit.

The parents are average in height, and the son is 168cm tall at the age of 11, which is the result of the parents' efforts from 3 aspects

"Caring Kindness" method

It is precisely because they are highly nervous that they will have such knee-jerk behavior, so if some parents adopt the method of persecution, it will only put them in a more high-pressure state.

Especially some more "irritable" parents, seeing their children nibbling nails on the angry scolding, then it is more likely to make the child's self-esteem suffer a certain damage, resulting in inferiority psychology, or resistance, and even secretly behind the parents to nibble nails, and this for children, will also be a lifetime of shadows and harm.

The parents are average in height, and the son is 168cm tall at the age of 11, which is the result of the parents' efforts from 3 aspects

Irritable emotions, on the contrary, are not conducive to children to change their bad habits, and under the "kind care", parents can enter the child's heart, and children will listen to their parents' opinions.

They will know that their parents love and care for themselves, so such a warm atmosphere and environment are more conducive to the healthy growth of children.

The parents are average in height, and the son is 168cm tall at the age of 11, which is the result of the parents' efforts from 3 aspects

Spicy Mom Quotes:

In fact, in many cases, as long as parents give their children more care and love, you can avoid a lot of problems, and this care is best started from the birth of the child. Because the child's growth process will always experience some ups and downs, many times, even a small negligence, may make the child form a bad habit.

Therefore, parents should invest more care and love for their children in their daily lives, and only when parents observe their children attentively can they correct their children's mistakes in time and ensure their healthy and happy growth.

If you want to change your child, of course, you must start by changing yourself. Educating children and guiding children to deal with emotions is never a simple process, and parents need to be patient and lead by example. After all, the road to parenting is a long way to go.

Finally, I recommend a set of genuine children's emotional management books "Children's Emotional Management and Character Cultivation Picture Book" to parents, a full set of 10 books, including many classic picture books that we are familiar with, such as "Mother I Can Do", "Brave to Be Yourself" and so on.

The parents are average in height, and the son is 168cm tall at the age of 11, which is the result of the parents' efforts from 3 aspects

This is a set of "picture books on emotional management and character development" written for children aged 0-6 years old, each book has a typical and clear theme, highly targeted, and covers almost all the personality problems that children may encounter in the process of growing up.

The parents are average in height, and the son is 168cm tall at the age of 11, which is the result of the parents' efforts from 3 aspects

Each story has a different animal as the protagonist, which can attract children's interest in reading, and also meet the cognitive characteristics of the baby, and can also cultivate children's good reading habits.

The parents are average in height, and the son is 168cm tall at the age of 11, which is the result of the parents' efforts from 3 aspects

Now there is a big discount, hurry up and place an order to take this set of genuine books home.

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